WWE RAW Analysis – 19.03.18 – Lesnar beats up Reigns, Strowman needs a partner & the Ultimate Deletion!

Kurt Angle kicks off RAW.

Angle says Roman Reigns is still suspended, and Brock Lesnar will be here later on.

Reigns enters the arena via the crowd.

Reigns says he will not leave the ring until he faces Lesnar tonight.

Security is sent out for Reigns.

Reigns is handcuffed by security.

Reigns attacks them as they try to force Reigns out of the ring.

Lesnar comes out why Reigns is handcuffed.

Lesnar suplexs Reigns, then hits him with a steel chair.

Lesnar continues the assault on Reigns with more suplexs and chair shots.

After a good few minutes of assault, Lesnar finally leaves Reigns alone. That being before he returns and F5’s Reigns.

Reigns is carried out on a stretcher.

Lesnar runs back down to the ring, as Reigns is put onto the stretcher. Lesnar pushes Reigns off the stretcher.

Alexa Bliss heads to the ring now, with Mickie James. She faces Asuka.

Crowd boos Alexa, as she tries to speak. Bliss says her and James were joking around last week. She apologies to Nia Jax. Bliss turns full heel and says she used Nia. Bliss says she can end Asuka’s undefeated streak now Nia isn’t stopping her. Asuka interrupts Bliss.

A match dominated by Bliss, and her throwing Asuka out of the ring for James to attack her outside of it. Bliss is counted out as she walks off with James when Asuka gained momentum. Nia Jax comes out too attack James and Bliss as they walk off. Jax throws James into the side of the ring, and chases Bliss backstage.

Angle makes Jax v Bliss for the RAW Womens Championship at Wrestlemania.

Braun Strowman now heads to the ring.

Strowman says he does not need a partner. He is interrupted by The Bar. They say there is no chance Strowman can beat them alone. Cesaro is now facing Strowman in a match.

Strowman wins the match, which was mainly involving Cesaro dodging Strowman, and Sheamus distractions.

Titus Worldwide and The Revival in a match as we return from the break.

The Revival get the win in a back and forth match. Wilder takes out O’Neil, before they Shatter Machine Apollo.

Bayley and Sasha Banks v Mandy Rose and Sonya Deville up next.

Banks and Bayley have an argument on the mics pre match. Just as it is getting heated Absolution disrupt them.

Absolution get the win over Banks and Bayley, as the two argue and get distracted allowing Deville to kick Bayley for the win.

John Cena up next.

Cena tries to get the crowd excited. Cena calls Undertaker a coward. Cena wants Taker to: “Do something!”

Kane interrupts Cena. Kane chokeslams Cena.

The Miz now heads to the ring. Accompanied by the Miztourage. They are interrupted by Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson. And Finn Balor too.

Seth Rollins comes out for commentary.

Balor gets the win for his team, after a mix up between the Miztourage. They beat Balor up after the match. Rollins goes to the ring, and saves Balor.

Ronda Rousey up next.

Turns out it is only a video package…

Now it is time for the ultimate deletion.

Wyatt is told to follow the music.

The match is as you would expect. Crazy but great.

Not sure how to summarise this, if I were you I would just watch the highlights.

Hardy wins the match after Brother Nero and Senor Bejamin’s distraction.



WWE RAW Analysis – 11.03.18 – Roman Reigns gets suspended, John Cena challenges the Undertaker & Strowman wins a tag-team battle royal alone?!

Kurt Angle opens RAW. Angle says Brock Lesnar has not shown up again, so Roman Reigns comes out. Reigns asking what the repercussions are for Lesnar not showing up for work. Reigns says he feels Vince McMahon is disrespecting him. The camera follows Reigns going backstage to confront McMahon.

McMahon temporarily suspends Reigns.

Absolution are in the ring as we return.  Sonya Deville is facing Sasha Banks. Banks is accompanied by Bayley.

It was a back and forth match, which Banks eventually won after Bayley threw Rose off the ring apron as she tried to distract Banks, Banks locked in the Bank Statement.

Absolution attack Banks post match, with Bayley nowhere to be seen.

Miz TV with special guests Seth Rollins and Finn Balor, up next.

Miz is without the Miztourage tonight.

Rollins is Miz’s first guest for tonight. Followed quickly by Balor.

Miz is trying to get Rollins and Balor to turn on each other.

Balor and Rollins argue after a while, and Miz steps back and laughs as they are about to fight but Balor and Reigns attack him. Rollins then attacks Balor from behind.

The Bar now heading to the ring.

They face the Miztourage.

Bo Dallas and Curtis Axel attack them before the bell.

The Revival now attack the others from behind.

And the Good Brothers join in too.

Titus Worldwide and Slater and Rhyno now join in too.

All the teams teamed up on the Bar, who were forced to retreat.

John Cena is up next.

Crowd are already chanting for the Undertaker.

Cena says he is going to Mania this year as a fan.

Cena challenges the Undertaker to a match at Wrestlemania.

Cena calls Undertaker an egomaniac.

Cena says Undertaker should have one more match.

Elias is now sat in the middle of the ring with a neckbrace on.

Braun Strowman is now backstage asking why he does not have a match at Wrestlemania.

Balor v Rollins up next.

A hard hitting back and forth encounter, with both superstars reversing each others key moves. Balor wins after he rolled up Rollins, as Rollins had superplexed Balor off the top rope.

Asuka now heads to the ring.

Alexa Bliss interrupts Asuka, along with Mickie James.

Bliss and James mock Asuka.

Asuka says she wants to face the best champion in WWE.

Bliss and James attack Asuka.

Angle makes Asuka v James during the break.

Asuka kicks the steel ring post, and James exploits it.

Asuka finally locks in the Asuka lock, and gets the win.

Nia Jax is in action next.

She faces an unknown competitor.

Jax wins in roughly 30 seconds.

Bliss and James are talking crap about Jax as she watches them do it whilst in the ring.

Jax runs backstage after hearing what was said.

Bliss and James run off.

Jax destroys the backstage area.

We are now seeing more of the Hardy compound.

Wyatt tells Hardy to run.

Up next is a tag-team battle royal between all the teams who attacked the Bar before, to see who will challenge them at Wrestlemania.

All the teams are in the ring, and Braun Strowman comes out.

Strowman is in the match.

Strowman eliminates Crews. And now Slater. The Revival eliminate Rhyno.

Strowman being attacked on the outside with steel steps.

Dallas eliminates Dawson. Axel eliminates Wilder. Strowman eliminates O’Neil. And now Gallows. And now Axel and Dallas. And finally Gallows.


WWE RAW Analysis – 05.03.18 – First ever symphony of destruction match, Ronda Rousey’s Wrestlemania match made & Bayley turns heel?!

The analysis will be similar to what last week’s was today. Will most likely remain that way too.

Kurt Angle opened the show and he wanted to fight Triple H. Then Stephanie McMahon came out and reminded Angle of his responsibilities. Then Ronda Rousey came out to a huge pop from the WWEV Universe. Followed by Triple H. The four had an argument, during which Rousey said she would like to fight McMahon at Mania, to which McMahon said she is not a member of the active roster. Then Angle reminded both Triple H and McMahon that they are both on the roster and made the Wrestlemania match of Angle and Rousey v Triple H and McMahon. Triple H attempted to punch Angle and failed and it resulted in him being locked into the ankle lock. Rousey samoan dropped McMahon.

Asuka v Nia Jax followed, which resulted in Jax tapping out to an armbar. Later on in the night Alexa Bliss attempted to try and make Jax feel better, but if anything it made her feel worse and cry.

The Revival then lost to the Bar, which means they won’t get a shot at the tag-team titles at Wrestlemania.

John Cena then came out and talked about how he will be the WWE Champion next Sunday, and he wants to face Shinsuke Nakamura and AJ Styles at Wrestlemania. He was then interrupted by Goldust. There was then a match between the two, which Cena won with ease.

Bayley then battled Mandy Rose, with Absolution at ringside. Bayley won the match, but was attacked by the group immediately after it was over. Sasha Banks came out and saved Bayley and then wanted a hug. Bayley pushed her away and walked off.

Bray Wyatt then beat Rhyno again, in a quick match. After the match he called out Matt Hardy. Hardy came on the screen and says there is only one place for them to fight, the Hardy Compound, to which the majority of the crowd erupted. No idea yet as to when we will see that match happen.

Braun Strowman then faced Elias in a symphony of destruction match. Strowman crushed Elias, meaning that he had to leave on a stretcher after Strowman dropped a piano over him and hit him on the back with a cello.

The Miz was then in the ring to host the Mizzies, but was interrupted by firstly Seth Rollins. And then Finn Balor. It resulted in a three on two handicap match with the Miztourage taking on Balor and Rollins. Balor and Rollins had some disagreements during the match, but ended up winning it. Angle then comes out and announces Miz will face Rollins and Balor at Wrestlemania.

Paul Heyman comes out to end the show, but is interrupted by Roman Reigns. Heyman announces that Brock Lesnar will be at RAW next week. Reigns says Lesnar better come ready for a fight.





WWE RAW Analysis – 26.02.18 – Ronda Rousey’s official debut, The Miz has two matches & Bayley and Sasha fail to team together again

Just a disclaimer, I was not able to stay up last night to watch RAW, so this is just a brief overview of what happened going off the order that the clips are in on the WWE YouTube page.

RAW started with Alexa Bliss coming out, she talked about herself and then Asuka came out when her name was mentioned.

Nia Jax then came out, attacked Bliss and Mickie James, before the numbers games caught up with her.

Bayley and Sasha Banks then came out, yet those two were also laid out by Jax, Bliss and James.

This led to a match, notably when Banks wanted to tag Bayley, she jumped off the apron yet she helped Asuka when she was in trouble.

Asuka, Bayley and Banks got the win in that match.

John Cena then came out and addressed why he had been a failure.

He teased an Undertaker match at Wrestlemania, but then said it won’t happen and he will be on Smackdown Live tomorrow night, in order to get a Wrestlemania match.

