2018 WWE Fastlane – AJ Styles v Dolph Ziggler v Kevin Owens v Sami Zayn v Baron Corbin v John Cena – WWE Championship Match – Analysis

Cena heads to the ring first. Followed by Corbin. And now Ziggler. Owens is out next. Sami Zayn out next. And finally AJ Styles.

Cena AA’s all competitors apart from Styles to start the match.

All the competitors now attack Cena.

Styles taking out his opponents one by one.

Styles delivers the Styles clash to Cena.

Corbin goes through a board and takes Ziggler with him out in the WWE Universe.

Cena AA’s Styles through a table.

Owens superkicks Shane McMahon, who is sat at ringside.

As Owens is about to get the win, McMahon pulls the referee out of the ring.

Zayn hits his finisher on Owens, and McMahon pulls him off the pin too.

Cena AA’s Corbin onto the steel steps, pin broke up by Ziggler.

Styles hits the Phenomenal Forearm on Owens to get the win, and retain his title.

WWE Fastlane 2018 – AJ Styles v Dolph Ziggler v Sami Zayn v Kevin Owens v Baron Corbin v John Cena – WWE Championship Match – Predictions & Thoughts


Many people will say that this is going to be the match of the weekend, I would agree, if they get enough time to perform.

There are a lot of very talented superstars in this match and also the chance to start some feuds on the run up to Wrestlemania.

Zayn v Owens seems a certainty for a Wrestlemania feud at this point and that would be a great match.

Styles should retain, or else the whole WWE Universe is going to be disappointed if anybody else does, as that is the match that everybody wants to see.


As much as I would love for either Zayn or Owens to win, it has to be Styles to set up the dream match against Nakamura at Wrestlemania.

This could be a great match, with several talented superstars involved in it.

Question – Who do you think will win?



WWE Smackdown Live Analysis – 06.03.18 – Roode causes Orton to lose, Multiple Fastlane matches made & a fatal five way main event!?

Dasha Fuentes welcomes Charlotte and Ruby Riott to the ring. Liv Morgan and Sarah Logan come out with Riott.

The Riott squad crowd around Charlotte after a heated promo between Charlotte and Flair, but then Bobby Roode’s music plays.

So Roode just came out to go and sit at ringside for Randy Orton v Jinder Mahal, bit weird considering it was in the middle of a women’s promo.

Orton threw Mahal into Roode, who was sat at ringside. Roode gets up on the apron, Mahal hits Orton into him hits his finisher and gets the win.

Becky Lynch beats Carmella, in a match dominated by Carmella, with a submission per usual. After the match a backstage promo between Natalya and Naomi resulted in a match being made on Sunday between the four. Natalya and Carmella v Becky Lynch and Naomi.

AJ Styles says in a promo he is fighting for the WWE Universe at Fastlane.

Styles and Ziggler ended up having a pretty long match, with back and forth action throughout. The match is ended early as Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn attack them both mid match. Styles and Ziggler fight back.

Shane McMahon comes out and makes Zayn v Owens v Styles v Ziggler v Baron Corbin now.

Zayn wins the match after he hit his finisher on Owens and pinned him, much to the shock of everyone.



WWE Smackdown Live Analysis – 27.02.18 – Zayn and Owens fallout again? Shinsuke Nakamura builds momentum & a sixth man added to the Fastlane main event?!?!

John Cena opens the show.

Cena wants to be in the WWE Championship match at Fastlane.

Shane McMahon comes out.

McMahon welcomes Cena back.

Chants of: “Lets go Cena, Cena sucks.”

Crowd wants Rusev.

Daniel Bryan interrupts McMahon.

Bryan shakes both of their hands.

Cena has to beat AJ Styles to get into the match.

Sami Zayn faces Baron Corbin next.

Zayn walks to the ring alone.

Kevin Owens is on commentary.

Corbin now heads to the ring.

Shoulder tackle by Corbin takes Zayn down.

Corbin throws Zayn around the ringside area.

Corbin and Zayn brawling outside of the ring.

Corbin runs into the steel ring post.

Corbin chokeslams Zayn.

Clothesline by Corbin, Zayn escapes at two.

Corbin throws Zayn onto the announce table.

Tornado DDT by Zayb, kickout at two.

Dolph Ziggler kicks Owens in the head from behind.

