2018 WWE Fastlane – The Usos v The New Day – Smackdown Live Tag-Team Championship Match – Analysis

New Day out first, followed by the Usos. Woods and Kingston competing for New Day.

Woods runs into a superkick.

Woods not been in the match ever since.

Usos mocking the New Day by clapping them.

Usos working together to try and win.

Superkick after superkick by Woods.

Kingston does the Uso splash, kickout at two.

Usos jump over the top rope, taking out all of the New Day.

The Bludgeon Brothers come out.

They start attacking everyone outside of the ring.

And destroy everything.

WWE Fastlane 2018 – The New Day vs The Usos – Smackdown Tag Team Championship Match – Predictions & Thoughts


This is a match up between two teams who had great matches last year, in a feud that lasted for a few months.

If the New Day are to win, it could potentially create another feud between the two teams.

Both teams are very good but, per usual, the numbers advantage in the New Day’s favour could help them.

If this match is anything like their previous few, then we are in for a good match and possibly a good storyline in the long term.


I think that the New Day will win this match as I, for one, would love to see another feud between these two teams.

The interesting thing will be to see if the third member of New Day is involved.

Question – Who do you think will win the match?


WWE Smackdown Live Analysis – 27.02.18 – Zayn and Owens fallout again? Shinsuke Nakamura builds momentum & a sixth man added to the Fastlane main event?!?!

John Cena opens the show.

Cena wants to be in the WWE Championship match at Fastlane.

Shane McMahon comes out.

McMahon welcomes Cena back.

Chants of: “Lets go Cena, Cena sucks.”

Crowd wants Rusev.

Daniel Bryan interrupts McMahon.

Bryan shakes both of their hands.

Cena has to beat AJ Styles to get into the match.

Sami Zayn faces Baron Corbin next.

Zayn walks to the ring alone.

Kevin Owens is on commentary.

Corbin now heads to the ring.

Shoulder tackle by Corbin takes Zayn down.

Corbin throws Zayn around the ringside area.

Corbin and Zayn brawling outside of the ring.

Corbin runs into the steel ring post.

Corbin chokeslams Zayn.

Clothesline by Corbin, Zayn escapes at two.

Corbin throws Zayn onto the announce table.

Tornado DDT by Zayb, kickout at two.

Dolph Ziggler kicks Owens in the head from behind.

Corbin hits the end of days to get the win.

Ziggler zig zags Corbin.

Naomi v Ruby Riott up next.

Riott squad out first.

Becky lynch out next.

Followed by Charlotte.

And now Naomi.

Naomi slaps Riott.

All six members now squaring off.

Riott has Naomi in a submission as we get back from an ad break.

Both superstars kick each other in the head at the same time.

Naomi dropkicks Riott.

Naomi kicks Riott in the head after jumping off the ropes.

Riott throws Naomi into the top turnbuckle.

Riott hits her finisher and gets the win.

Apparently the New Day are on their way to the ring to renew their rivalry with the Usos.

And New Day are now heading to the ring.

Kofi Kingston says the Usos pushed them to their limits.

New Day confident they will win the belts.

The Usos interrupt them.

Usos talking about how hard they have worked to get to were they are.

Usos say it is their time for Wrestlemania this year.

Big E says they will become five time champs at Fastlane.

The Bludgeon Brothers interrupt them.

They get into the ring with hammers.

All five men exit the ring.

Rusev and Aiden English now in the ring.

Shinsuke Nakamura now comes out.

Nakamura is facing English.

Knee drop by Nakamura.

Rusev attacks Nakamura from behind.

Nakamura throws Nakamura off his shoulders.

Nakamura dropkicks English.

Multiple kicks to the chest by Nakamura.

Nakamura knees English in the chest.

Nakamura hits his finisher and gets the win.

Cena now comes out as Nakamura’s match ends.

Styles now comes out too.

Cena beats Styles down.

Tornado DDT by Cena, Styles escapes at two.

Cena lands the five knuckle shuffle.

Styles drops Cena’s neck on his knee.

TKO by Cena, Styles escapes at two.

Spinning powerbomb by Styles, Cena kicks out at two.

Facebuster by Cena, Styles kicks out at two.

Styles kicks Cena in the head.

Styles delivered the Styles clash during the break.

Cena also hit an AA during the break, both kicked out.

Styles clotheslines Cena.

Cena locks in the STF, Styles escapes.

Phenomenal forearm, Cena escapes at two.

Cena AA’s Styles.

Cena runs into the steel steps.

Cena AA’s Styles through the announce table.

Styles gets back into the ring at the count of nine.

Styles locks in his submission move, Cena reverses into an AA and gets the win.

Owens and Zayn now come out.

Corbin attacks Cena from behind.

And Ziggler joins in too.

Seems Ziggler, Cena and Styles are faces. Owens, Zayn and Corbin heels.

Ziggler attacks Styles.

Cena AA’s Ziggler.

The show ends as it looked like Styles was going to phenomenal forearm Cena.


WWE Smackdown Live Analysis – 20.02.18 – Three title matches made for Fastlane, Zayn helps Owens & Corbin v Styles

Renee Young opens the show.

She introduces AJ Styles.

Crowd chanting his name.

Styles going through how he could lose his belt.

Baron Corbin interrupts Styles.

Corbin says Styles is looking at the new WWE Champion.

Kevin Owens interrupts now.

Owens says he doesn’t need Sami Zayn.

Shane McMahon interrupts Owens.

Crowd chanting his name.

McMahon makes Corbin v Styles for the main event.

Owens will face Dolph Ziggler.

Ziggler beats down Owens early on.

Dropkick by Ziggler.

And again.

And now one whilst Owens is on the apron.

Owens throws Ziggler into the side of the ring.

Ziggler suplexs Owens.

Cannonball by Owens to Ziggler in the corner, kickout at two.

DDT by Ziggler.

Owens goes shoulder first into the steel ringpost.

Elbow drop off the top rope by Owens.

Famouszer by Ziggler, Owens escapes at two.

Zig zag by Ziggler, Owens escapes at two.

Sami Zayn comes out.

Owens superkicks Ziggler during the distraction to get the win.

Zayn walks off clapping.

Jinder Mahal now in the ring.

He is interrupted by Bobby Roode.