Bray Wyatt then faced Heath Slater and Rhyno and won.

He later blamed Matt Hardy for him beating up two innocent men.

(Going off course a bit here, but the storyline doesn’t make sense if I don’t)

The Miz says that he is undervalued at WWE and he should be in the main event of Wrestlemania.

Seth Rollins interrupts him and a match is set up, Kurt Angle saying it’s a likely Wrestlemania opponent.

Rollins beats Miz and then Finn Balor is sent out.

The Miztourage attack Balor pre-match, but Gallows and Anderson come out to help him out.

All four are then banned from ringside, and Balor beats Miz.

Roman Reigns then comes out and says Brock Lesnar is not there tonight and slates Lesnar for not caring about anything to do with the WWE.

Reigns got a good response from it and to be fair it was a great promo.

Yet again shows Lesnar is not really bothered about WWE.

Sheamus and Cesaro then faced Apollo Crews and Titus O’Neil in a two our of three falls match.

Sheamus and Cesaro won the match 2-0, getting the first pin with a brogue kick instantly on the bell.

Elias then dedicates a song for Braun Strowman, only to be distracted by him eventually.

Elias attacked Strowman with a fire extinguisher and was disqualified.

Strowman then threatened to throw Elias through the announcers table, only for Elias to run off.

Finally, Ronda Rousey and Kurt Angle had to explain themselves to Triple H and Stephanie McMahon.

Angle says he was lying last night when he said Triple H and Steph were going to take advantage of Rousey, as she had embarrassed them a couple of Wrestlemanias ago.

At the end of the heated exchange, Triple H punched Angle as he left the ring.



2018 WWE Elimination Chamber – First ever seven man Chamber Match – Winner faces Brock Lesnar at Wrestlemania – Analysis

Elias is sat in the middle of the ring.

Elias getting a good response from the crowd.

Crowd starts to distract him.

He tells them to shut their mouths.

Braun Strowman interrupts him.

Elias gets locked in his pod before Strowman can reach him.

Strowman locked in a pod now too.

John Cena out next.

Roman Reigns enters next.

He will be the final one in a pod.

The Miz now heads to the ring.

Followed by Seth Rollins.

And now Finn Balor.

Miz wants to ‘too sweet’ Balor.

Balor and Rollins work together to throw Miz out of the ring.

Balor dropkicks Rollins.

Rollins drops Balor on his knee.

Falcon arrow by Rollins, Miz escapes at two.

John Cena enters next.

Cena and Rollins facing off in the middle of the ring.

Double five knuckle shuffle by Cena on Miz and Rollins.

Slingblade by Balor on Miz.

Neckbreaker by Miz on Rollins.

Rollins suplexs Miz off the top rope, as Cena does the same to Balor.

Roman Reigns enters next.

Miz DDT’s Rollins, kickout at two.

Miz kicks all other four opponents repeatedly in the chest.

Succession of clotheslines by Reigns to Miz.

Ten clotheslines in the corner by Reigns to Balor.

Samoan drop by Reigns to Cena.

Braun Strowman enters next.

Strowman beats down everyone, Miz runs off from him.

Strowman suplexs Rollins and Cena.

Strowman chases Miz around the ring.

Both climb the cage.

Strowman throws Miz off the top of the pod onto the other competitors.

Strowman waits for Elias to come out.

Strowman slams Miz and eliminates him.

Elias now enters the match.

Elias locks himself back in the pod.

All the other competitors beat down Strowman.

Shield bomb by all other members, Strowman kicks out.

AA by Cena to Strowman, who kicks out.

Spear on Strowman, who kicks out again.

Rollins stomps Strowman.

Coupe de grace to Strowman.

Cena AA’s Reigns.

Elias now comes out.

Elbow drop by Elias to Rollins, who escapes at two.

Elias powerbombs Reigns, who kicks out at two,

Powerslam by Strowman and he eliminates Elias.

Strowman slams Cena and eliminates him.

Coupe de grace by Balor to Strowman, kick out at two.

Coupe de grace by Balor to Reigns.

Slam by Strowman to Balor and he is eliminated.

Rollins and Reigns now teaming on Strowman.

Rollins throws Reigns into the cage.

Rollins throws Reigns into the corner.

Superman punch by Reigns out of the corner.

Samoan drop by Reigns to Strowman.

Frog splash off the top of the pod by Rollins, Strowman escapes at two.

Slam by Strowman eliminates Rollins.

Strowman goes crashing through the pod, as Reigns sidesteps him.

Superman punch by Reigns.

And again.

And again.

And a spear.

And again and this time Reigns wins and is going to Wrestlemania.


2018 WWE Elimination Chamber – Male’s Elimination Chamber Match – Winner faces Brock Lesnar at Wrestlemania – Predictions & Thoughts

The male Elimination Chamber match will feature seven superstars for the first time ever.

Many people are reporting that Roman Reigns will win this match and then face Universal Champion, Brock Lesnar, at Wrestlemania.

Last week on RAW the seven superstars in the match competed in a Gauntlet match on RAW, that was the longest ever match on RAW lasting roughly on hours and 50 minutes, with Braun Strowman eventually winning the match.

With Strowman winning that match, it seems like he won’t win this one, as him winning that shows that he can beat the other seven wrestlers.

Seth Rollins lasted over an hour in that match, so he may not feature for as long in this match.

Who Wins?

As much as I want it to be Strowman, I don’t think that it will be.

I also will not be picking Reigns, as I do not want to be predictable.

So to avoid being boring, Seth Rollins will be my pick for this match, as I think after last week on RAW he gained the respect of many people across the globe.

I think Rollins would be a great choice to win the title at Wrestlemania, as he hasn’t been pushed that well in a while now.

Question – Who do you want to win this match?


WWE RAW Analysis – 19.02.18 – The longest match in WWE History!, Tag-Team Champions beaten & Six woman tag-team match

We pay respect to those who lost their lives in the school shooting in Parkland, Florida in America a few days ago.

Roman Reigns kicks off RAW.

It appears the male gauntlet match will open the show.

Reigns says: “It’s my time because I can beat Lesnar.”

Seth Rollins interrupts him.

Match will begin immediately.

Grapple game early on.

This is going on for a while.

Rollins and Reigns square up in the middle of the ring.

We return from the ad break with Reigns in control of Rollins.

Reigns slams Rollins onto the matt.

Slingblade by Rollins.

Rollins clotheslines Reigns over the top rope.

Reigns dropkicks Rollins’ head as he is stuck on the middle rope.

Rollins throws Reigns into the corner.

Reigns superman punches Rollins.

Rollins goes for the frogsplash and misses.

Suicide dive from Rollins out of the middle rope.

He does it again.

Superman punch by Reigns as Rollins was in mid air, kickout at two.

Rollins rolls Reigns up and eliminates Reigns.

Reigns and Rollins fist pump after the match.

John Cena is the next entrant.

Rollins clotheslines Cena as soon as he gets into the ring.

Cena beats Rollins down.

Belly to belly by Cena.

And again.

And a third time, Rollins kicks out at two.

DDT by Rollins, Cena escapes at two.

Cena wants Rollins to get up on his own terms.

Cena running circles around Rollins.

Punch for punch in the middle of the ring.

Cena shoulder tackles Rollins off the apron.

Rollins gets back into the ring at the count of nine.

Cena locks Rollins in the STF, Rollins escapes.

Slingblade by Rollins.

Rollins kicks Cena in the head as he goes for five knuckle shuffle.

Rollins runs into the steel ring post.

Cena runs into the steel steps.

This time Cena hits the five knuckle shuffle.

Frog splash by Rollins, Cena escapes at two.

AA by Cena and Rollins kicks out.

Rollins superplexes Cena off the top rope.

Falcon arrow by Rollins, Cena escapes at two.

Cena locks in the STF again, Rollins reaches the ropes.

Cena locks it in again, same result.

Rollins AA’s Cena, who kicks out.

Cena AA’s Rollins.

Rollins stomps on Cena and gets the win.

Elias enters next.

Elias pins Rollins, who kicks out at two.

Elias beats up Rollins.

Elias continues the beat down after the ad break.

Chops by both competitors.

Superkick by Rollins.

Rollins jumps over the top rope onto Elias.

Elias hits his finisher and eliminates Rollins.

Rollins was in the match for over an hour.

Finn Balor enters next.

Neckbreaker by Elias.

Crowd wants Strowman.

Elias has Balor in a submission.

Succession of clotheslines by Balor.

Balor kicks Elias off the top rope.

Balor dropkicks Elias into the barricade.

Slingblade by Balor.

Clothesline by Elias.

Powerbomb by Elias, Balor escapes at two.

Double foot stomp to the chest by Balor.

Slingblade by Balor.

Dropkick in the corner by Balor.

Coupe de grace by Balor and he eliminates Elias.

The Miz enters next.

The Miztourage comes out, as Miz attacks Balor from behind.

Miz DDTs Balor.

Miz throws Balor out of the ring.

Miz does the Daniel Bryan kicks.

Elbow to the chest by Balor.

Mitourage distract Balor.

Miz throws Balor off the top rope.

Skull crushing finale by Miz and he eliminates Balor.

Braun Strowman is the final entrant.

Miz tires running away from Strowman.

Strowman catches him.

Strowman throws Miz across the ring.

And again.

Strowman dropkicks Miz.

Skull crushing finale by Miz, Strowman kicks out and it throws Miz out of the ring.

Running powerslam by Strowman and he wins the Gauntlet Match.

Strowman powerslams both Bo Dallas and Curtis Axel.

Miz also gets another running powerslam.

And another.

Strowman walks off laughing.

Asuka comes out next.

Nia Jax attempts to attack Asuka from behind.

Samoan drop by Jax.

Followed up by two leg drops.

And a third to the back of the head.

The Bar now heading to the ring.

Titus Worldwide are their opponents.

Accompanied by Dana Brooke.

O’Neil slams Cesaro.

Clothesline by Crews.