Corbin hits the end of days to get the win.

Ziggler zig zags Corbin.

Naomi v Ruby Riott up next.

Riott squad out first.

Becky lynch out next.

Followed by Charlotte.

And now Naomi.

Naomi slaps Riott.

All six members now squaring off.

Riott has Naomi in a submission as we get back from an ad break.

Both superstars kick each other in the head at the same time.

Naomi dropkicks Riott.

Naomi kicks Riott in the head after jumping off the ropes.

Riott throws Naomi into the top turnbuckle.

Riott hits her finisher and gets the win.

Apparently the New Day are on their way to the ring to renew their rivalry with the Usos.

And New Day are now heading to the ring.

Kofi Kingston says the Usos pushed them to their limits.

New Day confident they will win the belts.

The Usos interrupt them.

Usos talking about how hard they have worked to get to were they are.

Usos say it is their time for Wrestlemania this year.

Big E says they will become five time champs at Fastlane.

The Bludgeon Brothers interrupt them.

They get into the ring with hammers.

All five men exit the ring.

Rusev and Aiden English now in the ring.

Shinsuke Nakamura now comes out.

Nakamura is facing English.

Knee drop by Nakamura.

Rusev attacks Nakamura from behind.

Nakamura throws Nakamura off his shoulders.

Nakamura dropkicks English.

Multiple kicks to the chest by Nakamura.

Nakamura knees English in the chest.

Nakamura hits his finisher and gets the win.

Cena now comes out as Nakamura’s match ends.

Styles now comes out too.

Cena beats Styles down.

Tornado DDT by Cena, Styles escapes at two.

Cena lands the five knuckle shuffle.

Styles drops Cena’s neck on his knee.

TKO by Cena, Styles escapes at two.

Spinning powerbomb by Styles, Cena kicks out at two.

Facebuster by Cena, Styles kicks out at two.

Styles kicks Cena in the head.

Styles delivered the Styles clash during the break.

Cena also hit an AA during the break, both kicked out.

Styles clotheslines Cena.

Cena locks in the STF, Styles escapes.

Phenomenal forearm, Cena escapes at two.

Cena AA’s Styles.

Cena runs into the steel steps.

Cena AA’s Styles through the announce table.

Styles gets back into the ring at the count of nine.

Styles locks in his submission move, Cena reverses into an AA and gets the win.

Owens and Zayn now come out.

Corbin attacks Cena from behind.

And Ziggler joins in too.

Seems Ziggler, Cena and Styles are faces. Owens, Zayn and Corbin heels.

Ziggler attacks Styles.

Cena AA’s Ziggler.

The show ends as it looked like Styles was going to phenomenal forearm Cena.


WWE Smackdown Live Analysis – 20.02.18 – Three title matches made for Fastlane, Zayn helps Owens & Corbin v Styles

Renee Young opens the show.

She introduces AJ Styles.

Crowd chanting his name.

Styles going through how he could lose his belt.

Baron Corbin interrupts Styles.

Corbin says Styles is looking at the new WWE Champion.

Kevin Owens interrupts now.

Owens says he doesn’t need Sami Zayn.

Shane McMahon interrupts Owens.

Crowd chanting his name.

McMahon makes Corbin v Styles for the main event.

Owens will face Dolph Ziggler.

Ziggler beats down Owens early on.

Dropkick by Ziggler.

And again.

And now one whilst Owens is on the apron.

Owens throws Ziggler into the side of the ring.

Ziggler suplexs Owens.

Cannonball by Owens to Ziggler in the corner, kickout at two.

DDT by Ziggler.

Owens goes shoulder first into the steel ringpost.

Elbow drop off the top rope by Owens.

Famouszer by Ziggler, Owens escapes at two.

Zig zag by Ziggler, Owens escapes at two.

Sami Zayn comes out.

Owens superkicks Ziggler during the distraction to get the win.

Zayn walks off clapping.

Jinder Mahal now in the ring.

He is interrupted by Bobby Roode.

Roode says Mahal cannot beat him in a fair fight.

Roode says he is not scared of Mahal.

Randy Orton interrupts them.

Orton and Roode work together to get rid of Mahal.

Orton goes for an RKO, Roode reverses it into a glorious DDT.

Mahal comes back and attacks Roode.

