WWE 205 Live Analysis – 13.03.18 – Hideo turns heel?, Gallagher goes brutal & Alexander v Strong to go to Wrestlemania!

Hideo Itami and Akira Tozawa head to the ring.

They face Gran Metalik and Lince Dorado, accompanied by Kalisto.

Itami gets the win after hitting his new finisher on Metalik. Dorado is not happy with Itami. Kalisto and Tozawa have to separate the pair.

Drake Maverick now heads to ringside.

Jack Gallagher heads to the ring. He faces Murphy Myres. Gallagher gets the win over Myres, after he beats him down and returns to the ring, before giving him a headbutt.

Roderick Strong heads to the ring first. Followed by Cedric Alexander.

Alexander gets the win over Strong, after a long match between the two. Alexander got the win by rolling strong up for the win.

Alexander says he will leave Wrestlemania as the WWE Crusierweight Champion.

WWE 205 Live Analysis – 20.02.18 – Buddy Murphy debuts, Lucha’s in tag-team action & Ali v Gallagher

We recap last week’s show.

Ariya Divari head to the ring.

Followed by Buddy Murphy.

We are shown Murphy’s 205 Live weigh in.

Crowd behind Murphy.

Hurricanrana by Murphy.

Divari slams Murphy down on the matt.

Divari throws murphy into the steel steps.

Divari throws Murphy into the corner, back first.

Missile dropkick off the ropes by Murphy.

Murphy jumps over the top rope onto Divari on the floor.

Frog splash by Divari, Murphy escapes at two.

Hammerlock lariot by Divari, Murphy escapes at two.

Murphy hits his finisher on Divari and gets the win.

Drake Maverick announces the quarter final brackets for the tournament.

Kalisto now heads to the ring.

He is alongside Gran Metalik and Lince Dorado.

Metalik and Dorado in action.

Against local competitors.

Dropkick by Dorado.

Standing moonsault by Dorado.

Double hip toss.

Competitors now in control of Metalik.

Dorado faceplants his opponent.

Dorado jumps off the top rope onto his opponent.

Metalik and Dorado jump from the ring to the outside at their opponents.

Dorado hits his finisher off the top rope and gets the win for his team.

Final first round match up next.

Jack Gallagher out first.

Followed by Mustafa Ali.

Grapple game early on.

Buddy Murphy looking on backstage.

Gallagher locks in the armbar, Ali gets to the ropes.

Single leg Boston crab by Ali, Gallagher escapes.

Quick combo of pins.

Spinning heel kick by Ali.

Gallagher beats Ali up as he gets stuck in the ring apron.

Suplex by Gallagher.

Dropkick by Ali.

Hurricanrana by Gallagher to Ali.

Facebuster by Ali.

Gallagher throws Ali into the steel ring post.

Gallagher focusing on Ali’s left arm.

Hammerlock slam by Gallagher.

Ali botches a move going over the top rope.

Gallagher locks Ali in the armbar.

And again.

He reaches the ropes eventually.

Gallagher dropkicks Ali off the top rope and Ali lands on the barricade.

Gallagher throws Ali into the barricade.

Gallagher throws Ali into the corner.

Gallagher beating down Ali.

Superkick to Gallagher by Ali.

Tornado DDT by Ali.

Ali hits his finisher off the top rope to get the win.



WWE 205 Live Analysis – 13.02.18 – Buddy Murphy moves to 205 Live, Mandrews v Tozawa & Gulak v Nese

We start with a review of what happened on last week’s show.

And now a preview of whose competing tonight.

Akira Tozawa opens the show.

Mark Andrews says he will be the next Crusierweight Champion in an interview before the match.

Andrews now heads to the ring.

Grapple game early on.

Drew Maverick overlooking backstage.

Tozawa slaps Andrews.

Tozawa kicks Andrews multiple times in the corner.

Senton by Tozawa, Andrews escapes at two.

Tozawa hits Andrews in the corner.

Andrews fighting back in the middle of the ring.

Springboard by Andrews.

Shining wizard by Tozawa.

Tozawa jumps at Andrews through the middle rope.

Suplez by Andrews.

Springboard by Andrews.

Suplex by Tozawa.

Andrews does a smiliar move to Kalisto’s finisher.

Hurricanrana off the top rope by Andrews.

Andrews rolls up Tozawa and gets the win.

Jack Gallagher now doing a backstage promo.

Maverick interrupts him.

Maverick tells Gallagher to sort himself out.

It’s announced Buddy Murphy will fight Ariya Divari next week.