Sheamus clotheslines Crews.

Knee to Crews’ head by Sheamus.

Crews rolls up Cesaro and gets the win.

Bray Wyatt now doing a pre recorded promo.

And he is having a war of words with Matt Hardy.

The two laugh at each other at the end.

Sasha Banks now heads to the ring.

Mickie James out next.

Followed by Bayley.

Sonya Deville and Mandy Rose out next.

Accompanied by Paige.

Followed by Alexa Bliss.

Bliss wanted to start but tags herself out when she sees James would have been against her.

Deville and James start the match.

Grapple game early on.

Bayley beats Rose down.

Suplex by Bayley on Rose.

Rose throws Bayley face first off the top rope, botched move.

Bliss slaps Bayley.

Knee to James’ head after a distraction by Rose.

Suplex by Rose on James, botched again.

Spinebuster by Deville on James.

Double knees by Banks to Deville.

Double knees in the corner to Bliss.

Double knees off the top rope to Bliss.

Bliss taps out to the Bank Statement.

Absolution beat up Banks.

And beat up Bayley as she looks to help her.

Absolution look to team up on Bliss, but James saves her.

Finn Balor, The Miz, John Cena, Braun Strowman, Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins & Elias to compete in a Gauntlet Match on RAW ahead of the Elimination Chamber Match

WWE have announced that all seven competitors in the Elimination Chamber Match will compete in a Gauntlet Match, this Monday night on RAW.

It remains to be seen what the point of doing this match is, just seven days before all seven collide again inside the steel structure.

Perhaps they are trying to make one of their stars popular who won’t win the Chamber match, as it is widely reported that Roman Reigns is going to win that match, so pehaps Braun Strowman will win this one.

There is also the possibility of starting some feuds up here before the match itself on Sunday night.

Question – Who do you think wins this match?


RAW Analysis – 12.02.18 – The first entrant in the Elimination Chamber revealed, Banks v Bayley & Who is the final Chamber entrant?

I will not lie to you guys, like last week I will probably be leaving halfway through the show and then watching the YouTube highlights in the morning before I head to University.

It has already been announced that John Cena will open the show.

Cena opens the show, as expected.

Chants of: “John Cena sucks,” as Cena comes out.

Cena says he has to win the Elimination Chamber match.

Cena says he will win the match.

The Miz interrupts him.

Accompanied by the Miztourage.

Miz says this is his year, not Cena’s.

Miz says he will be the first to hold the Universal and Intercontinental Title at the same time.

Cena wants to face Miz tonight.

Loser of the match enters the Elimination Chamber match first.

Dallas and Axel attack Cena.

Miz now accepts the challenge.

Kurt Angle comes out.

Angle eliminates Dallas and Axel from ringside.

Match will get underway.

Miz beats down Cena.

Miz throws Cena into the barricade.

Cena in control now.

Kick to the head by Miz, Cena escapes at two.

Tornado DDT off the top rope by Cena, Miz escapes at two.

Miz has Cena in a submission in the middle of the ring.

Figure four by Miz.

Cena turns it into the STFU.

Miz escapes.

DDT by Miz, Cena escapes at two.

Cena hits the AA, Miz escapes at two.

Miz locks in figure four again.

Cena locks in a crossface, Miz gets to rope.

Skull crushing finale by Miz, Cena escapes at two.

Cena hits the AA off the ropes and gets the win.

Matt Hardy backstage promo and he says he will win the match tonight and enter the Elimination Chamber.

The crowd get behind Hardy’s delete chants.

Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson now heading to the ring.

The Revival attack the Good Brothers from behind.

The match gets underway anyway.

Gallows beats down Dawson in the corner.

Dawson attacks Gallows’ injured knee.

Revival now attacking Gallows’ injured leg.

Superkick by Gallows as Dawson jumped off the top rope.

Spinebuster by Anderson, Wilder escapes at two.

Shatter Machine on Anderson and the Revival pick up the win.

Angle announces Ronda Rousey will sign her contract at the Elimination Chamber.

Angle is angry because the crowd are happy Jordan is injured.

Seth Rollins interrupts Angle.

Rollins does not want to be in a tag-team anymore.

Rollins wants Lesnar and the Universal Championship.

Rollins wants to be added Into the fatal four way match tonight.

Thanks to the crowd Angle adds Rollins to the match tonight.

Bray Wyatt now responding to what Hardy said to him earlier.

Wyatt says he has the world in his hands.

Sasha Banks now heading to the ring.

Bayley is her opponent.

Dropkick by Bayley.

Banks beats Bayley down in the corner.

Double knees by Banks to Bayley, kickout at two.

Banks throws Bayley out of the ring.

Banks dropkicks Bayley as she tried to get back into the ring.

Banks on top early on.

Double knees in the corner by Banks.

Clothesline out of the corner by Bayley.

Bayley beats Banks down in the corner now.

Kick to the head by Bayley.

Bayley misses an elbow drop.

Banks locks in the bank statement, Bayley gets to the ropes.

Bayley throws Banks into the turnbuckle.

Bayley hits her finisher off the top rope and gets the win.

Nia Jax attacks both post match.

Samoan drop on both Bayley and Banks.

Absolution make their way to the ring.

Mickie James next out.

Followed by Alexa Bliss.

Grapple game early on.

Kick to Deville’s head by James.

Double knees to the stomach by Bliss.

Another kick to the head by James.

Neckbreaker by James on Rose.

Rose hits her finisher on James and they get the win.

Now Absolution beat up James.

Bliss saves James.

Elias now in the ring.

Seems the crowd wants to walk with Elias tonight.

Braun Strowman in introduced.

Strowman is singing his own song.

Crowd chanting: “Get these hands.”

The two fight.

Strowman slams Elias.

Strowman hits Elias with a Cello.

Some people on WWE’s Twitter saying it’s a Bass, I’m not sure.

The Bar now heading to the ring.

Roman Reigns comes out next.

He faces Sheamus.

Grapple game early on.

Reigns in control of Sheamus.

Reigns throws Sheamus into the barricade.

And again.

Rolling senton by Sheamus on Reigns outside of the ring.

Grapple in the middle of the ring, Sheamus in control.

Reigns goes shoulder first into the barricade.

Irish curse backbreaker by Sheamus.

Samoan drop by Reigns.

White noise by Sheamus, Reigns escapes at two.

Superman punch by Reigns, Sheamus escapes at two.

Powerbomb by Reigns, Sheamus escapes at two.

Knee to the head by Sheamus, Reigns escapes at two.

Sheamus through into the steel ring post.

Reigns hits Sheamus with a botched spear as he came off the top rope and gets the win.

Bray Wyatt heads to the ring first.

Followed by Matt Hardy.

Followed by Apollo Crews.

Then Seth Rollins.

Finally Finn Balor.

Moonsault off the apron to the floor by Crews, where Wyatt is standing.

Crews gets a kick to the head from Balor.

Rollins superkicks Hardy.

Slingblade by Balor on Rollins.

Wyatt runs into Rollins.

Wyatt clotheslines Hardy.

Running senton by Wyatt, Crews escapes at two.

Hardy is clapping Wyatt.

Side effect by Hardy to Wyatt and Balor.

Rollins jumps out the ring multiple times towards all superstars.

Clothesline by Wyatt sends Rollins flying.

Slingblade by Balor to Wyatt.

Twist of Fate by Hrayd to Wyatt.

Coupe de grace by Balor to Hardy.

Rollins hits his finisher on Balor, Crews breaks up the pin.

Moonsault by Crews, Rollins escapes at two.

Another moonsault by Crews, another two count on Rollins.

Sister Abigaile on Hardy outside the ring.

Balor and Rollins throw Wyatt and Crews off the top rope.

Balor and Rollins both get three counts.

RAW goes off the air before the dispute is settled….



Finn Balor, Matt Hardy, Apollo Crews & Bray Wyatt to face each other tonight, with the winner entering the Elimination Chamber Match!

Tonight on RAW Finn Balor, Matt Hardy, Apollo Crews and Bray Wyatt will go head to head, with the winner entering the Elimination Chamber Match-up, that takes place a week on Sunday.

The participants for the Women’s Elimination Chamber Match have already been announced and so will the men’s after tonight.

Most people seem to think Balor is a certainty to win the match, however it is worth noting that Wyatt won the Elimination Chamber match last year.

John Cena, Roman Reigns, Braun Strowman, The Miz and Elias have already qualified for the match, with Elias entering at number six.

Question – Who do you think will win the fatal-four way?



Why Shinsuke Nakamura winning the 2018 Men’s Royal Rumble was the right choice for WWE

As you will more than likely know by now, Shinsuke Nakamura won the 2018 Royal Rumble Match.

Nakamura was alongside Roman Reigns in the final two of the Royal Rumble, with the large majority of the WWE Universe behind the Japanese superstar.

Since debuting on the main roster, Nakamura is yet to win a title, with his last title the NXT Championship.

Nakamura announced after he had won the Royal Rumble match, that he would face the WWE Champion at Wrestlemania. The current champion is AJ Styles, although he will face Sami Zayn, Kevin Owens and either Dolph Ziggler or Baron Corbin at Smackdown’s next pay-per-view, Fastlane.

The Nakamura v Styles clash in WWE has been teased a few times, so the majority of the WWE Universe would be unhappy if it didn’t happen at this point.

The two did clash when they both wrestled for New Japan Pro Wrestling (NJPW) a few years back.

Had Reigns have won the Rumble match, the WWE Universe wouldn’t have been so happy, as it’s already widely reported that Reigns will face Brock Lesnar for the Universal Title at Wrestlemania.

Reigns is still meant to be a face, however he is still strongly booed by the majority of the WWE Universe.

Most people would have guessed when it went down to a final two of Nakamura and Reigns, that Reigns was going to win so it is good to see WWE not going down the predictable route.

The WWE Universe likes Nakamura and if he does face Styles many will be expecting a great match, to deliver to the hype it will receive.