Roode says Mahal cannot beat him in a fair fight.

Roode says he is not scared of Mahal.

Randy Orton interrupts them.

Orton and Roode work together to get rid of Mahal.

Orton goes for an RKO, Roode reverses it into a glorious DDT.

Mahal comes back and attacks Roode.

Daniel Bryan and Shane McMahon arguing again backstage.

Charlotte heads to the ring.

Becky Lynch joins her.

And now Naomi.

And now the Riott Squad.

Leg drop by Lynch.

Naomi and Lynch dropkick Riott and Logan.

Then Charlotte takes out Morgan.

Naomi throws Morgan into the turnbuckle.

Moonsault off the top rope by Naomi.

Naomi jumps over the top rope onto Logan and Riott.

Morgan throws Naomi into the steel steps.

Botched Naomi move but somehow Logan ends up on the ground.

Neckbreaker by Charlotte to Logan.

Back to back bexploders by Lynch to Riott.

Lynch locks in the disarmer, Morgan breaks it up.

Riott takes advantage of the distractions to get the win for her team.

New Day v Benjamin and Gable up next.

New Day up first.

Followed by Benjamin and Gable.

Woods clotheslines Gable.

Spinebuster by Benjamin to Woods.

Knee to the head by Benjamin.

Missile dropkick by Woods to Benjamin.

Belly to belly by Big E on Gable.

And again.

Gable now delivers one to Big E.

Gable and Benjamin hit their finisher, but a distraction by Kingston means that there is no pinfall.

Woods pins Benjamin to win the match.

The Bludgeon Brothers now come out.

It appears they will compete next.

They face, you guessed it, local competitors.

Double dropkick by Harper and Rowan.

Now a succession of powerslams to them on the floor.

Double powerbomb.

Double team finisher and Harper and Rowan get the win.

Styles makes his way to the ring.

Followed by Corbin.

Ziggler watching on backstage.

Corbin dominant early on.

Flying forearm by Styles.

Backbreaker by Corbin outside of the ring.

Corbin clotheslines Styles.

Corbin goes straight into the steel ringpost.

Knee to the head by Styles.

Corbin throws Styles over the commentary table.

Phenomenal Forearm by Styles, kickout at two by Corbin.

Powerslam by Corbin, Styles escapes at two.

Corbin hits deep six, but Styles escapes at two.

Phenomenal forearm for the second time, this time Styles gets the three count to win the match.

Styles is attacked by Zayn and Owens.

Corbin beats up Zayn and Owens.



Smackdown Live Analysis – 13.02.18 – Two more men added to WWE Championship match, Charlotte Wins & New Day attempt to break a World Record?!?!

Dolph Ziggler opens the show.

He faces Baron Corbin.

Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens have beaten Corbin up backstage.

Now they head to the ring.

Now they beat up Ziggler.

Corbin comes out and attacks Zayn and Owens.

Zayn and Owens leave both hurt on the floor.

Riott squad now on their way out.

Sarah Logan is competing.

She faces Charlotte.

Becky Lynch also comes out.

As does Naomi.

Grapple game early on.

Charlotte throws Logan across the ring.

Succession of chops by Charlotte.

Suplex by Logan.

Dropkick by Logan.

Clothesline by Logan.

Suplex by Logan.

Natural selection gets Flair the win.

Kevin Owens now heads to the ring.

He faces Baron Corbin.

Owens beats Corbin down early on.

Corbin now gains the upper hand.

Cannonball in the corner by Owens.

Clothesline by Corbin.

And another.

Deep six by Corbin but he cannot get over to cover Owens.

And again but this time Corbin pins Owens and gets the win.

Bobby Roode US Title Open Challenge up next.

Randy Orton answers the challenge.

Jinder Mahal also comes out.

Crowd wants Orton to RKO Mahal.

Orton RKO’s a Singh Brother.

Mahal delivers his finisher to Roode and Orton.

New Day out next.

Big E is attempting to break a pancake record.

Chad Gable and Shelton Benjamin interrupt them.

New Day are not happy that Benjamin and Gable are messing about with their pancakes.

Match made between Gable Benjamin, Kingston and Big E.

Spinning heel kick by Gable to Kingston, who escapes at two.

German suplexs by Gable.

Technical difficulties meant we missed the most of the match.

Ziggler v Zayn up next.

Once again having technical difficulties, if we are not able to cover a lot of the match apologies, there id not a lot more that we can do.

Looks like New Day won the last match-up.

Zayn comes out first.

Followed  by Ziggler.

Ziggler tries to attack Zayn in the corner.

Grapple game early on.

Zayn throws Ziggler from the bottom rope to the middle rope.

Ziggler dropkicks Zayn as he jumps off the top rope.

DDT by Ziggler on Zayn.

Famouszer by Ziggler, Zayn escapes at two.

Zayn hits the top rope as Ziggler is stood on top of it.

Exploder by Zayn to Ziggler off the top rope.

Zig zag by Ziggler, Zayn escapes at two.

Zayn throws Ziggler into the steel ring post.

Superkick by Ziggler and he gets the win.

Smackdown Live Analysis – 06.02.18 – Zayn v Owens, McMahon calls out Bryan & a US Championship Match!

Just a disclaimer before the show starts, I did not watch live so therefore I am once again basing this off youtube highlights.

We start off with McMahon and Bryan in the ring.

McMahon is not happy with Bryan’s bias towards Owens and Zayn.

AJ Styles comes out.

Styles wants both Bryan and McMahon to not get involved tonight.

Liv Morgan v Charlotte up next.

Spear by Charlotte.

Riott squad distract Charlotte.

Referee throws Logan and Riott out of ringside.

Liv Morgan taps out to the figure eight leg-lock.

The Bludgeon Brothers now take on local competitors.

Harper dropkicks his opponent.

Rowan throws himself at the other opponent.

Double clothesline by Rowan in the corner.

Rowan and Harper do their finisher to get the win.

Usos music hits as Harper and Rowan leave the ring.

The Usos are now in the ring.

They deliver a promo.

Daniel Bryan announces the top ten list.

Number ten is Tye Dillinger.

Nine is Randy Orton.

Number eight is Becky Lynch.

Seven is The Usos.

Six is the New Day.