Daniel Bryan and Shane McMahon arguing again backstage.

Charlotte heads to the ring.

Becky Lynch joins her.

And now Naomi.

And now the Riott Squad.

Leg drop by Lynch.

Naomi and Lynch dropkick Riott and Logan.

Then Charlotte takes out Morgan.

Naomi throws Morgan into the turnbuckle.

Moonsault off the top rope by Naomi.

Naomi jumps over the top rope onto Logan and Riott.

Morgan throws Naomi into the steel steps.

Botched Naomi move but somehow Logan ends up on the ground.

Neckbreaker by Charlotte to Logan.

Back to back bexploders by Lynch to Riott.

Lynch locks in the disarmer, Morgan breaks it up.

Riott takes advantage of the distractions to get the win for her team.

New Day v Benjamin and Gable up next.

New Day up first.

Followed by Benjamin and Gable.

Woods clotheslines Gable.

Spinebuster by Benjamin to Woods.

Knee to the head by Benjamin.

Missile dropkick by Woods to Benjamin.

Belly to belly by Big E on Gable.

And again.

Gable now delivers one to Big E.

Gable and Benjamin hit their finisher, but a distraction by Kingston means that there is no pinfall.

Woods pins Benjamin to win the match.

The Bludgeon Brothers now come out.

It appears they will compete next.

They face, you guessed it, local competitors.

Double dropkick by Harper and Rowan.

Now a succession of powerslams to them on the floor.

Double powerbomb.

Double team finisher and Harper and Rowan get the win.

Styles makes his way to the ring.

Followed by Corbin.

Ziggler watching on backstage.

Corbin dominant early on.

Flying forearm by Styles.

Backbreaker by Corbin outside of the ring.

Corbin clotheslines Styles.

Corbin goes straight into the steel ringpost.

Knee to the head by Styles.

Corbin throws Styles over the commentary table.

Phenomenal Forearm by Styles, kickout at two by Corbin.

Powerslam by Corbin, Styles escapes at two.

Corbin hits deep six, but Styles escapes at two.

Phenomenal forearm for the second time, this time Styles gets the three count to win the match.

Styles is attacked by Zayn and Owens.

Corbin beats up Zayn and Owens.



Smackdown Live Analysis – 13.02.18 – Two more men added to WWE Championship match, Charlotte Wins & New Day attempt to break a World Record?!?!

Dolph Ziggler opens the show.

He faces Baron Corbin.

Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens have beaten Corbin up backstage.

Now they head to the ring.

Now they beat up Ziggler.

Corbin comes out and attacks Zayn and Owens.

Zayn and Owens leave both hurt on the floor.

Riott squad now on their way out.

Sarah Logan is competing.

She faces Charlotte.

Becky Lynch also comes out.

As does Naomi.

Grapple game early on.

Charlotte throws Logan across the ring.

Succession of chops by Charlotte.

Suplex by Logan.

Dropkick by Logan.

Clothesline by Logan.

Suplex by Logan.

Natural selection gets Flair the win.

Kevin Owens now heads to the ring.

He faces Baron Corbin.

Owens beats Corbin down early on.

Corbin now gains the upper hand.

Cannonball in the corner by Owens.

Clothesline by Corbin.

And another.

Deep six by Corbin but he cannot get over to cover Owens.

And again but this time Corbin pins Owens and gets the win.

Bobby Roode US Title Open Challenge up next.

Randy Orton answers the challenge.

Jinder Mahal also comes out.

Crowd wants Orton to RKO Mahal.

Orton RKO’s a Singh Brother.

Mahal delivers his finisher to Roode and Orton.

New Day out next.

Big E is attempting to break a pancake record.

Chad Gable and Shelton Benjamin interrupt them.

New Day are not happy that Benjamin and Gable are messing about with their pancakes.

Match made between Gable Benjamin, Kingston and Big E.

Spinning heel kick by Gable to Kingston, who escapes at two.

German suplexs by Gable.

Technical difficulties meant we missed the most of the match.

Ziggler v Zayn up next.

Once again having technical difficulties, if we are not able to cover a lot of the match apologies, there id not a lot more that we can do.

Looks like New Day won the last match-up.

Zayn comes out first.

Followed  by Ziggler.

Ziggler tries to attack Zayn in the corner.

Grapple game early on.