Other than the obvious people that people would have loved too see return, Daniel Bryan, CM Punk, etc, I cannot think of anybody better than Nakamura to fight for the WWE Title at Wrestlemania.

Question – Who do you think should have won the Men’s Royal Rumble match?


RAW Analysis – 05.02.18 – Tag-Team Title Rematch, Asuka remains undefeated & who will enter number six at Elimination Chamber!?!?

Bray Wyatt is backstage doing a promo.

Now Roman Reigns responds.

Reigns says nobody can stop him becoming Universal Champion.

Wyatt v Reigns will kickoff the show.

Wyatt enters first;.

Followed by Reigns.

Grapple game early on.

Reigns goes shoulder first into the steel ring post.

Wyatt has Reigns in a submission hold.

Clothesline by Reigns.

Wyatt throws Reigns into the steel steps.

Wyatt once again attempts to get Reigns to submit.

Matt Hardy is looking on backstage.

Samoan drop by Reigns.

Wyatt runs into Reigns, who kicks out at two.

Powerbomb at Reigns, Wyatt kicks out at two.

Wyatt avoids a superman punch and throws Reigns to the matt.

Follows it p by jumping on Reigns.

Superman punch by Reigns, Wyatt escapes at two.

Sister Abigail by Wyatt, Reigns kicks out at two.

Spear by Reigns and he wins the match.

Hardy is now in the ring, deleting.

Twist of Fate by Hardy to Wyatt.

Jason Jordan and Seth Rollins are now backstage.

Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson are out as we return from an ad break.

Finn Balor now coming out too.

They face the Revival.

Dawson wants to make it a tag-tea match.

Was meant to be Balor v Wilder.

Balor will team with Anderson.

Dawson beats down Anderson in the corner.

Multiple arm drags by Anderson to Dawson and Wilder.

As we get back from ad-break Dawson attempting to submit Balor.

Stomp to the chest of Dawson by Balor.

Neckbreaker off the middle rope by Anderson.

Spinebuster by Anderson on Dawson.

Slingblade by Balor.

Coupe de grace by Balor and his team wins.

Bayley is backstage with Sasha Banks.

The two have a disagreement.

Mustafa Ali, Cedric Alexander, Tony Nese and Drew Gulak now in the ring.

Gulak clotheslines Alexander off the top rope.

Dropkick by Ali on Gulak.

Tornado DDT by Ali.

Alexander jumps over the top rope at Nese.

Clothesline by Gulak on Ali.

Alexander hits his finisher, and gets the win for his team.

Kurt Angle will reveal who Alexa Bliss defends her title against at the Elimination Chamber, next.

Angle now heads to the ring.

Bayley is the first opponent.

Mandy Rose is the next opponent.

Mickie James is the next opponent.

Sonya Deville is the next opponent.

Sasha Banks is the final opponent.

Nia Jax faces Asuka at the PPV.

Bliss interrupts Angle.

Bliss says it’s not fair she defends her title whilst Lesnar doesn’t.

Bliss accuses Angle of being sexist.

Angle asks the WWE Universe.

Looks like Bliss will defend the title inside the Elimination Chamber.

Asuka v Bayley up next.

Asuka is first out.

Followed by Bayley.

Grapple game early on.

Hip toss by Asuka.

Bayley hits Asuka off the top rope onto the floor.

Bayley throws Asuka into the barricade.

Suplex by Bayley, Asuka kicks out at two

Flying knee by Asuka, Bayley escapes at two.

Kicks to the chest by Asuka.

Asuka locks in the armbar and Bayley taps out.

Asuka shakes Bayley’s hand.

Apollo Crews faces The Miz, next.

Miz heads to the ring first.

Miz delivers a promo.

From this point forward I didn’t watch the full matches, as I was unable to stay up for RAW.

Quick succession of pins by both competitors.

Spinning elbow by Crews.

Crews dropkicks Miz off the top rope.

Clothesline in the corner by Miz.

Suplex by Crews.

Standing shining star by Crews, Miz escapes at two.

Miz hangs Crews up on the top rope.

Skull crushing finale gets Miz the win.

Sheamus and Cesaro now defending their titles against Rollins and Reigns.

Samoan drop by Reigns on Cesaro.

Superman punch by Reigns on Sheamus.

Uppercut by Cesari ti Rollins on the top rope.

Falcon arrow by Rollins, Cesaro escapes at two.

Jordan grabs Cesaro’s foot but when Rollins rolls him up he kicks out at two.

Jordan attacks Sheamus and Cesaro and Rollins and Reigns get disqualified.

Crowd are not happy.

Neither are Reigns or Rollins.

Jordan and Rollins have an argument backstage.

Angle tells Jordan to go home until he is medically cleared.

Nia Jax now facing Vanessa Floyd.

Bourne fighting back.

Jax bulldozes through Floyd.

Jax throws Floyd across the ring.

Standing press by Jax, she then drops Floyd on her head.

Leg drop by Jax, and she gets the win.

Jax says she will beat Asuka.

Mickie James now facing Sonya Deville.

Grapple game early on.

James slaps Deville.

James now beating down Deville.

Kick to the head by James.

James targeting Deville’s nose.

Deville now fighting back.

Rose distracts James.

Deville throws James off the top rope.

Punch for punch in the middle of the ring.

James rolls Deville up and gets the win.

Absolution now beating up James.

Bliss now comes out to save James.

James looks confused.

Elias is now sat in the middle of the ring.

He is singing a song for Strowman and Cena.

Elias says Brock should fear Elias.

John Cena interrupts him.

Match has now started.

Cena and Elias trying to work together to eliminate Strowman.

Strowman is thrown out of the ring

Elias and Cena throw Strowman into the steel ring post.

And now into the steel steps.

Cena now hits Strowman with the steps, Strowman still not down.

Elias hits Strowman with a guitar.

Cena AA’s Strowman onto the steps.

Running powerslam by Strowman.

Elias throws Strowman out of the ring, pins Cena and wins.

Strowman attacks Elias after the bell.

Strowman delivers another running powerslam to Cena.

Crowd wants more powerslams.

Strowman delivers another to Elias.



Bray Wyatt to face Roman Reigns on RAW tonight – Winner enters the Elimination Chamber match!

Roman Reigns will face Bray Wyatt tonight, with the winner joining the Elimination Chamber match.

Last week saw the first three matches, with Braun Strowman, Elias and John Cena the victors, and subsequently booking their place in the match at the end of the month.

Wyatt cost Matt Hardy in his match against Elias last week, so you wouldn’t be crazy to think Hardy may cost Wyatt the match tonight.

Reigns is obviously the clear favourite in this match-up, with some rumours saying that Reigns is already lined up to win the Universal Title at Wrestlemania.

Question – Who do you think will win this match?


RAW Analysis – 29.01.18 – Two title defences, Cena v Balor & Braun flips tables!

We start with what happened at the end of the Women’s Royal Rumble last night, which Asuka won, when Ronda Rousey walked out.

Stephanie McMahon opens RAW.

Roman Reigns challenges the Miz for the Intercontinental Title tonight.

Stephanie welcomes out Asuka.

Stephanie announces Alexa Bliss will defend her title at the Elimination Chamber in four weeks.

Sasha Banks interrupts Asuka.

Banks wants to face Asuka.

Stephanie grants her wish.

Banks v Asuka takes place tonight.

Braun Strowman now heads to the ring.

Strowman throws weapons into the ring.

Strowman to face Kane, winner will go onto the Eliminaton Chamber match for the chance to face Brock Lesnar at Wrestlemania.

RAW has new graphics and they look really nice to be fair.

By time we get back from an ad break, Kane and Strowman are fighting.

The two are now brawling in the crowd.

Strowman hits Kane with a chair.

Strowman pushes a cart into Kane.

Strowman hits Kane with a chair again.

Strowman pushes the announcers table on top of Kane, and the whole stand it’s on too.

Referee stops the match.

Strowman is interviewed by Corey Graves.

Strowman said he’s doing his job.

Prolonged look by Strowman towards Kane, who is stretched away.

Kurt Angle shouts at Strowman for what he’s done.

Elias is now in the ring.

Crowd are behind Elias.

Elias is now singing.

Matt Hardy interrupts Elias.

The two face in an Elimination Chamber qualifying match, next.

The Commentator’s now have a makeshift new commentary position at ringside.

Chops by hardy to Elias in the corner.

Elias beatdown on Hardy in the corner.

Elias throws Hardy’s shoulder into the steel ringpost.

And again.

Headbutts by Hardy.

Elbow to the neck off the top rope by Hardy.

Side effect by Hardy.

Bray Wyatt distracts Hardy.

Elias hits his finisher to win.

Now Wyatt is laughing at Hardy for losing.

Miz faces Reigns for the Intercontinental Title, next.

Miz heads to the ring first.

Followed by Reigns.

Reigns punches Miz as soon as the bell rings.

Miz slaps Reigns, but Reigns isn’t budging.

Reigns throws Miz over the top rope.

Reigns throws Miz into the steel steps.

Reigns gets a steel chair, and as he goes to hit Miz, the referee tells him he can’t.

Miz throws Reigns into the steel ring post.

Reigns clotheslines Miz.

Boot to the face by Reigns.

Knee chop by Miz, as Reigns went for a spear.

Daniel Bryan kicks by Miz.

Figure four by Miz.

Reigns reverses the move on Miz.

Miz gets to the ropes.

Powerbomb by Reigns, Miz kicks out at two.

Miz tries to take off the turnbuckle, but the referee stops him this time.

Skull crushing finale by Miz, Reigns kick out at two.

Reigns goes shoulder first into the steel ring post.

Superman punch, Miz kicks out at two.

The Miztourage come down to ringside to distract Reigns.

Miz retains after rolling up Reigns after multiple distractions by the Miztourage.

The Revival head to the ring.

They face Rhyno and Heath Slater.

Wilder attacking Slater’s left arm.

Dawson continuing that attack.

Chop-block to the knee of Rhyno by Dawson.

Shatter machine, and the Revival pick up the win.

Banks v Asuka up next.