Fifth is Bobby Roode.

Fourth is Naomi.

Third is Shinsuke Nakamura.

Second is Charlotte.

First is AJ Styles.

Rusev now facing Roode.

Neckbreaker by Roode.

Aiden English distracts Roode.

Kick to the head by Rusev.

Accolade attemot by Rusev, but he can’t lock it in.

Glorious DDT gets Roode the win.

Randy Orton RKO’s Roode ‘FROM OUTTA NOWHERE’

And then delivers one too English too.

Rusev gets one too.

The Ascension now face Chad Gable and Shelton Benjamin.

Shoulder tackle by Konnor to Benjamin.

Knee to the head by Benjamin.

Double knee takeout on Konnor.

Flapjack by Konnor on Gable.

Uppercut in the corner by Viktor.

Suplex by Gable.

Double team move by Gable and Benjamin gets them the win.

Sami Zayn now facing Kevin Owens.

Neckbreaker by Owens, Zayn escapes at two.

Tornado DDT by Zayn off the top rope.

Owens goes for a Senton off the top rope, but Zayn puts his knees up.

DDT through the middle rope by Zayn.

Styles attacks both Zayn and Owens.

Referee ends the match.

Bryan comes out and says at Fastlae it will be a triple threat match between Styles, Zayn and Owens.

Smackdown Live Analysis – 30.01.18 – Friction between Owens and Zayn, US Title Match made & Carmella cashes in?!?!

Shinsuke Nakamura opens the show.

Crowd canting Nakamura’s name.

Kevin Owens interrupts him.

Sami Zayn joins him.

Zayn and Owens aren’t happy that they didn’t win the WWE Title on Sunday.

Zayn and Owens say Nakamura will face them for the WWE Title at Wrestlemania.

Nakamura calls them losers.

AJ Styles comes out as Owens and Zayn looked unhappy with Nakamura.

Styles and Nakamura want to face Owens and Zayn but they say no.

Kofi Kingston v Jinder Mahal v Zack Ryder v Rusev for the US Title number one contender is up next.

As we return New Day are making their way to the ring.

All other competitors are already in the ring.

Before the match, Daniel Bryan tells Owens and Zayn they will face Styles and Nakamura tonight.

Bryan says Owens and Zayn will get the chance to face Styles at Fastlane, by facing each other next week.

Bobby Roode is on commentary.

Two superstars fight outside the ring, the other two inside.

Mahal and Rusev beating down Kingston and Ryder in opposite corners.

Neckbreaker by Ryder, Mahal breaks up the pin.

Ryder clotheslines Mahal over the top rope.

Kingston jumps over the top rope, and lands on Ryder and Mahal.

Xavier Woods, Big E, Aiden English and Sunil Singh are thrown out of ringside.

Carnage at ringside between all four competitors.

Kick to Mahal’s chest by Rusev.

Spear in the corner by Rusev.

Ryder beats Rusev down in the corner.

Broski Boot by Ryder on Rusev.

Mahal rolls up Rusev, kick out at two.

Kick to the head by Rusev and Ryder.

Accolade by Rusev on Kingston, who taps out.

Uso’s do a pre-recorded promo.

We are now backstage with Breezango.

They are answering questions from the WWE Universe.

The Ascension join them.

Chad Gable and Shelton Benjamin interrupt them.

Gable and Benjamin rip up the set.

Usos now head to the ring.

Bludgeon Brothers head to the ring.

Rowan and Harper are in action next.

They will face two jobbers.

Match done in pretty much a minute.

Tye Dillinger is backstage talking to Shane McMahon.

Baron Corbin interrupts.

Dillinger to face Corbin tonight.

Charlotte is next out.

She is interviewed with Renee Young.

The Riott squad come out.

Riott is the only one talking.

The Riott Squad surround Charlotte.

Charlotte eliminates all three from the ring.

Now all three beatdown Charlotte.

Charlotte gets beaten up as the Riott squad leave the ring.

Carmella is here.

Carmella accidentally dropkicks the official instead of Charlotte.

Carmella is shouting at the ref to hurry up.

Carmella now decides not to cash in.

Nakamura is teasing Styles backstage.

Dillinger out next.

Young is now interviewing Carmella.

Corbin now heads to the ring.

Dillinger attacks Corbin outside the ring.

Corbin now beatsdown Dillinger in the middle of the ring.

Corbin throws Dillinger out of the ring.

Corbin attempting to get Dillinger to submit.

Corbin goes shoulder first into the steel ring post.

Scissor kick by Dillinger.

Chokeslam backbreaker by Corbin.

End of days by Corbin, and he gets the win.

Owens and Zayn are talking about next week.

Benjamin and Gable now taking on Breezango.

Ascension looking on backstage.

Fandango faceplants Gable.

Gable throws Breeze into the steel steps.

Dropkick by Breeze.

Gable and Benjamin team on Breeze and get the win.

Styles, Nakamura, Owens and Zayn already did their intro and began the match by the time we get back from ads….

Grapple game.

Owens beats down Nakamura.

Knees to Owens’ head by Nakamura.

Owens and Zayn having an argument.

Zayn walks out on Owens.

Clothesline by Styles.

Styles drops Owens face first.

Zayn has returned.

Zayn and Owens beatdown Styles.

Zayn and Owens arguing again.

Zayn walks off again.

Elbow drop by Owens, Styles kicks out at two.

Pelee kick by Styles.

Kicks to the chest by Nakamura.

Nakamura knees Owens whilst he is on the top rope.

Nakamura hits his finisher and gets the win.



WWE Mixed Match Challenge – Round One – Carmella & Big E v Asuka & The Miz – Analysis & Thoughts

Match Analysis

Carmella is the first competitor out.

Followed by Big E.

Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods come out with Big E.

Woods and Kingston walk backstage after they have done their intro.

Carmella and Big E eat pancakes pre-match.

Asuka is the next competitor out.

Miz follows Asuka out.

Corey Graves has pancakes on the top of his head.

He is with Michael Cole and Beth Phoenix.

Miz and Big E start the match.

Abdominal stretch by Big E.

Miz tags in Asuka.

Carmella reluctant to fight Asuka.

Big E gets an L from under the ring and tells Carmella to give it to Asuka.