Gulak backstage preparing for his match.

As is Nese.

Gulak heads to the ring.

And now Nese follows.

Gulak wants to show hands.

Nese kicks Gulak’s hand.

Grapple game early on.

Submission attempt by Nese.

Nese hits Gulak with his elbow.

Gulak suplexs Nese to the floor.

Nese gets back in the ring at the count of nine.

Nese runs into Gulak.

Nese runs into Gulak again.

Dropkick by Gulak to Nese.

Suplex by Gulak.

Another suplex by Gulak.

Nese throws himself over the top rope towards Gulak.

Bodyslam by Nese, Gulak escapes at two.

Nese throws Gulak into the top rope.

And now into another corner.

Gulak throws Nese into the table, twice.

And again.

Clothesline by Gulak.

Powerbomb by Gulak.

And another.

Gulak goes for a sleeper hold and gets the win over Nese.


2015 Royal Rumble Match – The start of WWE’s new Golden Boy? – Analysis & Thoughts!

Match Analysis

The Miz and R-Truth begin the match.

Bubba Ray Dudley enters next.

D by Truth and Dudley.

Dudley eliminates Truth.

Dudley eliminates Truth.

Luke Harper enters next.

Bray Wyatt enters next.

Wyatt eliminates Dudley.

Curtis Axel was meant to enter next but Erick Rowan attacks him from behind.

Rowan eliminates Harper.

Wyatt eliminates Rowan.

The Boogeyman enters next.

Wyatt eliminates Boogeyman.

Sin Cara enters next.

Wyatt eliminates Cara.

Zack Ryder enters next.

Wyatt eliminates Ryder.

Daniel Bryan enters next.

Fandango enters next.

Tyson Kidd enters next.

Stardust enters next.

Bryan eliminates Kidd.

DDP enters next.

Rusev enters next.

Rusev eliminates DDP.

Rusev eliminates Fandango.

Wyatt eliminates Bryan.

Goldust enters next.

Kofi Kingston enters next.

Adam Rose enters next.

Rusev eliminates Rose.

Rusev eliminates Kingston.

Roman Reigns is next to enter.

Reigns eliminates Goldust.

Reigns eliminates Stardust.

Big E enters next.

Damien Sandow enters next.

Rusev eliminates Sandow.

Jack Swagger enters next.

Ryback enters next.

Kane enters next.

Dean Ambrose enters next.

Titus O’Neil enters next.

Reigns and Ambrose eliminate O’Neil.

Wade Barrett enters next.

Cesaro enters next.

Rusev eliminates Big E.

Big Show is the penultimate competitor.

Kane and Show eliminate Ryback.

Show eliminates Swagger.

Dolph Ziggler enters last.

Ziggler eliminates Barrett.

Ziggler eliminates Cesaro.

Show and Kane eliminate Ziggler.

Show eliminates Wyatt.

Kane and Show eliminate Ambrose.

Reigns eliminates Kane and show to win!

The Rock turns up to save Reigns after the match.

Rusev comes back in as he wasn’t eliminated.

Reigns eliminates Rusev.

My Thoughts

You can tell that the WWE Universe clearly weren’t happy with the decision to let Reigns win this Rumble.

There was a severe lack of top stars in this match. I don’t remember seeing Cena, Orton, Rollins, Sheamus and a lot more.

I get the feeling this is where Reigns’ push started to happen, and you can tell the WWE Universe felt that too.

2014 Royal Rumble Match – A legend returns to win! – Analysis & Thoughts

Match Analysis

CM Punk is the first entrant.

Seth Rollins is the second entrant.

Damien Sandow enters next.

Cody Rhodes enters next.

Punk eliminates Sandow.

Kane enters next.

Punk eliminates Kane.

Rusev enters next.

Jack Swagger enters next.

Kofi Kingston enters next.

Jimmy Uso enters next.

Goldust enters next.

Multiple superstars eliminate Rusev.

Dean Ambrose enters next.

Dolph Ziggler enters next.

R-Truth enters next.

Ambrose eliminates Truth.

Ambrose eliminates Jimmy Uso.

Kevin Nash enters next.

Nash eliminates Swagger.

Roman Reigns enters next.

Reigns eliminates Kingston.

Reigns eliminates Ziggler.

Reigns eliminates Nash.

Great Khali enters next.

The Shield eliminate Khali.

Goldust eliminates Rhodes.

Reigns eliminates Goldust.

Sheamus enters next.

The Miz enters next.

Fandango enters next.

El Torito enters next.