Banks enters first.

Followed by Asuka.

Grapple game early on.

Banks falls to the floor after a hip attack by Asuka.

Beatdown by Asuka thus far.

Grapple on the matt by Asuka.

Double knees by Banks.

Asuka repetitively kicks Banks in the chest.

Double knees on the middle rope by Banks.

Submission attempt by Banks.

Banks slaps Asuka.

Bank Statement by Banks, Asuka rolls Banks onto her back.

Bank Statement again, Asuka breaks it up again.

Banks goes out the middle rope, and takes a nasty fall for it.

Knee to the face by Asuka.

Sliding knee by Asuka.

Missile dropkick by Asuka, Banks escapes at two.

Armbar by Asuka, but Banks escapes.

Double knees off the top rope, Asuka kicks out at two.

Bank Statement again, Asuka escapes.

Asuka lock on Banks, and she taps out.

Sheamus and Cesaro come out next.

They put their titles on the line against Apollo Crews and Titus O’Neil.

Double team by Crews and O’Neil.

Clothesline by Sheamus.

Grapple by Cesaro on O’Neil.

Scissor kick by Crews to Cesaro.

Jumping clothesline by Crews.

Kick to the head by Crews.

Standing moonsault by Crews, Cesaro breaks Up the pin at two.

Double team by the Bar, and Sheamus pins Cesaro to get the win.

Ronda Rousey up next!

Seems we are just re watching what happened last night.

Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson are next out.

Followed by Finn Balor.

John Cena is next out.

Grapple game early on.

Shoulder tackle by Cena.

Cena has Balor in a headlock.

Grapple game in the middle of the ring.

Cena throws Balor from one corner of the ring to the other.

And again.

Cena misses the five knuckle shuffle.

Punch for punch in the middle of the ring.

Overhead kick by Balor, Cena kicks out at two.

Slingblade by Balor.

Clothesline by Cena.

AA by Cena, Balor kicks out at two.

STFU by Cena, Balor reaches the ropes.

AA off the top rope by Cena, and he wins the match.




Royal Rumble 2018 – The Main Event – Predictions

This Sunday is the stage for the Royal Rumble match and one that again and as per usual has Wrestlemania implications

In preparation for the Rumble match, myself and Jack have predictions on who will win, with the two of us going in different directions this time.

who wins?

Jack’s pick for the Rumble is Shinsuke Nakamura. A good pick I’d say, however, I hate saying this but I think it’s the way they’re going, and I have reasons; my pick is the one and only Big Dog, Roman Reigns


Just going through the people who have bee confirmed for the rumble at the time of writing.

Xavier Woods probably won’t do much, might stay in for a little while but no more than 10 minutes I’d say, definitely won’t be winning it.

Kofi Kingston again I cant see winning it, he’ll be in for a while and again some amazing way of staying in the match will happen which will make for some good entertainment though I’m sure.

Big – E Is the most likely member of The New Day to be in the match for a while but again, due to the team they are in, I can’t see any of them winning.

Tye Dillinger enters at 10? Yeah, I can see them doing that gag again, not on much of a roll at the moment, might have a good showing of himself, but I’m not holding much hope.

Apollo Crews and Titus O’Neil have been on a bit of a roll on Raw so I can see them getting a couple of eliminations but then an attempt from one to eliminate the other will ruin the momentum and they’ll go out around the same time.

Rusev and Aiden English. I can see the entry being a good one but I don’t think English will last very long, Rusev, however, could and could be one of the final few if WWE uses him right.

Bray Wyatt. I’d love to see him win this match, he’s such a good wrestler and his gimmick suits him oh so well, but the feud with Woken Matt Hardy will probably cause him to go out.

Matt I think will do quite well when he is in, and the fans will get behind him but like what I said with Bray, that feud will cause the end of this match for the both of them in my opinion.

Baron Corbin. If this was a few months ago I’d have said he could go far in this match, but as of late WWE seem to not be behind he anywhere near as much as they previously were. He’ll get a few eliminations, but I can’t see WWE giving him one of the final spots.

Elias’s guitar is for sure getting involved when he comes in, and I think he’s been really good on Raw in recent weeks and so deserves a good showing in this match.

The Miz, can’t see much happening in this one for The Miz, he’s got the IC belt back and I can’t see WWE giving him the win when he has that belt already.

Having won the match last year Randy Orton probably won’t win it again this year but I can see him being there around the end of the match in the final few.

Finn Balor needs a good showing here, it’ll be his first rumble if I’m not mistaken having missed last year’s due to injury, and having recently turned heel he needs to show that this was good for him, he needs to be one of the last.

Big Match John is another one I cant see winning but I can see doing well because it’s John Cena. He needs a good account of himself, especially seen as he’s still going for that record-setting title reign, but I can’t see this happening yet.

Shinsuke should probably win this, he’s the kind of guy that could win and needs it at the moment as he’s been a little lacking since his promotion to the main roster. if AJ retains as well this sets us up for that dream match between AJ and Shinsuke for the WWE title at WrestleMania, all the signals point to a Shinsuke win…


Roman. He’s not won it for a couple of years now, and we all know how WWE feels about their golden boy so I can see him winning just for that reason alone. But, for years the WWE has wanted Brock vs Roman at mania with Roman coming out on top, and they have just taken the Intercontinental Title off him, leaving his PPV schedule a lot more open, and, Brock’s contract is up soon so this could be their last chance for this match. The Big Dog could most definitely stake a claim to his yard yet again this Sunday night.

Question – What do you think will happen in this match? Who will come out on top?

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2015 Royal Rumble Match – The start of WWE’s new Golden Boy? – Analysis & Thoughts!

Match Analysis

The Miz and R-Truth begin the match.

Bubba Ray Dudley enters next.

D by Truth and Dudley.

Dudley eliminates Truth.

Dudley eliminates Truth.

Luke Harper enters next.

Bray Wyatt enters next.

Wyatt eliminates Dudley.

Curtis Axel was meant to enter next but Erick Rowan attacks him from behind.

Rowan eliminates Harper.

Wyatt eliminates Rowan.

The Boogeyman enters next.

Wyatt eliminates Boogeyman.

Sin Cara enters next.

Wyatt eliminates Cara.

Zack Ryder enters next.

Wyatt eliminates Ryder.

Daniel Bryan enters next.

Fandango enters next.

Tyson Kidd enters next.

Stardust enters next.

Bryan eliminates Kidd.

DDP enters next.

Rusev enters next.

Rusev eliminates DDP.

Rusev eliminates Fandango.

Wyatt eliminates Bryan.

Goldust enters next.

Kofi Kingston enters next.

Adam Rose enters next.

Rusev eliminates Rose.

Rusev eliminates Kingston.

Roman Reigns is next to enter.

Reigns eliminates Goldust.

Reigns eliminates Stardust.

Big E enters next.

Damien Sandow enters next.

Rusev eliminates Sandow.

Jack Swagger enters next.

Ryback enters next.

Kane enters next.

Dean Ambrose enters next.

Titus O’Neil enters next.

Reigns and Ambrose eliminate O’Neil.

Wade Barrett enters next.

Cesaro enters next.

Rusev eliminates Big E.

Big Show is the penultimate competitor.

Kane and Show eliminate Ryback.

Show eliminates Swagger.

Dolph Ziggler enters last.

Ziggler eliminates Barrett.

Ziggler eliminates Cesaro.

Show and Kane eliminate Ziggler.

Show eliminates Wyatt.

Kane and Show eliminate Ambrose.

Reigns eliminates Kane and show to win!

The Rock turns up to save Reigns after the match.

Rusev comes back in as he wasn’t eliminated.

Reigns eliminates Rusev.

My Thoughts

You can tell that the WWE Universe clearly weren’t happy with the decision to let Reigns win this Rumble.

There was a severe lack of top stars in this match. I don’t remember seeing Cena, Orton, Rollins, Sheamus and a lot more.

I get the feeling this is where Reigns’ push started to happen, and you can tell the WWE Universe felt that too.

2014 Royal Rumble Match – A legend returns to win! – Analysis & Thoughts

Match Analysis

CM Punk is the first entrant.

Seth Rollins is the second entrant.

Damien Sandow enters next.

Cody Rhodes enters next.

Punk eliminates Sandow.

Kane enters next.

Punk eliminates Kane.

Rusev enters next.

Jack Swagger enters next.

Kofi Kingston enters next.

Jimmy Uso enters next.

Goldust enters next.

Multiple superstars eliminate Rusev.

Dean Ambrose enters next.

Dolph Ziggler enters next.

R-Truth enters next.

Ambrose eliminates Truth.

Ambrose eliminates Jimmy Uso.

Kevin Nash enters next.

Nash eliminates Swagger.

Roman Reigns enters next.

Reigns eliminates Kingston.

Reigns eliminates Ziggler.

Reigns eliminates Nash.

Great Khali enters next.

The Shield eliminate Khali.

Goldust eliminates Rhodes.

Reigns eliminates Goldust.

Sheamus enters next.

The Miz enters next.

Fandango enters next.

El Torito enters next.

Torito eliminates Fandango.

Reigns eliminates Torito.

Cesaro enters next.

Luke Harper enters next.

Jey Uso enters next.

JBL enters next.

Reigns eliminates JBL.

Erick Rowan enters next.

Harper eliminates Miz.

Harper eliminates Jey Uso.

Ryback enters next.

Alberto Del Rio enters next.

Batista enters next.

Batista eliminates Rowan.

Batista eliminates Ryback.

Batista eliminates Del Rio.

Big E enters next.

Rey Mysterio is the last entrant.

Sheamus eliminates Big E.

Rollins eliminates Mysterio.

Reigns eliminates Harper.

Reigns eliminates Cesaro, Rollins and Ambrose.

Kane comes back and eliminates Punk.

Kane chokeslams Punk through a table.

Reigns eliminates Sheamus.


My Thoughts

Decent Royal Rumble match.

Batista returning was always good given there wasn’t any others.

Few NXT callups who are still on the roster now.