Asuka rips up the L.

Carmella tags in Big E.

Belly to belly by Big E.

DDT by Miz, Carmella breaks up the pin.

Both Miz and Asuka do the Daniel Bryan kicks.

Neckbreaker by Miz, Big E kicks out at two.

Succession of kicks to Big E.

Asuka tags herself in as Miz gets hung up on the middle rope.

Superkick by Carmella.

Carmella angers Asuka.

Kick to the head by Asuka.

Carmella taps out to Asuka’s arm bar.

Renee Young interviews the winners.

Asuka speaks in Japanese.

Miz says Asuka said: “She’s learned more than a champion in him, than anyone in her entire life.”


Pretty much 90% of the match was Big E v The Miz, and I thought the female competitors should have had more time.

Carmella was made to look pretty weak, tapping out to the armbar, which was one of the few moves Asuka hit on her.

Asuka’s undefeated streak remains intact, will be interesting to see how long that continues.

2015 Royal Rumble Match – The start of WWE’s new Golden Boy? – Analysis & Thoughts!

Match Analysis

The Miz and R-Truth begin the match.

Bubba Ray Dudley enters next.

D by Truth and Dudley.

Dudley eliminates Truth.

Dudley eliminates Truth.

Luke Harper enters next.

Bray Wyatt enters next.

Wyatt eliminates Dudley.

Curtis Axel was meant to enter next but Erick Rowan attacks him from behind.

Rowan eliminates Harper.

Wyatt eliminates Rowan.

The Boogeyman enters next.

Wyatt eliminates Boogeyman.

Sin Cara enters next.

Wyatt eliminates Cara.

Zack Ryder enters next.

Wyatt eliminates Ryder.

Daniel Bryan enters next.

Fandango enters next.

Tyson Kidd enters next.

Stardust enters next.

Bryan eliminates Kidd.

DDP enters next.

Rusev enters next.

Rusev eliminates DDP.

Rusev eliminates Fandango.

Wyatt eliminates Bryan.

Goldust enters next.

Kofi Kingston enters next.

Adam Rose enters next.

Rusev eliminates Rose.

Rusev eliminates Kingston.

Roman Reigns is next to enter.

Reigns eliminates Goldust.

Reigns eliminates Stardust.

Big E enters next.

Damien Sandow enters next.

Rusev eliminates Sandow.

Jack Swagger enters next.

Ryback enters next.

Kane enters next.

Dean Ambrose enters next.

Titus O’Neil enters next.

Reigns and Ambrose eliminate O’Neil.

Wade Barrett enters next.

Cesaro enters next.

Rusev eliminates Big E.

Big Show is the penultimate competitor.

Kane and Show eliminate Ryback.

Show eliminates Swagger.

Dolph Ziggler enters last.

Ziggler eliminates Barrett.

Ziggler eliminates Cesaro.

Show and Kane eliminate Ziggler.

Show eliminates Wyatt.

Kane and Show eliminate Ambrose.

Reigns eliminates Kane and show to win!

The Rock turns up to save Reigns after the match.

Rusev comes back in as he wasn’t eliminated.

Reigns eliminates Rusev.

My Thoughts

You can tell that the WWE Universe clearly weren’t happy with the decision to let Reigns win this Rumble.

There was a severe lack of top stars in this match. I don’t remember seeing Cena, Orton, Rollins, Sheamus and a lot more.

I get the feeling this is where Reigns’ push started to happen, and you can tell the WWE Universe felt that too.

2014 Royal Rumble Match – A legend returns to win! – Analysis & Thoughts

Match Analysis

CM Punk is the first entrant.

Seth Rollins is the second entrant.

Damien Sandow enters next.

Cody Rhodes enters next.

Punk eliminates Sandow.

Kane enters next.

Punk eliminates Kane.

Rusev enters next.

Jack Swagger enters next.

Kofi Kingston enters next.

Jimmy Uso enters next.

Goldust enters next.

Multiple superstars eliminate Rusev.

Dean Ambrose enters next.

Dolph Ziggler enters next.

R-Truth enters next.

Ambrose eliminates Truth.

Ambrose eliminates Jimmy Uso.

Kevin Nash enters next.

Nash eliminates Swagger.

Roman Reigns enters next.

Reigns eliminates Kingston.

Reigns eliminates Ziggler.

Reigns eliminates Nash.

Great Khali enters next.

The Shield eliminate Khali.

Goldust eliminates Rhodes.

Reigns eliminates Goldust.

Sheamus enters next.

The Miz enters next.

Fandango enters next.

El Torito enters next.

Torito eliminates Fandango.

Reigns eliminates Torito.

Cesaro enters next.

Luke Harper enters next.

Jey Uso enters next.

JBL enters next.

Reigns eliminates JBL.

Erick Rowan enters next.

Harper eliminates Miz.

Harper eliminates Jey Uso.

Ryback enters next.

Alberto Del Rio enters next.

Batista enters next.

Batista eliminates Rowan.

Batista eliminates Ryback.

Batista eliminates Del Rio.

Big E enters next.

Rey Mysterio is the last entrant.

Sheamus eliminates Big E.

Rollins eliminates Mysterio.

Reigns eliminates Harper.

Reigns eliminates Cesaro, Rollins and Ambrose.

Kane comes back and eliminates Punk.

Kane chokeslams Punk through a table.

Reigns eliminates Sheamus.


My Thoughts

Decent Royal Rumble match.

Batista returning was always good given there wasn’t any others.

Few NXT callups who are still on the roster now.

CM Punk’s last WWE Rumble 😦


23.01.18 – Smackdown Live Analysis – RKO outta nowhere, A glorious victory & Styles loses again!

Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens open the show.

Owens and Zayn confident they will become co-champions.

Owens and Zayn give Styles no chance of retaining.

AJ Styles interrupts.

Styles says he won’t be beaten on Sunday.

Zayn and Owens bring back of Styles saying he will take care of them both.

Daniel Bryan comes out.

Styles will face Owens and Zayn tonight in back to back matches.

Bryan and Shane McMahon discuss Styles having to fight both Owens and Zayn tonight.

Jey Uso to face Chad Gable.

Gable throws Uso to the matt.

Grapple game early on.

Gable gets thrown out of the ring by Uso.