Torito eliminates Fandango.

Reigns eliminates Torito.

Cesaro enters next.

Luke Harper enters next.

Jey Uso enters next.

JBL enters next.

Reigns eliminates JBL.

Erick Rowan enters next.

Harper eliminates Miz.

Harper eliminates Jey Uso.

Ryback enters next.

Alberto Del Rio enters next.

Batista enters next.

Batista eliminates Rowan.

Batista eliminates Ryback.

Batista eliminates Del Rio.

Big E enters next.

Rey Mysterio is the last entrant.

Sheamus eliminates Big E.

Rollins eliminates Mysterio.

Reigns eliminates Harper.

Reigns eliminates Cesaro, Rollins and Ambrose.

Kane comes back and eliminates Punk.

Kane chokeslams Punk through a table.

Reigns eliminates Sheamus.


My Thoughts

Decent Royal Rumble match.

Batista returning was always good given there wasn’t any others.

Few NXT callups who are still on the roster now.

CM Punk’s last WWE Rumble 😦


23.01.18 – 205 Live Analysis – Lince Dorado returns, Hideo Itami & Cedric Alexander emerge victorious

Daniel Bryan opens the show.

He announces Enzo Amore is no longer Crusierweight Champion.

Bryan announces a new 205 Live General Manager will be announced next week.

Vic Joseph and Nigel McGuiness welcome us to the show.

Kalisto opens the show.

Gran Metalik is his partner.

Lince Dorado is also on their side.

TJ Perkins is their first opponent.

Ariya Daivari is his first partner.

They are joined by Tony Nese.

Early grapple game by TJP and Dorado.

Standing moonsault by Dorado, TJP kicks out at two.

Arm drag by Metalik on Nese.

Missile dropkick of the top rope by Metalik, Daivari kicks out at two.

Daivari pushes Kalisto over the top rope after a distraction by Nese.

Double suplex by TJP, Kalisto kicks out at two.

Kick to the head by Kalisto.

Hurricanrana by Dorado.

Moonsault by Dorado, but the pin is broken up.

Dorado hits his finisher on TJP to get the win.

Nese pushes TJP over as he is complaining to Nese and Daivari in the ring.

Drew Gulak says he wants to be the new 205 Live General Manager.

Jack Gallagher makes his way to the ring.

Hideo Itami is his opponent.

Early ambush from Itami.

Kick to the chest by itami.

Succession of kicks by Itami to Gallagher, whose hung up in the top rope.

Knee to the back of Gallagher’s head.

Gallagher goes under the ring, and comes out the other side to attack Itami from behind.

Submission holds by Gallagher.

Gallagher is bending Itami’s hands.

Gallagher focusing on Itami’s left shoulder.

Itami kicks out at two after Gallagher slowly bends his arms onto the matt.

Clothesline off the top rope by Itami, Gallagher kicks out at two.

Dropkick to Gallagher in the corner.

Itami hits his finisher to get the win.

Akira Tozawa putting his claim to be the first ever 205 Live General Manager now.

Cedric Alexander out next.

Mustafa Ali is his opponent.

The competitors shake hands before the match.

Very tactical match so far.

Dropkick by Alexander.

Submission attempt by Ali, Alexander escapes.

Alexander pushes Ali down to the floor as he looked to jump over the top rope, Ali hits his face on the matt as he fell too.

Alexander goes face first into the turnbuckle as Ali jumped over him.

Facebuster by Ali, Alexander kicks out at two.

Ali sent face first into the turnbuckle as Alexander trips him into it.

Roundhouse by Ali.

DDT by Ali, Alexander kicks out at two.

Alexander hits his finisher to get the win.

The two competitors shake hands after the match.


2011 Royal Rumble Match – The biggest Royal Rumble in history – Analysis & Thoughts!

Match Analysis

CM Punk is the first man out for the record 40-man Royal Rumble.

Punk was still a part of the Nexus at this point.

The core come out to attack Punk.

The Nexus come out to defend Punk.

Punk starts off against Daniel Bryan.

Justin Gabriel comes in third.

Bryan eliminates Gabriel.

Zack Ryder is the next man to enter.

Bryan eliminates Ryder.

William Regal enters next.

Ted DeBiase enters next.

John Morrison enters next.

DeBiase eliminates Regal.

Yoshi Tatsu enters next.

Husky Harris enters next.

Chavo Guerrero enters next.

Mark Henry enters next.

Henry eliminates Guerrero.

Henry eliminates Tatsu.

JTG is next to enter.