CM Punk’s last WWE Rumble 😦


RAW 25 Analysis – 22.01.18 – A New Intercontinental Champion, Three Stone-Cold Stunners & Strowman stands tall again!

First we get to see the Manhattan Centre.

Jerry Lawler and Jim Ross are there.

Stephanie McMahon opens the show.

Shane McMahon is alongside her.

Shane thanks everyone for making the show a success.

Now we are seeing highlights of the best moments.

Stephanie introduces Vince.

Shane and Stephanie have got a plaque to celebrate the occasion for Vince.

Vince is playing classic heel Vince, and it’s awesome!


Stunner on Shane!



Austin walks out with his beer.

Eight woman tag-team match.

The heel team attack the face team before the match has began.

It’s Sasha Banks, Bayley, Asuka and Mickie James v Nia Jax, Sonya Deville, Mandy Rose and Alicia Fox.

Asuka in control of Deville this far.

Asuka now in control of Rose, after the ad-break.

Jax now in control of Banks.

Fox now in control of Banks.

Fox mocking in front of Banks’ team.

The rest of the competitors brawl outside the ring.

Banks locks in the bank-statement on Fox for the win.

Asuka attacks all of her team-mates and throws them over the top rope.

Kurt Angle is now backstage with Coach Jonathan.

Teddy long joins them.

The Boogeyman now joins in!

There were some more guests but I’d be lying if I said I knew who they were.


It appears the other people were brother love and the Brooklyn Brawler.

We are watching a package of the Undertaker’s best moments.

Taker is at the Manhattan Centre.

Howard Finkel introduced him.

Taker doing an old school promo.

No mention of whether he is retiring or a Mania match.

We’re now with the APA.

They are joined by Heath Slater and Rhyno.

The million Dollar man, Ted DiBiase joins them.

John Laurinatis comes out.

As does William Regal.

As does Eric Bischoff.

As does Daniel Bryan!

The Miz interrupts them.

Miz joined by the Miztourage.

Reigns attacks the Miztourage.

Miz takes advantage of the distraction.

Reigns on top by time we are back from ad-break.

Reigns sent shoulder first into the steel ring post.

Miz does the yes kicks.

Reigns catches Miz and powerbombs him, kickout at two.

Miz once again takes advantage of distractions.

Super-man punch, kickout at two.

Miz once against takes advantage of distractions.

Bo Dallas and Curtis Axel thrown out from ringside.

Skull crushing finale by Miz, Reigns kicks out at two.

Another skull crushing finale and Miz wins!


MVP, Jeff Hardy and The Usos have joined the APA Poker game.

Now Christian is hosting the Peep Show.

Jason Jordan and Seth Rollins are his guests.

Jordan getting A LOT of heat.

Cannot even get his lines out.

The Bar interrupt.

Crowd loves Cesaro when he tells Jordan he sucks.

Rollins accidentally knees Jordan.

The crowd loves it.

Ric Flair says Alexa Bliss needs to be more like Charlotte.

Titus Worldwide and Natalya have joined the APA Poker game.

Bray Wyatt is at the Manhattan Centre.

As is Matt Hardy.

Wyatt throws himself at Hardy.

Hardy repeatedly bouncing Wyatt’s head off the turnbuckle.

Side effect by Hardy, Wyatt kicks out at two.

Sister Abigail by Wyatt wins him the match.

The Bella twins are now out.

Maryse is next.

Kelly Kelly is next.

Lilian Garcia is next.

Jacqueline is next.

Torrie Wilson is next.

Michelle McCool is next.

Terri Runnels is next.

Maria Kanellis is next.

Trish Stratus looks to be the final one.


Jericho calls Elias a stupid idiot.

Elias makes the list!

Elias is now sat in the ring.

Elias points out Jimmy Fallon in the front row.

John Cena interrupts him.

A security guard has taken away a ball the WWE Universe where hitting around the arena.

Five knuckle shuffle by Cena.

Low-blow by Cena as he went for the AA.

Elias hits Cena with a guitar.

Driftor to Cena.

The New Day have now joined the APA Poker Game.


Mark Henry backstage.

Her meets the Godfather.

Titus Worldwide now heading to the ring.

They will face Slater and Rhyno.

O’Neil in control of Slater early on.

Match ended after both teams continue fighting.


The other four men run out the ring.

Slater is thrown in the ring.

Signature Dudley Boyz move!


3D through a table on Slater.

AJ Styles now backstage.

Styles will be interviewed by Gene Okerlund.

DX Reunion up next.

Triple H keeps stopping Michaels from telling some stories he doesn’t want telling.

Michaels promotes the WWE Network.

Triple H is recapping memories of the Mahattan Center.

The New Age Outlaws come out.

X-Pac is next out.

Razor Ramon is next out.

Balor Club walk to the ring!

Everyone in the ring too sweets.

Now the Revival come out.

The Revival attack Gallows and Anderson before the bell has rang.

The club win after they hit their finisher.

Dawson gets beaten up by all members in the ring after he attacked Ramon.

Coupe de grace by Balor on Dawson.

Kurt Angle makes his way to the ring with pretty much the full locker room.

Strowman heads to the ring first.

Kane follows Braun.

Superstars in the ring to split them up.

Paul Heyman introduces Lesnar.

Heyman says Lesnar wants a fight.

Strowman attacks Kane from behind.

Lesnar clotheslines Strowman.

F5 by Lesnar on Kane.

Strowman throws Lesnar out of the ring.

Strowman throws Lesnar into the barricade.

Strowman slams Lesnar through a table.

Who will be at RAW 25 tonight?

Tonight sees WWE celebrate the 25th anniversary of Monday Night RAW!

The event sees legends of the past return, as long as the current superstars, from both RAW and Smackdown Live feature.

We are here to tell you the confirmed list of people at tonight’s show!

Before the event itself kicks off tonight, there will be a pre-show live on the WWE Network an hour beforehand, hosted by Renee Young, David Otunga, Sam Roberts and also Peter Rosenberg.

The following Superstars will appear at the event

Brother Love

Eric Bischoff

Harvey Wippleman

Howard Finkel

Jonathan Coachman


John Laurinaitis

Lilian Garcia

Teddy Long

Terri Runnels

The Bella Twins


The Brooklyn Brawler

Chris Jericho


D Generation X

The Dudley Boyz

The Godfather


Kelly Kelly

Maria Kanellis

Michelle McCool


The New Age Outlaws

Ric Flair

Ron Simmons

Scott Hall

The Million Dollar Man, Ted DiBiase

Torrie Wilson

Trish Stratus


William Regal

Stone Cold Steve Austin will also be at the event!

There will also be a special commentary team of Jim Ross and Jerry ‘The King’ Lawler.

It remains to be seen whether there are any more returnees, whilst the whole of the WWE Universe is hoping for a CM Punk return, no matter how unlikely that may seem.

John Cena is also likely to be there but he isn’t officially not under a WWE contract anymore, hence why he isn’t under the legends.

There will also be a few Smackdown Live superstars in attendance, with the likes of AJ Styles, Charlotte Flair, the New Day and more likely to be there.

And of course the whole of the current RAW roster will be on the show!

Roman Reigns will also be facing the Miz for the Intercontinental Title on the show.

Question – Who are you most looking forward to seeing back tonight?

Twitter – http://www.twitter.com/rawrestling

RAW Analysis – 15.01.18 – Kurt Angle FIRES Braun Strowman, Asuka remains unbeaten and Titus Worldwide win again!

We are seeing highlights of Brock Lesnar and Kane’s feud two weeks ago.

Now it’s moved onto last week, when Strowman destroyed them both.

Strowman opens RAW.

Strowman gets a very good response from the crowd.

Kurt Angle interrupts Strowman.

Angle is surrounded by security.

Strowman isn’t happy with Angle disrupting his story.

Crowd is yelling: “What?” Towards Angle, whilst cheering Strowman.

Strowman says he can do what he wants.


Strowman is not happy.

We are now following Strowman backstage.

And…. as Strowman threatens the security guards, we cut to an ad-break….

Strowman starts attacking the security guards.

Strowman refuses to leave until: “Everybody gets these hands.”

The Bar are next out.

The will face Titus Worldwide.

Cesaro dominating Crews early on.

Now O’Neil in control of Sheamus.

O’Neil mocking Sheamus by putting Cesaro’s hand towards him for a tag.

Sheamus knees Cesaro in the back whilst Crews is bouncing off the rope.

Michael Cole says Sheamus and Cesaro dominated Crews over the commercial break.

O’Neil gets in the ring and instantly dominates.

Quite an even match-up so far.

Jason Jordan comes out.

Crews rolls up Sheamus for the win off the distraction.

Seth Rollins comes out, seemingly unaware that Jordan was coming out.

Strowman breaks into Angle’s office.

Strowman starts to destroy Angle’s office, it takes him roughly ten seconds.

Strowman destroys the catering area, then choke-slams Curt Hawkins through a table.

Strowman then gets a piece of cake off a random guy offering pieces, and does nothing to him.

Enzo Amore is next out, with Tony Nese.

Amore asks: “How you doin?” to what he jokes: “I’m doing better than Curt Hawkins that’s how I’m doin.”

Cedric Alexander comes out, followed by Goldust.

Goldust jokes the only word to describe Alexander: “Champion.”

Alexander calls Amore: “S-A-W-F-T, SAWFT!”

Alexander to face Nese.

Before the match, we’re back with Strowman destroying stuff again.

Match in the ring is already underway.

Nese grabs Alexander’s foot as he goes to jump over the top rope, so he ends up face-planting into the turnbuckle.

Nese in control now.

Goldust is mocking Amore, with his usual weird walking style.

Alexander on top now after a succession of fast paced moves.

Alexander elbows Nese in the head.

Alexander delivers his finisher for the three count, and the win.

Now backstage with Angle, who is told Strowman is heading to the Television Production area, to which Angle responds: “Oh shoot, they’re worth 12 million dollars.”

After the ad-break we’re back with Strowman.

