2013 Royal Rumble Match – The Golden Boy wins again! – Analysis & Thoughts

Match Analysis

Dolph Ziggler and Chris Jericho start the match off.

Cody Rhodes enters next.

Kofi Kingston enters next.

Santino Marrella enters next.

Rhodes eliminates Marrella.

Drew McIntyre enters next.

Titus O’Neil enters next.

Jericho eliminates McIntyre.

Goldust enters next.

David Otunga enters next.

Heath Slater enters next.

Sheamus enters next.

Sheamus throws Otunga into O’Neil to eliminate O’Neil.

Sheamus eliminates Otunga.

Tensai enters next.

Brodus Clay enters next.

Rhodes eliminates Goldust.

Rey Mysterio enters next.

Darren Young enters next.

Clay eliminated by multiple superstars.

Kingston eliminates Tensai.

Bo Dallas enters next.

Kingston eliminates Young.

Rhodes eliminates Kingston.

The Godfather enters next.

Ziggler eliminates The Godfather.

Wade Barrett enters next.

John Cena enters next.

Cena eliminates Slater.

Cena eliminates Rhodes.

Damien Sandow enters at 20.

Barrett eliminates Mysterio.

Daniel Bryan enters next.

Cesaro enters next.

The Great Khali enters next.

Kane enters next.

Zack Ryder enters next.

Kane eliminates Khali.

Bryan eliminates Kane.

Bryan is eliminated by Cesaro.

Randy Orton enters next.

Orton eliminates Ryder.

Jinder Mahal enters next.

Cena eliminates Cesaro.

The Miz enters next.

Sheamus eliminates Mahal.

Sin Cara enters next.

Dallas eliminates Barrett.

Barrett comes back to eliminate Dallas.

Ryback is the last entrant.

Ryback eliminates Sandow.

Ryback eliminates Sin Cara.

Ryback eliminates Miz.

Ziggler eliminates Jericho.

Ryback eliminates Orton.

Sheamus eliminates Ziggler.

Ryback eliminates Sheamus.

Cena eliminates Ryback to win the 2013 Royal Rumble!

My Thoughts

A good Royal Rumble match.

The pop when the Godfather came out was great as I am pretty sure that nobody suspected it.

From what I remember, Ryback was doing very well at this moment in time, so a win for him, rather than Cena would have probably made more sense.

Jericho and Ziggler lasting so long in the match was good to see as well.


2011 Royal Rumble Match – The biggest Royal Rumble in history – Analysis & Thoughts!

Match Analysis

CM Punk is the first man out for the record 40-man Royal Rumble.

Punk was still a part of the Nexus at this point.

The core come out to attack Punk.

The Nexus come out to defend Punk.

Punk starts off against Daniel Bryan.

Justin Gabriel comes in third.

Bryan eliminates Gabriel.

Zack Ryder is the next man to enter.

Bryan eliminates Ryder.

William Regal enters next.

Ted DeBiase enters next.

John Morrison enters next.

DeBiase eliminates Regal.

Yoshi Tatsu enters next.

Husky Harris enters next.

Chavo Guerrero enters next.

Mark Henry enters next.

Henry eliminates Guerrero.

Henry eliminates Tatsu.

JTG is next to enter.

Michael McGullicuty enters next.

McGullicuty eliminates JTG.

Harris & McGullicuty eliminate DiBiase.

Chris Masters enters next.

David Otunga enters next.

Punk eliminates Bryan.

Punk eliminates Masters.

All members of the Nexus eliminate Morrison.

All members of the Nexus eliminate Henry.

Tyler Reks enters next.

Punk eliminates Reks.

Vladmir Kozlov enters next.

Punk eliminates Kozlov.

R-Truth enters next.

Punk eliminates Truth.

Great Khali enters next.

Khali eliminates Harris.

Mason Ryan enters next.

Ryan eliminates Khali.

Booker T enters next.

Ryan eliminates Booker.

John Cena enters next.

Cena eliminates Ryan.

Cena eliminates Otunga and McGullicuty.

Hornswoggle enters next.

Cena eliminates Punk.

Tyson Kidd enters next.

Cena eliminates Kidd, after he and Hornswoggle AA him.

Heath Slater enters next.

Cena eliminates Slater.

Kofi Kingston enters next.

Jack Swagger enters next.

Sheamus enters next.

Sheamus eliminates Hornswoggle.