Michael McGullicuty enters next.

McGullicuty eliminates JTG.

Harris & McGullicuty eliminate DiBiase.

Chris Masters enters next.

David Otunga enters next.

Punk eliminates Bryan.

Punk eliminates Masters.

All members of the Nexus eliminate Morrison.

All members of the Nexus eliminate Henry.

Tyler Reks enters next.

Punk eliminates Reks.

Vladmir Kozlov enters next.

Punk eliminates Kozlov.

R-Truth enters next.

Punk eliminates Truth.

Great Khali enters next.

Khali eliminates Harris.

Mason Ryan enters next.

Ryan eliminates Khali.

Booker T enters next.

Ryan eliminates Booker.

John Cena enters next.

Cena eliminates Ryan.

Cena eliminates Otunga and McGullicuty.

Hornswoggle enters next.

Cena eliminates Punk.

Tyson Kidd enters next.

Cena eliminates Kidd, after he and Hornswoggle AA him.

Heath Slater enters next.

Cena eliminates Slater.

Kofi Kingston enters next.

Jack Swagger enters next.

Sheamus enters next.

Sheamus eliminates Hornswoggle.

Rey Mysterio enters next.

Mysterio eliminates Swagger.

Wade Barrett enters at 30.

Dolph Ziggler enters next.

Diesel enters next.

Drew McIntyre enters next.

Alex Riley is next to enter.

Diesel eliminated by Barrett.

Big Show enters next.

Alex Riley eliminated by Show.

Show eliminates Ziggler.

Show eliminates McIntyre.

Ezekiel Jackson enters next.

Jackson eliminates Show.

Santino Marella enters next.

Alberto Del Rio enters next.

Randy Orton enters next.

Orton eliminates Kingston.

Orton eliminates Sheamus.

Kane is the last entrant.

Kane eliminates Jackson.

Mysterio eliminates Kane.

Barrett eliminates Mysterio.

Miz eliminates Cena after a distraction by Riley.

Orton eliminates Barrett.

Del Rio eliminates Orton to win the 2011 Royal Rumble!

Marella is still in the match.

Del Rio eliminates Marella, and now he has won!


A pretty good Royal Rumble in all honesty. You can tell the eliminations were pretty quick as they tried to fit in all 40 competitors.

I like the part where Nexus dominated the most, as that showed they were a force to be reckoned with, but when it took one man to eliminate almost all of them it was pretty stupid booking.

Miz eliminating Cena could also set up future storylines.

Marella at the end was pretty funny, the whole crowd wanted him to win, but I liked that added comedy at the end.

Question – What are your thoughts on the 2011 Royal Rumble?


16.01.18 – 205 Live Analysis – Goldust emrges victorious, and TJP loses again

Commentators announce Goldust will interview Cedric Alexander on tonight’s show.

TJ Perkins opens the show.

He faces Gran Metalik in a repeat of last week’s match.

Two shoulder barges by TJP to start the match.

Metalik in  control now, with a succession of moves off the rope.

Moonsault from Metalik to TJP on the outside of the ring.

TJP dropkicks Metalik in the back as he jumps off the top rope.

TJP lands on  Metalik after jumping over the top rope.

TJP drops Metalik onto the top rope after he goes to the top rope.

TJP goes into the steel steps after trying to dropkick Metalik who was hung up on the top rope.

More moves off the top rope by Metalik.

Metalik rolls through a move by TJP, to pin him and get the win.

Jack Gallagher is up next.

TJP starts getting angry backstage and destroying things.

Gallagher is doing a backstage segment.

Gallagher threatens Itami.

Alexander out next, followed out by Goldust.

Goldust calls Alexander a star.

Enzo Amore interrupts.

Drew Gulak, Tony Nese and Ariya Divari accompany him.

Goldust is looking for a fight.

Goldust about to face Gulak, Nese and Divari in a three on one handicap.

Gulak runs into Goldust’s backside.

Divari attacks Goldust after to Zo Train distract him.

Nese bulldozes through Goldust.

Spinebuster to Nese.

Powerslam by Goldust.

Divari breaks the pin up at two.

Nese goes over the top rope but lands on Divari.

Alexander then jumps and lands on Amore.

Final Cut by Goldust for the win.



09.01.18 – 205 Live Analysis – TJ Perkins has a meltdown, Itami surprises Gallagher & Alexander’s momentum continues

We are watching highlights of the Crusierweight Title match from last night.

TJ Perkins is the first man out tonight.

He faces Gran Metalik.