Zayn throws Ziggler from the bottom rope to the middle rope.

Ziggler dropkicks Zayn as he jumps off the top rope.

DDT by Ziggler on Zayn.

Famouszer by Ziggler, Zayn escapes at two.

Zayn hits the top rope as Ziggler is stood on top of it.

Exploder by Zayn to Ziggler off the top rope.

Zig zag by Ziggler, Zayn escapes at two.

Zayn throws Ziggler into the steel ring post.

Superkick by Ziggler and he gets the win.

2015 Royal Rumble Match – The start of WWE’s new Golden Boy? – Analysis & Thoughts!

Match Analysis

The Miz and R-Truth begin the match.

Bubba Ray Dudley enters next.

D by Truth and Dudley.

Dudley eliminates Truth.

Dudley eliminates Truth.

Luke Harper enters next.

Bray Wyatt enters next.

Wyatt eliminates Dudley.

Curtis Axel was meant to enter next but Erick Rowan attacks him from behind.

Rowan eliminates Harper.

Wyatt eliminates Rowan.

The Boogeyman enters next.

Wyatt eliminates Boogeyman.

Sin Cara enters next.

Wyatt eliminates Cara.

Zack Ryder enters next.

Wyatt eliminates Ryder.

Daniel Bryan enters next.

Fandango enters next.

Tyson Kidd enters next.

Stardust enters next.

Bryan eliminates Kidd.

DDP enters next.

Rusev enters next.

Rusev eliminates DDP.

Rusev eliminates Fandango.

Wyatt eliminates Bryan.

Goldust enters next.

Kofi Kingston enters next.

Adam Rose enters next.

Rusev eliminates Rose.

Rusev eliminates Kingston.

Roman Reigns is next to enter.

Reigns eliminates Goldust.

Reigns eliminates Stardust.

Big E enters next.

Damien Sandow enters next.

Rusev eliminates Sandow.

Jack Swagger enters next.

Ryback enters next.

Kane enters next.

Dean Ambrose enters next.

Titus O’Neil enters next.

Reigns and Ambrose eliminate O’Neil.

Wade Barrett enters next.

Cesaro enters next.

Rusev eliminates Big E.

Big Show is the penultimate competitor.

Kane and Show eliminate Ryback.

Show eliminates Swagger.

Dolph Ziggler enters last.

Ziggler eliminates Barrett.

Ziggler eliminates Cesaro.

Show and Kane eliminate Ziggler.

Show eliminates Wyatt.

Kane and Show eliminate Ambrose.

Reigns eliminates Kane and show to win!

The Rock turns up to save Reigns after the match.

Rusev comes back in as he wasn’t eliminated.

Reigns eliminates Rusev.

My Thoughts

You can tell that the WWE Universe clearly weren’t happy with the decision to let Reigns win this Rumble.

There was a severe lack of top stars in this match. I don’t remember seeing Cena, Orton, Rollins, Sheamus and a lot more.

I get the feeling this is where Reigns’ push started to happen, and you can tell the WWE Universe felt that too.

2014 Royal Rumble Match – A legend returns to win! – Analysis & Thoughts

Match Analysis

CM Punk is the first entrant.

Seth Rollins is the second entrant.

Damien Sandow enters next.

Cody Rhodes enters next.

Punk eliminates Sandow.

Kane enters next.

Punk eliminates Kane.

Rusev enters next.

Jack Swagger enters next.

Kofi Kingston enters next.

Jimmy Uso enters next.

Goldust enters next.

Multiple superstars eliminate Rusev.

Dean Ambrose enters next.

Dolph Ziggler enters next.

R-Truth enters next.

Ambrose eliminates Truth.

Ambrose eliminates Jimmy Uso.

Kevin Nash enters next.

Nash eliminates Swagger.

Roman Reigns enters next.

Reigns eliminates Kingston.

Reigns eliminates Ziggler.

Reigns eliminates Nash.

Great Khali enters next.

The Shield eliminate Khali.

Goldust eliminates Rhodes.

Reigns eliminates Goldust.

Sheamus enters next.

The Miz enters next.

Fandango enters next.

El Torito enters next.

Torito eliminates Fandango.

Reigns eliminates Torito.

Cesaro enters next.

Luke Harper enters next.

Jey Uso enters next.

JBL enters next.