Kick by Uso sends Gable flying out the ring.

Uso throws Gable out of the ring again.

Uso dives out the middle rope towards Gable and lands on it.

Samoan drop by Uso.

Rolling suplex by Gable gets him the win over Uso.

Renee Young is backstage with Shinsuke Nakamura.

Baron Corbin disrupts it.

Naomi is next out to the ring.

She faces Liv Morgan.

Tye Dillinger enters the 2018 Royal Rumble.

Dropkick out of the corner by Naomi.

Kick to the head by Naomi.

Morgan sends Naomi into the middle turnbuckle.

Ntalya, Lana and Carmella walk down to ringside.

As does Becky Lynch.

Sunset flip by Naomi gets her the win.

All the women are throwing each other over the top rope.

Charlotte comes out wishing all the competitors good luck.

Nakamura v Corbin up next.

Nakamura heads to the ring first.

Baron Corbin now makes his way to the ring.

Grapple game early on.

Corbin throws Nakamura into the steel barricade.

Corbin now attempting to get Nakamura to submit.

Kicks to the chest by Nakamura to Corbin.

Knee to Corbin’s ribs.

Deep six by Corbin, Nakamura kicks out at two.

Clothesline by Corbin, Nakamura kicks out at two.

Armbar by Nakamura, Corbin escapes.

Randy Orton RKO’s Nakamura as he goes to beat Corbin.

Orton RKO’s Corbin too.

We are now recapping what happened last night.

Six man tag match next, between Bobby Roode, two members of the New Day and Jinder Mahal, Rusev and Aiden English.

New Day come out first.

New Day announce they are entering the Royal Rumble.

Roode is next out.

Roode wants to be the best US Champion in history.

Mahal comes out next.

Rusev and English out last.

Bear hug by Rusev on Kingston.

Bulldog by Kingston on Rusev, after he runs into the corner of the ring.

Blockbuster by Roode on English.

Blockbuster by Roode on Mahal.

Superkick by Rusev, Roode kicks out at two.

Elbow drop off the top rope by Woods, and he wins the match for his team.

Styles now heading to the ring.

Owens and Zayn head to the ring together.

McMahon comes out to bring Zayn back to backstage.

McMahon says if Zayn interferes in Owens’ match against Styles he will be fired.

Likewise for Owens.

Dropkick by Styles.

Missed cannonball in the corner by Owens.

Owens taps out early on after the cap-crusher by Styles.

Zayn ambushes Styles multiple times.

Zayn sends Styles into the steel steps.

Bryan and McMahon overlooking backstage.

Clothesline by Zayn, Styles kicks out at two.

Zayn tries to get Styles to submit.

Quick succession of strikes by Styles.

Forearm outside the ring over the top rope by Styles.

Styles attacks Owens.

Zayn in control of Styles now.

Styles fights back.

Hurricinarana off the top rope by Styles.

Neckbreaker by Styles, Zayn kicks out at two.

Tornado DDT by Zayn.

Pelee kick by Styles, Zayn kicks out at two.

Powerbomb by Zayn, Styles kicks out at two.

Knee to the face by Styles.

Styles pushes the stretcher Owens was on over.

Heluva kick by Zayn

Followed by the Blue Thunder Bomb, and Zayn wins the match.








2013 Royal Rumble Match – The Golden Boy wins again! – Analysis & Thoughts

Match Analysis

Dolph Ziggler and Chris Jericho start the match off.

Cody Rhodes enters next.

Kofi Kingston enters next.

Santino Marrella enters next.

Rhodes eliminates Marrella.

Drew McIntyre enters next.

Titus O’Neil enters next.

Jericho eliminates McIntyre.

Goldust enters next.

David Otunga enters next.

Heath Slater enters next.

Sheamus enters next.

Sheamus throws Otunga into O’Neil to eliminate O’Neil.

Sheamus eliminates Otunga.

Tensai enters next.

Brodus Clay enters next.

Rhodes eliminates Goldust.

Rey Mysterio enters next.

Darren Young enters next.

Clay eliminated by multiple superstars.

Kingston eliminates Tensai.

Bo Dallas enters next.

Kingston eliminates Young.

Rhodes eliminates Kingston.

The Godfather enters next.

Ziggler eliminates The Godfather.

Wade Barrett enters next.

John Cena enters next.

Cena eliminates Slater.

Cena eliminates Rhodes.

Damien Sandow enters at 20.

Barrett eliminates Mysterio.

Daniel Bryan enters next.

Cesaro enters next.

The Great Khali enters next.

Kane enters next.

Zack Ryder enters next.

Kane eliminates Khali.

Bryan eliminates Kane.

Bryan is eliminated by Cesaro.

Randy Orton enters next.

Orton eliminates Ryder.

Jinder Mahal enters next.

Cena eliminates Cesaro.

The Miz enters next.

Sheamus eliminates Mahal.

Sin Cara enters next.

Dallas eliminates Barrett.

Barrett comes back to eliminate Dallas.

Ryback is the last entrant.

Ryback eliminates Sandow.

Ryback eliminates Sin Cara.

Ryback eliminates Miz.

Ziggler eliminates Jericho.

Ryback eliminates Orton.

Sheamus eliminates Ziggler.

Ryback eliminates Sheamus.

Cena eliminates Ryback to win the 2013 Royal Rumble!

My Thoughts

A good Royal Rumble match.

The pop when the Godfather came out was great as I am pretty sure that nobody suspected it.

From what I remember, Ryback was doing very well at this moment in time, so a win for him, rather than Cena would have probably made more sense.

Jericho and Ziggler lasting so long in the match was good to see as well.


RAW 25 Analysis – 22.01.18 – A New Intercontinental Champion, Three Stone-Cold Stunners & Strowman stands tall again!

First we get to see the Manhattan Centre.

Jerry Lawler and Jim Ross are there.

Stephanie McMahon opens the show.

Shane McMahon is alongside her.

Shane thanks everyone for making the show a success.

Now we are seeing highlights of the best moments.

Stephanie introduces Vince.

Shane and Stephanie have got a plaque to celebrate the occasion for Vince.

Vince is playing classic heel Vince, and it’s awesome!


Stunner on Shane!



Austin walks out with his beer.

Eight woman tag-team match.