Strowman couldn’t fit through ones of the doors, so hit it.


Angle says to Strowman he has called the cops.


Strowman’s on the stage.

Strowman is dragging Michael Cole, and drops him when Angle comes out.

Angle said Stephanie McMahon just re-hired Strowman.

Strowman throws Cole into the security guards.

We’re back now, and Tom Phillips has replaced Michael Cole.

Nia Jax v Asuka up next.

This match was made after Nia Jax attacked Asuka from behind on RAW last week.

Jax tosses Asuka across the ring.

Asuka trying to get Jax to submit.

Jax throws Asuka off.

Booker T says Jax is his pick for the Royal Rumble.

Jax in control.

Asuka locks Jax in the armbar.

Asuka puts Jax in an armbar, and Jax tosses Asuka into the corner as she escapes.

Jax has Asuka in a bear hug.

Jax goes to sit on Asuka, but Asuka moves just in time.

Asuka rolls through an attempted Samoan Drop, but Jax kicks out at one.

Powerbomb by Jax.

Asuka kicks out at two.

Knee-bar by Asuka.

Jax gets to the bottom rope.

Jax catches an attempted Asuka kick, and throws her into the ring apron.

The bell is rung, as Jax has injured her left knee and cannot stand.

Jax was injured after Asuka kicked her left knee as she was walking up the steel steps.

Now we are watching a tribute to Martin Luther King JR.

A fitting tribute.

Amore is checking to see if Jax is ok.

The Revival are now in the ring.

They are facing an unknown team.

Dawson dominates early on.

Quick match, and a dominant win for the Revival.

Dawson talks to Charly Carusso afterwards.

Carusso announces STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN will be at RAW 25 next week.

Elias is up next.

Elias says he hopes Michael Cole is okay.

Elias getting a mixed response.

The Miz, and the Miztourage come out after Elias announced them.

Miz doing what he does best, being a great heel.

Roman Reigns comes out, after Miz says he’s awesome.

Reigns to face Dallas and Axel in a handicap match.

Miz steals the Intercontinental Title to distract Reigns, but it doesn’t work out.

The Miztourage finally take advantage of the distractions.

Miztourage been in control for quite a long period at this point.

The distractions are putting Reigns off.

DDT by Dallas, Reigns kicks out at two.

Samoan Drop by Reigns on Axel, but he can’t get to the cover.

Reigns punches Dallas off the apron.

Reigns takes advantage of Axel whilst Dallas is out of the equation.

Superman punch on Axel.

One for Dallas outside the ring too.

Reigns throws Miz into the ring.

Spear by Reigns for the win.

Sasha Banks is out now.

Banks is accompanied by Mickie James and Bayley.

Out come Absoution.

Sonya Deville is the one who will be competing.

The commentators say Paige won’t be able to compete at the Royal Rumble.

Mandy Rose distracts Banks to give Deville an advantage.

Deville playing a grapple game.

Deville kicks Banks as she jumps off the top rope to get a win.

Backstage Rollins tells Jordan to discuss things more with him.

Matt Hardy makes his way to the ring with his new entrance.

Hardy is facing Heath Slater.

Hardy is shouting delete a lot.

Rhyno is at ringside with Slater.

Hardy’s craziness is scaring Slater.

Rhyno has to motivate Slater to get back in the ring.

Hardy bites Slater’s fingers.

Suplex by Hardy on Slater into the corner.

Side effect by Hardy, Slater kicks out at two.

Twist of Fate seals the win for Hardy.

Hardy is chanting delete towards the crowd.

We are watching Goldberg officially being announced as an induction into the Hall of Fame.

The Good Brothers, Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson are next out.

Followed out by Finn Balor.

Rollins comes out with Jordan.

Rollins mocks the Good Brothers with a ‘Too Sweet’ aimed towards them as Balor is down.

Rollins is down outside the ring, after a running kick by Balor.

Rollins’ knee seems a problem.

Rollins jumps out of the middle rope and lands on Balor.

Balor kicks Rollins off the top rope.

Slingblade by Rollins on Balor.

Balor returns with a slingblade on his own.

Superkick by Rollins on Balor, who kicks out at two.

Enzaguri by both competitors.

Rollins misses Balor after jumping off the top rope, holds his knee and Baalor dropkicks him into the corner.

Balor goes for the Coupe De Grace, Rollins suplexs Balor off the top rope, then delivers the Falcon Arrow, Balor kicks out at two.

The Bar have come out.

Jordan is trapped between the Bar and Gallows and Anderson.

Gallows and Anderson fight Sheamus and Cesaro.




RAW Analysis – 08.01.18 – Strowman crushes again, The Club win again and The Miz returns!

Starts with highlights of last weeks Intercontinental Title match between Samoa Joe and Roman Reigns.

Reigns opens the show.

About an even amount of boos and cheers.

Jason Jordan interrupts Reigns.

Jason puts his fist out to Reigns, like the Shield would.

Seth Rollins now comes out.

Jordan receiving a lot of boos.

Finn Balor interrupts them, with the club!

“Whose your daddy,” chants aimed at Jordan.

Gallows calls Jordan a nerd, and Jordan slaps him.

Kurt Angle comes out.

Match made for tonight, Balor, Anderson and Gallows against Reigns, Rollins and Jordan.

Sasha Banks is the first to come out.

Followed by Bayley and onlooker Mickie James.

Absolution come out together, Mandy Rose and Sonya Deville to compete.

Rose starts out stronger against Bayley.

Bayley struggling to get into the match, thus far.

As we return from the ad break, Banks is now being dominated by Rose.

Banks slaps Rose as she gets cocky.

Deville gets tagged in and starts dominating Banks again.

Both women clothesline each other in the middle of the ring.

Deville attacks Banks as the referee is distracted.

Rose taps out to the bank-statement.

Backstage segment showing Goldust giving Cedric Alexander a prep-talk ahead of his title match tonight.

Now we are being shown how Goldust and Alicia Fox were paired together in the Mixed Match Challenge.

Matt Hardy starts with his crazy ‘yeaaaaaas’.

Followed by new entrance music, that was pretty awesome

As we return from the break Hawkins is in the ring.

As Hawkins is doing his entrance, Hardy declares he will be in the Royal Rumble, in something recorded pre-match.

Hawkins runs scared of Hardy.

Hardy bites Hawkins hands.

Hardy throws Hawkins back first into the turnbuckle.

Hawkins misses with a cross-body.

Hardy hits Hawkins head into the turnbuckle numerous times.

Twist of fate for Hardy to win.

Bray Wyatt is stood behind Hardy.

Wyatt and Hardy stand laughing at each other.

This is next level crazy, but I love it!

Elias is now sat in the ring playing his guitar.

Elias is singing in the ring, alone.

Elias welcomes The Miz back.

Miz comes down with the Miztourage.

Miz praises the Miztourage.

Bo Dallas gives the Miz a framed photo of, The Miz.

Curtis Axel gives him his suit jumper.

Dallas gives him a watch.

Axel gives him his shoes.

Miz tells them both off for arguing.

Miz wants the Intercontinental Title back.

Cuts back to Balor, Anderson and Gallows backstage.

Anderson talks about how hot his wife is.

Balor says 2018 is the year of the Balor club.

Enzo Amore against Cedric Alexander up next.

Amore is the first one out.

Amore out alone, which is interesting.

Enzo cuts a heated promo before the match has begun.

Both Amore and Alexander alone, which is interesting.

Amore running scared for the opening stages.

Amore escapes the ring, gives himself time to think.

Nia Jax overlooking backstage.

Amore pushes Alexander out of the ring.

Amore has Alexander in a chin-lock in the ring.

Amore dominant as Alexander is once again on the floor.

Amore knees Alexander in the face.

Alexander drop-kicks Amore as he jumps off the top rope.

Alexander knees Amore in the head.

Alexander jumps over the top rope and lands on Alexander.

Amore’s face is bleeding heavily.

Amore holds his left ankle.

Amore is counted out as a result of the ‘injury.’

Amore is still champion.

Backstage showing Amore at the trainers room.

Now we see Cesaro and Sheamus asking when they get their rematch for the RAW tag-team titles.

Angle announces the rematch will happen at the Royal Rumble.

Miz now questions is Angle knows how to run a show.

The Miz will face Roman Reigns in two weeks on RAW 25, for the Intercontinental Championship.

Backstage with Asuka, and Alexa Bliss comes on and talks trash to her.

The Bar are now out to compete.

Titus O’Neil and Apollo Crews to face them.

Sheamus sends Crews out of the ring.

Crews is injured according to Michael Cole.

Squash match so far, as expected.

Sheamus goes into the steel corner, after Crews moves out of the way of the Irishman.

Sheamus knees O’Neil in the head.

O’Neil pins Sheamus for a three count after Sheamus gets caught up on the rope, now that’s a surprise!

Brock Lesnar is up next.

We are watching highlights of what happened when Kane and Lesnar went face to face last week.

Lesnar comes out, accompanied by Paul Heyman of course.

Heyman firing shots at the WWE.

Heyman once again showing why he is so good on the mic.

Nobody interrupts the promo, which is a surprise.

Spoke too soon, Kane attacks Lesnar from behind on the ramp.

The brawl foes backstage.

Strowman just came in and destroyed them both.

Strowman just pulled down some huge, metal thing on the top of Kane and Lesnar, with the locker room looking on.

Now seeing Lesnar being helped to his feet.

Lesnar leaves on a stretcher.

Kane helps himself up.

Samoa Joe now coming out.

Joe looks like he will be facing Rhyno, accompanied by Heath Slater.

Joe starts off dominant.

Joe making sure Slater sees what he’s doing to his partner.

Rhyno kicks out at two after an STO from Joe.

Rhyno gets caught in the Coquina Clutch, and has to tap out.

Joe talks to Charly Carruso after the match, and enters the Royal Rumble.

Joe says John Cena will be the first man he eliminates at the Royal Rumble.