Reigns eliminates JBL.

Erick Rowan enters next.

Harper eliminates Miz.

Harper eliminates Jey Uso.

Ryback enters next.

Alberto Del Rio enters next.

Batista enters next.

Batista eliminates Rowan.

Batista eliminates Ryback.

Batista eliminates Del Rio.

Big E enters next.

Rey Mysterio is the last entrant.

Sheamus eliminates Big E.

Rollins eliminates Mysterio.

Reigns eliminates Harper.

Reigns eliminates Cesaro, Rollins and Ambrose.

Kane comes back and eliminates Punk.

Kane chokeslams Punk through a table.

Reigns eliminates Sheamus.


My Thoughts

Decent Royal Rumble match.

Batista returning was always good given there wasn’t any others.

Few NXT callups who are still on the roster now.

CM Punk’s last WWE Rumble 😦


2011 Royal Rumble Match – The biggest Royal Rumble in history – Analysis & Thoughts!

Match Analysis

CM Punk is the first man out for the record 40-man Royal Rumble.

Punk was still a part of the Nexus at this point.

The core come out to attack Punk.

The Nexus come out to defend Punk.

Punk starts off against Daniel Bryan.

Justin Gabriel comes in third.

Bryan eliminates Gabriel.

Zack Ryder is the next man to enter.

Bryan eliminates Ryder.

William Regal enters next.

Ted DeBiase enters next.

John Morrison enters next.

DeBiase eliminates Regal.

Yoshi Tatsu enters next.

Husky Harris enters next.

Chavo Guerrero enters next.

Mark Henry enters next.

Henry eliminates Guerrero.

Henry eliminates Tatsu.

JTG is next to enter.

Michael McGullicuty enters next.

McGullicuty eliminates JTG.

Harris & McGullicuty eliminate DiBiase.

Chris Masters enters next.

David Otunga enters next.

Punk eliminates Bryan.

Punk eliminates Masters.

All members of the Nexus eliminate Morrison.

All members of the Nexus eliminate Henry.

Tyler Reks enters next.

Punk eliminates Reks.

Vladmir Kozlov enters next.

Punk eliminates Kozlov.

R-Truth enters next.

Punk eliminates Truth.

Great Khali enters next.

Khali eliminates Harris.

Mason Ryan enters next.

Ryan eliminates Khali.

Booker T enters next.

Ryan eliminates Booker.

John Cena enters next.

Cena eliminates Ryan.

Cena eliminates Otunga and McGullicuty.

Hornswoggle enters next.

Cena eliminates Punk.

Tyson Kidd enters next.

Cena eliminates Kidd, after he and Hornswoggle AA him.

Heath Slater enters next.

Cena eliminates Slater.

Kofi Kingston enters next.

Jack Swagger enters next.

Sheamus enters next.

Sheamus eliminates Hornswoggle.

Rey Mysterio enters next.

Mysterio eliminates Swagger.

Wade Barrett enters at 30.

Dolph Ziggler enters next.

Diesel enters next.

Drew McIntyre enters next.

Alex Riley is next to enter.

Diesel eliminated by Barrett.

Big Show enters next.

Alex Riley eliminated by Show.

Show eliminates Ziggler.

Show eliminates McIntyre.

Ezekiel Jackson enters next.

Jackson eliminates Show.

Santino Marella enters next.

Alberto Del Rio enters next.

Randy Orton enters next.

Orton eliminates Kingston.

Orton eliminates Sheamus.

Kane is the last entrant.

Kane eliminates Jackson.

Mysterio eliminates Kane.

Barrett eliminates Mysterio.

Miz eliminates Cena after a distraction by Riley.

Orton eliminates Barrett.

Del Rio eliminates Orton to win the 2011 Royal Rumble!

Marella is still in the match.

Del Rio eliminates Marella, and now he has won!


A pretty good Royal Rumble in all honesty. You can tell the eliminations were pretty quick as they tried to fit in all 40 competitors.

I like the part where Nexus dominated the most, as that showed they were a force to be reckoned with, but when it took one man to eliminate almost all of them it was pretty stupid booking.

Miz eliminating Cena could also set up future storylines.

Marella at the end was pretty funny, the whole crowd wanted him to win, but I liked that added comedy at the end.

Question – What are your thoughts on the 2011 Royal Rumble?