The heel team attack the face team before the match has began.

It’s Sasha Banks, Bayley, Asuka and Mickie James v Nia Jax, Sonya Deville, Mandy Rose and Alicia Fox.

Asuka in control of Deville this far.

Asuka now in control of Rose, after the ad-break.

Jax now in control of Banks.

Fox now in control of Banks.

Fox mocking in front of Banks’ team.

The rest of the competitors brawl outside the ring.

Banks locks in the bank-statement on Fox for the win.

Asuka attacks all of her team-mates and throws them over the top rope.

Kurt Angle is now backstage with Coach Jonathan.

Teddy long joins them.

The Boogeyman now joins in!

There were some more guests but I’d be lying if I said I knew who they were.


It appears the other people were brother love and the Brooklyn Brawler.

We are watching a package of the Undertaker’s best moments.

Taker is at the Manhattan Centre.

Howard Finkel introduced him.

Taker doing an old school promo.

No mention of whether he is retiring or a Mania match.

We’re now with the APA.

They are joined by Heath Slater and Rhyno.

The million Dollar man, Ted DiBiase joins them.

John Laurinatis comes out.

As does William Regal.

As does Eric Bischoff.

As does Daniel Bryan!

The Miz interrupts them.

Miz joined by the Miztourage.

Reigns attacks the Miztourage.

Miz takes advantage of the distraction.

Reigns on top by time we are back from ad-break.

Reigns sent shoulder first into the steel ring post.

Miz does the yes kicks.

Reigns catches Miz and powerbombs him, kickout at two.

Miz once again takes advantage of distractions.

Super-man punch, kickout at two.

Miz once against takes advantage of distractions.

Bo Dallas and Curtis Axel thrown out from ringside.

Skull crushing finale by Miz, Reigns kicks out at two.

Another skull crushing finale and Miz wins!


MVP, Jeff Hardy and The Usos have joined the APA Poker game.

Now Christian is hosting the Peep Show.

Jason Jordan and Seth Rollins are his guests.

Jordan getting A LOT of heat.

Cannot even get his lines out.

The Bar interrupt.

Crowd loves Cesaro when he tells Jordan he sucks.

Rollins accidentally knees Jordan.

The crowd loves it.

Ric Flair says Alexa Bliss needs to be more like Charlotte.

Titus Worldwide and Natalya have joined the APA Poker game.

Bray Wyatt is at the Manhattan Centre.

As is Matt Hardy.

Wyatt throws himself at Hardy.

Hardy repeatedly bouncing Wyatt’s head off the turnbuckle.

Side effect by Hardy, Wyatt kicks out at two.

Sister Abigail by Wyatt wins him the match.

The Bella twins are now out.

Maryse is next.

Kelly Kelly is next.

Lilian Garcia is next.

Jacqueline is next.

Torrie Wilson is next.

Michelle McCool is next.

Terri Runnels is next.

Maria Kanellis is next.

Trish Stratus looks to be the final one.


Jericho calls Elias a stupid idiot.

Elias makes the list!

Elias is now sat in the ring.

Elias points out Jimmy Fallon in the front row.

John Cena interrupts him.

A security guard has taken away a ball the WWE Universe where hitting around the arena.

Five knuckle shuffle by Cena.

Low-blow by Cena as he went for the AA.

Elias hits Cena with a guitar.

Driftor to Cena.

The New Day have now joined the APA Poker Game.


Mark Henry backstage.

Her meets the Godfather.

Titus Worldwide now heading to the ring.

They will face Slater and Rhyno.

O’Neil in control of Slater early on.

Match ended after both teams continue fighting.


The other four men run out the ring.

Slater is thrown in the ring.

Signature Dudley Boyz move!


3D through a table on Slater.

AJ Styles now backstage.

Styles will be interviewed by Gene Okerlund.

DX Reunion up next.

Triple H keeps stopping Michaels from telling some stories he doesn’t want telling.

Michaels promotes the WWE Network.

Triple H is recapping memories of the Mahattan Center.

The New Age Outlaws come out.

X-Pac is next out.

Razor Ramon is next out.

Balor Club walk to the ring!

Everyone in the ring too sweets.

Now the Revival come out.

The Revival attack Gallows and Anderson before the bell has rang.

The club win after they hit their finisher.

Dawson gets beaten up by all members in the ring after he attacked Ramon.

Coupe de grace by Balor on Dawson.

Kurt Angle makes his way to the ring with pretty much the full locker room.

Strowman heads to the ring first.

Kane follows Braun.

Superstars in the ring to split them up.

Paul Heyman introduces Lesnar.

Heyman says Lesnar wants a fight.

Strowman attacks Kane from behind.

Lesnar clotheslines Strowman.

F5 by Lesnar on Kane.

Strowman throws Lesnar out of the ring.

Strowman throws Lesnar into the barricade.

Strowman slams Lesnar through a table.

Who will be at RAW 25 tonight?

Tonight sees WWE celebrate the 25th anniversary of Monday Night RAW!

The event sees legends of the past return, as long as the current superstars, from both RAW and Smackdown Live feature.

We are here to tell you the confirmed list of people at tonight’s show!

Before the event itself kicks off tonight, there will be a pre-show live on the WWE Network an hour beforehand, hosted by Renee Young, David Otunga, Sam Roberts and also Peter Rosenberg.

The following Superstars will appear at the event

Brother Love

Eric Bischoff

Harvey Wippleman

Howard Finkel

Jonathan Coachman


John Laurinaitis

Lilian Garcia

Teddy Long

Terri Runnels

The Bella Twins


The Brooklyn Brawler

Chris Jericho


D Generation X

The Dudley Boyz

The Godfather


Kelly Kelly

Maria Kanellis

Michelle McCool


The New Age Outlaws

Ric Flair

Ron Simmons

Scott Hall

The Million Dollar Man, Ted DiBiase

Torrie Wilson

Trish Stratus


William Regal

Stone Cold Steve Austin will also be at the event!

There will also be a special commentary team of Jim Ross and Jerry ‘The King’ Lawler.

It remains to be seen whether there are any more returnees, whilst the whole of the WWE Universe is hoping for a CM Punk return, no matter how unlikely that may seem.