Metalik dropkicks TJP.

Metalik goes into the top turnbuckle.

Metalik hurricanrana’s TJP after jumping over the steel steps.

TJP makes Metalik falls onto the top turnbuckle as he looked for a moonsault.

TJP dropkicks Metalik as he is held up on the top rope.

TJP delivers a springboard forearm.

TJP toying with Metalik.

Metalik goes face first into the turnbuckle.

Powerbomb by Metalik off the top rope.

Drop-kick off the middle rope by Metalik.

Double gut-buster by TJP, Metalik kicks out at two.

Metalik driver, and he gets the win over TJP.

Kalisto comes down to celebrate with Metalik.

TJP is angry post match.

Starts disassembling the announcers table.

Backstage interview with Enzo Amore.

Tony Nese interrupts Amore’s interview.

Nese wants to rejoin the Zo Train.

Jack Gallagher comes out next.

Gallagher cuts a heel promo.

No Hideo Itami tonight according to Gallagher.

Itami then comes out to surprise everyone.

Itami kicks Gallagher in the face.

Gallagher attempts to hit Itami with the umbrella, but Itami catches the umbrella.

Itami tries to hit Gallagher with the umbrella, but Gallagher runs into the audience.

Goldust is back to support Alexander again.

Goldust playing a good face, again.

Amore comes out, and hobbles to the ring with his injured ankle.

Amore announces Tony Nese.

Nese going on about his abs, again.

Nese tells Alexander not to worry about Amore, but to worry about him.

Dropkick by Alexander sends Nese out of the ring.

Alexander hits the ring apron after Nese trips him up.

Nese throws Alexander onto the barricade.

Nese goes face first into the turnbuckle, after Alexander trips him up.

Alexander jumps over the top rope, and lands on top of Nese.

A clothesline from mid-air by Alexander results in a two count.

Nese drops Alexander on his knee, and gets a two count.

Alexander claims he has a knee injury.

Alexander rolls Nese up for the win.

Alexander is fine after the match.

Amore kicks Nese out of the ring.

Alexander kicks Amore’s injured leg.

Alexander hits his finisher on Amore.


205 Live Analysis – 02.01.18 – TJ Perkins returns, whilst Itami is beat-down and Goldust impresses again!

Show starts with highlights of last night, when Drew Gulak and Ariya Divari’s promo was interrupted by Cedric Alexander and Goldust.

We were also shown highlights of the match won by Goldust and Alexander.

Nigel McGuiness and Vic Joseph announce that, just as like last night on RAW, Enzo Amore is absent due to the flu.

Akira Tozawa is the first man out tonight, facing an ‘in-named’ opponent.

Tozawa will face the returning TJ Perkins.

The commentators say it is the first time in two months that TJP has been on 205 Live.

Tozawa trying to get the crowd behind him with his ‘ah’ chant.

Tozawa goes to jump through the middle rope, but TJP kicks Tozawa as he tries to do so.

TJP has targeted Tozawa’s left shoulder.

TJP trying lots of different submissions on the shoulder.

Tozawa dives through the middle rope, and shoulder tackles TPJ before throwing him back into the ring.

TJP pokes Tozawa’s eye before hitting his head into the steel post, TJP then lands his finisher and wins.

It goes backstage, to Alexander and Goldust.

Alexander says to Goldust: “You know you’re over 205 pounds right?” To which Goldust is shocked.’

Jack Gallagher is next out as he looks to avenge what Hideo Itami did to his friend Brian Kendrick.

Gallagher tries attacking Itami with his umbrella pre-match but Itami was wiser to it.

Gallagher gets a pipe out of the umbrella and starts to beat Itami up, before the referees top him.

Gallagher walks out of the ring too boos.

Gulak and Divari are no doing a backstage segment.

Goldust interferes in the promo and does his usual silly, but funny, antics and Gulak does it back and Goldust says his breath stinks.

There’s now a re-cap that the Miz returns to RAW on Monday night.

Alexander starts the match, but the crowd soon chants: “We want Goldust!”

Goldust keeps avoiding Divari, and then runs out of breath, which the crowd loves as it was pretty funny.

Divari hits the rope as Alexander is mid-air and Alexander’s head hits the top turnbuckle.

Alexander sent shoulder first into the steel steps.

Goldust takes out both Divari and Gulak, and the crowd are behind him.

Goldust pulls the top rope down for Alexander to jump over and land on the other two.

Alexander hits his finisher, and he and Goldust win the match.

 Question – Did you enjoy 205 Live this week?

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