Rey Mysterio enters next.

Mysterio eliminates Swagger.

Wade Barrett enters at 30.

Dolph Ziggler enters next.

Diesel enters next.

Drew McIntyre enters next.

Alex Riley is next to enter.

Diesel eliminated by Barrett.

Big Show enters next.

Alex Riley eliminated by Show.

Show eliminates Ziggler.

Show eliminates McIntyre.

Ezekiel Jackson enters next.

Jackson eliminates Show.

Santino Marella enters next.

Alberto Del Rio enters next.

Randy Orton enters next.

Orton eliminates Kingston.

Orton eliminates Sheamus.

Kane is the last entrant.

Kane eliminates Jackson.

Mysterio eliminates Kane.

Barrett eliminates Mysterio.

Miz eliminates Cena after a distraction by Riley.

Orton eliminates Barrett.

Del Rio eliminates Orton to win the 2011 Royal Rumble!

Marella is still in the match.

Del Rio eliminates Marella, and now he has won!


A pretty good Royal Rumble in all honesty. You can tell the eliminations were pretty quick as they tried to fit in all 40 competitors.

I like the part where Nexus dominated the most, as that showed they were a force to be reckoned with, but when it took one man to eliminate almost all of them it was pretty stupid booking.

Miz eliminating Cena could also set up future storylines.

Marella at the end was pretty funny, the whole crowd wanted him to win, but I liked that added comedy at the end.

Question – What are your thoughts on the 2011 Royal Rumble?


03.01.18 – The Best of NXT 2017 Analysis – Drew McIntyre and Adam Cole’s unseen before match, plus the full year review

The show will be hosted by Mike Rome and Kayla Braxton.

Shows opens telling us there’s awards and a big announcement out tonight.

Shows a re-cap of Shinsuke Nakamura v Bobby Roode, and their match the night before the Royal Rumble in January.

The majority of the beginning was focused on Nakamura and his feuds whilst in NXT.

Seems that Drew McIntyre arriving it next up.

Next up is the tag-team title match between the Authors of Pain and DIY.

Next up it is highlights o Bobby Roode against Drew McIntyre.

We now get to see Bobby Fish and Kyle O’Reilly distract McIntyre, before Adam Cole attacks him from behind.

We have now moved onto the Aleister Black and Velveteen Dream feud.

Next up is the never before seen match between Mc Intyre and Cole from San Antonio, referees by Shaun Michaels.

Fish and O’Reilly are removed from ringside by Michaels.

Crowd signing: “Hey, hey, hey goodbye,” to the Undisputed Era.

McIntyre goes shoulder first into the ring-post, after Cole dodges him.

Sit up Power-bomb by McIntyre, Cole kicks out at two.

Avalanche Celtic Cross by McIntyre off the top rope, Cole kicks out at two.

Back to back Shining Wizards by Cole, McIntyre kicks out at two.

Cole goes for sweet chin music, McIntyre reverses into the future shock DDT, Cole kicks out at two.

Michaels looks shocked.

Cole super-kicked Michaels, McIntyre hits his Claymore but there’s no referee.

When Michaels does recover, Fish and O’Reilly pull him out of the ring and proceed to beating McIntyre up.

Michaels then sweet chin music’s O’Reilly.

After the chaos ends, McIntyre hits the Claymore to retain the belt.

We then move onto seeing Andrade Cien Almas beating McIntyre for the title.

Now we go into an interview with Almas and Zelina Vega.

Asuka is up next.

From the former Women’s Champion to the Iconic Duo, Peyton Royce and Billie Kay.

Must be for the rest of the women, as Lacey Evans is next.

Kairi Sane and Bianxca Belair are the next two.

Vannessa Bourne and Shayna Basler are the final two.

Its announced Shayna Baszler will make her official debut net week against an in-named opponent.

Next up is the War Games match, arguably match of the year.

Johnny Gargano interview is up next.

First we get to see Ciampa’s heel turn on Gargano.

And now we are looking at the fatal four-way that occurred last week, must be building up to the interview instead.

Aleister Black will fight Adam Cole at NXT Takeover, Philadelphia.

Now time for the interview.

Women’s Champion, Ember Moon is up next.

The categories for the NXT awards as announced.


Ember Moon interview is now underway.

That’s the end of the show!

Question – Who do you think will be the breakout star in NXT in 2018?

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