John Cena is also likely to be there but he isn’t officially not under a WWE contract anymore, hence why he isn’t under the legends.

There will also be a few Smackdown Live superstars in attendance, with the likes of AJ Styles, Charlotte Flair, the New Day and more likely to be there.

And of course the whole of the current RAW roster will be on the show!

Roman Reigns will also be facing the Miz for the Intercontinental Title on the show.

Question – Who are you most looking forward to seeing back tonight?

Twitter – http://www.twitter.com/rawrestling

2011 Royal Rumble Match – The biggest Royal Rumble in history – Analysis & Thoughts!

Match Analysis

CM Punk is the first man out for the record 40-man Royal Rumble.

Punk was still a part of the Nexus at this point.

The core come out to attack Punk.

The Nexus come out to defend Punk.

Punk starts off against Daniel Bryan.

Justin Gabriel comes in third.

Bryan eliminates Gabriel.

Zack Ryder is the next man to enter.

Bryan eliminates Ryder.

William Regal enters next.

Ted DeBiase enters next.

John Morrison enters next.

DeBiase eliminates Regal.

Yoshi Tatsu enters next.

Husky Harris enters next.

Chavo Guerrero enters next.

Mark Henry enters next.

Henry eliminates Guerrero.

Henry eliminates Tatsu.

JTG is next to enter.

Michael McGullicuty enters next.

McGullicuty eliminates JTG.

Harris & McGullicuty eliminate DiBiase.

Chris Masters enters next.

David Otunga enters next.

Punk eliminates Bryan.

Punk eliminates Masters.

All members of the Nexus eliminate Morrison.

All members of the Nexus eliminate Henry.

Tyler Reks enters next.

Punk eliminates Reks.

Vladmir Kozlov enters next.

Punk eliminates Kozlov.

R-Truth enters next.

Punk eliminates Truth.

Great Khali enters next.

Khali eliminates Harris.

Mason Ryan enters next.

Ryan eliminates Khali.

Booker T enters next.

Ryan eliminates Booker.

John Cena enters next.

Cena eliminates Ryan.

Cena eliminates Otunga and McGullicuty.

Hornswoggle enters next.

Cena eliminates Punk.

Tyson Kidd enters next.

Cena eliminates Kidd, after he and Hornswoggle AA him.

Heath Slater enters next.

Cena eliminates Slater.

Kofi Kingston enters next.

Jack Swagger enters next.

Sheamus enters next.

Sheamus eliminates Hornswoggle.

Rey Mysterio enters next.

Mysterio eliminates Swagger.

Wade Barrett enters at 30.

Dolph Ziggler enters next.

Diesel enters next.

Drew McIntyre enters next.

Alex Riley is next to enter.

Diesel eliminated by Barrett.

Big Show enters next.

Alex Riley eliminated by Show.

Show eliminates Ziggler.

Show eliminates McIntyre.

Ezekiel Jackson enters next.

Jackson eliminates Show.

Santino Marella enters next.

Alberto Del Rio enters next.

Randy Orton enters next.

Orton eliminates Kingston.

Orton eliminates Sheamus.

Kane is the last entrant.

Kane eliminates Jackson.

Mysterio eliminates Kane.

Barrett eliminates Mysterio.

Miz eliminates Cena after a distraction by Riley.

Orton eliminates Barrett.

Del Rio eliminates Orton to win the 2011 Royal Rumble!

Marella is still in the match.

Del Rio eliminates Marella, and now he has won!


A pretty good Royal Rumble in all honesty. You can tell the eliminations were pretty quick as they tried to fit in all 40 competitors.

I like the part where Nexus dominated the most, as that showed they were a force to be reckoned with, but when it took one man to eliminate almost all of them it was pretty stupid booking.

Miz eliminating Cena could also set up future storylines.

Marella at the end was pretty funny, the whole crowd wanted him to win, but I liked that added comedy at the end.

Question – What are your thoughts on the 2011 Royal Rumble?


16.01.18 – Smackdown Live Analysis – A new United States Champion & the Riott Squad win again

Smackdown Live is opened by The New Day.

It appears this will be the United States Tournament match, Xavier Woods v Jinder Mahal.

New Day taking the mickey out of the Singh Brothers introducing Mahal.

There’s a plate of pancakes in front of the New Day.

Crowd behind Woods and the New Day.

Singh Brothers now introduce Mahal.

Instant kick to the face by Mahal.

Mahal dominant early on.

Dropkick by Woods.

Mahal attempting to get Woods to submit.

Mahal dominating again.

It appears the WWE Universe want pancakes, as that is what they are chanting.

Woods narrowly makes it back into the ring before he is counted out.

Woods kicks out at two, after Mahal catches him with a knee.

Woods headbutts Mahal off the top rope.

Missile dropkick by Woods off the top rope.

Both competitors trading blows in the middle of the ring.

Kick to the head by Woods.

Shining Wizard by Woods, Mahal kicks out at two.

New Day chase the Singh Brothers out of the arena as they try to distract Woods.

Mahal throws Woods into the bottom rope.

Mahal hits his finisher to win and qualify for the finals.

Now we move onto a pre-recorded part where Corbin says he will win the Royal Rumble.

After the ad-break we are re-capping Goldberg being inducted into the Hall of Fame.

Renee Young now introduces AJ Styles for a backstage segment.

Styles says he counts Kevin Owens as two people, so it’s a 3v1 handicap match.

Carmella gives her thoughts on the Royal Rumble in a pre=recorded clip.

As does Natalya.

As does Tamina.

As does Lana.

As does Naomi.

As does Ruby Riott.

As does Sarah Logan.

As does Liv Morgan.

As does Becky Lynch.

Bobby Roode now comes out.

He’s facing Mojo Rawley in the second semi final for the US Title Tournament.

Rawley wins the strength battle at the beginning of the match.

Roode dominating early on, and now trying to submit Rawley.

Rawley runs into Roode and sends him flying into the matt.

Rawley runs around the ring and shoulder barges Roode into the barricade.

Rawley now has Roode in submissions trying to get him to submit.

High boot by Rawley, Roode kicks out at two.

Rawley goes shoulder first into the steel ringpost.

Blockbuster off the top rope by Roode, Rawley kicks out at two.

Rawley throws Roode into the canvas, Roode kicks out at two.