Nia Jax enters the Royal Rumble whilst speaking to Alexa Bliss backstage.

There seems to be tension between Bliss and Jax.

Asuka out now, presumably to face Nia Jax.

I was incorrect, she will face a local competitor.

Nia Jax just attacked Asuka from behind.

Crowd chanting for Nia.

The main event is up next.

Gallows and Anderson come out first.

Pretty obvious how disliked Jordan is compared to the other five competitors.

Balor and Rollins begin.

Grappling game early on.

Reigns Samoan drops Gallows.

Reigns delivers a succession of clotheslines to Balor in the corner.

Reigns goes for the Superman punch, but Anderson and Gallows distract him, followed by a sling-blade by Balor.

Gallows kicks Reigns in the head.

The Good Brothers are dominating Reigns.

Momentum changes as Reigns gets Anderson down.

Didn’t last long as Gallows prevents a tag from happening.

Reigns super-man punches Gallows, but there’s no pin attempt.

Sling-blade by Rollins on Anderson.

Reigns Samoan drops Gallows.

Spine-buster by Anderson, Rollins kicks out at two.

Jordan distracts the referee, and he misses the tag from Rollins to Reigns.

Magic-killer delivered to Rollins in the meantime.

Coupe de grace by Balor to get the win for his team.

The Miztourage attack Reigns, Rollins and Jordan post-match.

Skull-crushing finale on Reigns.

“One more time!” Chants from the fans, Miz obliges.

Instead of the skull-crushing finale they deliver the Shield’s unique triple powerbomb.

Question – What did you think of RAW tonight?

Twitter – http://www.twitter.com/rawrestling




08.01.18 – RAW Finn Balor, Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows v Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins and Jason Jordan

Gallows and Anderson come out first.

Pretty obvious how disliked Jordan is compared to the other five competitors.

Balor and Rollins begin.

Grappling game early on.

Reigns Samoan drops Gallows.

Reigns delivers a succession of clotheslines to Balor in the corner.

Reigns goes for the Superman punch, but Anderson and Gallows distract him, followed by a sling-blade by Balor.

Gallows kicks Reigns in the head.

The Good Brothers are dominating Reigns.

Momentum changes as Reigns gets Anderson down.

Didn’t last long as Gallows prevents a tag from happening.

Reigns super-man punches Gallows, but there’s no pin attempt.

Sling-blade by Rollins on Anderson.

Reigns Samoan drops Gallows.

Spine-buster by Anderson, Rollins kicks out at two.

Jordan distracts the referee, and he misses the tag from Rollins to Reigns.

Magic-killer delivered to Rollins in the meantime.

Coupe de grace by Balor to get the win for his team.

The Miztourage attack Reigns, Rollins and Jordan post-match.

The club winning is great as it is awesome to see them together. Think it would have made more sense for Jordan to be pinned rather than Rollins but a good match regardless.

Potential matches that could be on RAW tonight

Given that there has been no real news about what is going on, on RAW tonight, bar the Cedric Alexander v Enzo Amore Crusierweight title match, I thought why not have a go at guessing some of the matchups.

Last week was saw a number of interesting matches, including Samoa Joe v Roman Reigns for the Intercontinental Title. The ‘Big Dog’ retained his title in a match if he were to be disqualified he may lose, but we may see Joe get the chance to earn himself another shot at the title tonight on RAW.

The Miz was last seen on WWE television around a month ago, as he went to film a movie. But now the ‘must see’ Superstar has been announced to be back tonight, even hosting a MIZ TV episode for fans to enjoy.

Last week we also saw Finn Balor teams with the ‘Good Brothers’ Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows. Could we see a mini re-union of the Bullet Club in WWE with Balor, Anderson and Gallows. Hopefully last-week was not just a one off as it would be good to see this group used in WWE, and hopefully given a push too.

Braun Strowman is likely to have another squash match if the last few weeks are anything to go by. Heath Slater and Rhyno have been his opponents the past two weeks, so I would guess he will face them both in a handicap match tonight.

Alexa Bliss lost to Asuka last week on RAW, so we may see either a match or Asuka announced as the number one contender to face Bliss at the Royal Rumble in three weeks time.

With the Bray Wyatt and ‘Woken’ Matt Hardy feud spicing up the past few weeks, will we get to see both Superstars face to face in the ring tonight? I hope so as it would be great to see.

I also think we may see some Mixed Match Challenge focused storylines, like Strowman and Bliss having one anothers backs, and likewise for the likes of Sasha Banks and Balor.

Question – What do you want to see on RAW tonight?

Twitter – https://twitter.com/rawrestling


RAW Review – 01.01.18 – Braun Strowman looks inhumane again, whilst Bliss v Asuka disappoints – Robbo’s Thoughts

As the show began, we saw RAW Women’s Champion Alexa Bliss ask Kurt Angle why he is making her face the undefeated Asuka tonight on RAW.

Kurt responded saying he wanted to see: “A Wrestlemania worthy match,” to which Bliss said there would be one if Asuka can win the Royal Rumble match next month.

Angle’s music then played, and he left Bliss to go an make an announcement. The announcement was that the first ever Women’s Royal Rumble match will have the same rules as the mens.

The Bar then interrupted Angle, and demanded their rematch for the RAW tag-team championships, tonight, to which Kurt said: “You’ll get your re-match when I say so.”

Jason Jordan then came out, whilst the crowd were shouting: “Daddy’s boy,” towards him.

Seth Rollins then came out, almost as though he was Jordan’s coach telling him what not to do. A match between Cesaro and Jordan was made, and Rollins said: “As far as I’m concerned, I’m here to watch you lose.”

The resulting match was alright, although it appeared that the crowd seemed bored as the atmosphere was flat.

Jordan won the match after Rollins attacked Sheamus, as he was about to hit Jordan behind the officials back, and Cesaro watched and as he turned around Jordan hit him with the same moves that won he and Rollins the titles last week.

Bray Wyatt then comes out, and according to Michael Cole he is preparing for a match, but we all know Matt Hardy will appear at some point!

Wyatt will face Apollo Crews, accompanied By Titus O’Neil and Dana Brooke.

Crews was made to look a lot stronger than I thought he would be, Wyatt seemed to struggle getting the win, which he did by delivering Sister Abigail in what was a near ten minute match.

Matt Hardy then appeared and made one of his best Woken promos yet, with him splitting into more and more screens, I’d guess these are to signify what his Woken Warriors look like.

Alexa Bliss then stopped Nia Jax from leaving the arena to go and see Enzo Amore, who had legitimately been in Hospital that day and therefore couldn’t compete and defend his Cruiserweight title.

Bliss told Jax to choose her or Enzo, to which Jax chose Amore.

Bliss dodges Asuka’s early attempts to hit her by going under the rope.

Really slow and dull beginning, Bliss hasn’t landed anything, Asuka’s landed a few but majority has been Bliss stood outside the ring.

They are making Bliss look strong now, by making her dominate the ground grapple game.

Bliss then taps out to the armbar, a very disappointing match compared to what it could have been. It was also very predictable that Asuka would win as it’s highly unlikely her undefeated streak would end on RAW.

Samoa Joe then cuts a Promo backstage insulting everything to do with Roman Reigns and the Shield, even says Ambrose is a: “Stay at home husband,” to real life wife Renee Young.

Braun then comes up to a huge pop, he faces Rhyno, whose accompanied by Heath Slater.

Strowman grabs the mic, mid-match to tell Slater to get on the floor and shut up, or to get in the ring and fight. Slater chooses the later option and gets squashed.

Strowman then does the running power-slam to Rhyno and gets the pin.

Slater attacks Strowman from behind post-match, gets running power-slammed.

Crowd chanting: “One more time,” Strowman obliges and does it to both superstars one time each again.

Make that two more, each, Strowman is a monster and I love it!

Backstage segment between Rollins and Reigns. Jordan interrupts and says something (I wasn’t focused so didn’t hear exactly what) and then says: “Believe that.”

Backstage segment between Kane and Strowman where Kane wants to work with Strowman to take out Lesnar, but Strowman says he will: “Do it on my own terms.”

Finn Balor announces he is in the Royal Rumble to Angle, then announces his team-mates for the six-man tag team match tonight are the good brother, Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows!

Reigns v Joe is next, Reigns gets a decent pop, whilst crowd chant Joe per usual for his entrance.

Joe comfortably on top for the start of the match, almost like a squash match.

Joe jumps out of the middle rope, and hits Reigns, both men get back into the ring just before the ten count.

Reigns picks up the steel steps, and Joe taunts him saying: “Hit me,” but Reigns superman punches Joe outside and then inside the ring. Joe kicks out at two.

Reigns pushes the referee nearly gets disqualified.

Reigns spears Joe to pick up the win, and retain the Intercontinental title, after a great match!

Drew Gulak and Ariya Divari are in the ring for a promo, Gulak starts by reading Amore’s letter to why he can’t compete tonight.

Alexander interrupts the promo.

Goldust comes out to team with Alexander!

Goldust was very good in the match, crowd even said: “you’ve still got it to him, as he did a moonsault off the top rope!

He and Alexander won.

Elias now sat in the ring, I hope he asks: “Who wants to walk with Elias,” cause I will.

The Miztourage join him, and announce The Miz will return next week!

The Good Brothers interrupt them, closely followed by Finn Balor.

The trio do the ‘too sweet’ in the ring before the match begins!

Magic Killer by the Good Brothers, then a Coupe de Grace by Balor gets them the win!

Paul Heyman accompanies Brock Lesnar to the ring.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, my name is Paul Heyman,” how iconic.

Strowman’s looking on backstage

Kane interrupts the promo

Kane chokeslams Lesnar

Lesnar sits up like Kane normally does

Superstars come out to stop the brawl


Decent episode of RAW but nothing amazing. The Roman Reigns v Samoa Joe match stood out in particular, but not much else. Alexa Bliss v Asuka was very disappointing in my eyes, I had high hopes for that.

Question – What did you think of RAW tonight?

Twitter – https://twitter.com/RAWrestling