Roode hits the Glorious DDT for the win.

That means that it is Roode v Mahal for the US Title next week.

The Singh Brothers beat Roode down from behind.

The Singh Brothers run off before Roode can react.

Mahal mocks Roode by saying he will be a Glorious Champion.

Roode wants the match to happen tonight.

Mahal says no.

Daniel Bryan is behind Mahal.

Bryan says the US Title Match will be tonight.

Another pre-recorded bit, this time from Randy Orton.

Charlotte is the first woman out.

She is followed by Becky Lynch.

And then Naomi.

Riott Squad come out together per usual.

Charlotte starts off stronger against Morgan.

Charlotte now dominating Riott.

The Riott Squad have taken control since the ad break.

Morgan mocks Lynch by lying in front of her and waving.

Logan tries to get Lynch to submit.

Naomi cross-bodies Morgan over the top rope, Logan breaks up the pinfall.

Riott kicks Naomi whilst the referee is distracted.

Morgan hits her finisher on Naomi to get the win for the Riott squad.

Backstage interview with the Usos.

Shelton Benjamin and Chad Gable attack them from behind.

We are seeing highlights of how Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn got their championship shot.

Now we are seeing  a pre-recorded part with Shinsuke Nakamura saying why he will win the Royal Rumble.

Shane McMahon is next out.

According to the commentators, Daniel Bryan will join him at ringside.

Rusev and Aiden English to face the Ascension next week.

Singh Brothers banned from ringside.

Roode punches Mahal ten times whilst in the corner.

Mahal is sent out the ring over the top rope.

Mahal throws Roode first into the ring apron, and then the steel steps.

Mahal then throws Roode onto the barricade.

Mahal stretches Roode’s body around the steel ringpost.

Mahal shoulder barges Roode off the ring apron into the barricade.

Mahal dominating Roode.

Roode gets a few shots off on Mahal.

Mahal stops Roode’s momentum with a clothesline, Roode kicks out at two.

Mahal tries to get Roode to submit.

Sunset flip by Roode, Mahal kicks out at two.

Kick by Mahal, Roode kicks out at two.

Mahal dominating again.

Blockbuster by Roode, Mahal kicks out at two.

Both men down after a double clothesline.

Spinebuster by Roode.

Mahal goes for his finisher, Roode reverses into his, and wins the United States Title.


Smackdown Live Analysis – 02.01.18 – Becky Lynch Returns, as Sami Zayn pins AJ Styles

Show opens with highlights of last week, when Kevin Owens beat AJ Styles in a non-title match.

Styles will start the first Smackdown Live in 2018.

Styles opens by wishing the WWE Universe a happy new year!

Daniel Bryan is called out by Styles to tell him whether Owens is allowed at ringside this week, after Zayn cost Styles the match last week.

Shane McMahon comes out before Bryan can say a word.

Crowd starts the chant: “Shane O’Mac,” closely followed by: “Daniel Bryan.”

McMahon apologises to Styles for costing him the match last week.

Bryan, McMahon and Owens will all be ringside for the match later tonight.

The Usos to defend the tag-team titles against Shelton Benjamin and Chad Gable, next!

Usos talk on the mic to Gable and Benjamin before the match.

Benjamin throws one of the Usos off the top rope then Gable does a moonsault and then pin is broken up at two, fast paced start to the match.

The Usos go flying out the ring multiple times.

Benjamin and Gable win a very disappointing and short match.

Another referee comes out, and it appears the man pinned wasn’t the legal man, confusion in the arena.

The referee restarts the match, so much confusion ongoing at the moment.

The Usos attack Gable and Benjamin as they hesitate when getting back into the ring.

Double super-kick by the Usos, then a frog splash off the top rope gets the Usos the win, very disappointing match, that.

Zayn and Owens do a backstage segment with Renee Young, where they discuss the match later on tonight.

Breezango come out to face the Bludgeon Brothers.

The Bludgeon Brothers started the match before the bell even rang, by beating down Breezango, then The Ascension come out to save them, and get crushed.

We then go to the backstage with the New Day, and Big E and Kofi Kingston have bought Xavier Woods gifts.

They are interrupted by Aiden English and Rusev!

Rusev calls them: “Little kids,” as the crowd cheers for #RusevDay.

Mojo Rawley then does a backstage promo talking about how he will beat Zack Ryder next week.

Rusev and English are stood in the ring waiting, and Rusev decides it’s him turn to sing English a song, that was pretty awesome!

Woods goes faces first into the steel steps after English dodges him.

English sings: “Rusev Day!” to himself in the ring whilst he is in control of the match.

Back-breaker by Woods, and English kicks-out at two and a half.

Jinder Mahal is watching backstage, with the Singh Brothers.

Woods wins after an elbow-drop from the top tope, Rusev day is cancelled!

The Welcoming Committee do a backstage segment about how they are going to beat the Riott Squad.

The Welcoming Committee come out first, accompanied by Lana.

The Riott squad win with quite possibly the worst finisher you will ever see, a knee to the back of the head…

Ruby Riott cuts a promo post match that is full on heel.

Charlotte interrupts the promo.

Charlotte then introduces Naomi, closely followed by the returning Becky Lynch.

The three make the Riott squad retreat, after the beatdown.

Baron Corbin then announces that he will be in the Royal Rumble match.

Styles came out first, and he was followed by Bryan and then McMahon.

Styles goes straight after Zayn, after he cost him the match last week against Owens.

Ringside confrontation between Owens and McMahon, after Styles has Zayn down outside the ring, Bryan tries to break it up.

Chants of: “AJ Styles, Sami Zayn,” ring around the arena during the match.

Zayn hits the blue thunder bomb, but Styles kicks out at two.

The official rolls out the ring, but Styles pins Zayn for a three count in the ring, but there’s nobody to count it.

McMahon pushes Owens over.

McMahon gets Owens ejected, then Bryan tells McMahon to leave too.

Zayn hits the Helluvah kick during all of the chaos and gets the pin on Styles.

Styles cuts a promo, and it results in Bryan announcing that Styles will defend his title in the Royal Rumble in a handicap match against Owens and Zayn.

Question – What did you make of #SDLive tonight?

Twitter – https://twitter.com/RAWrestling