NJPW – The New Beginning in Sapporo – Taka Michinoku, El Desperado, Taichi, Yoshinobu Kanemaru & Takashi Ilzuka v Kushida, Tiger Mask, Jyushin Thunder Liger, Manabu Nakanishi & Hiroshi Tenzan – Analysis

Suzuki Gun start the match before the bell rings.

Kushida is thrown into the barricade.

Ilzuca bites Liger’s hand.

Liger is thrown into the barricade.

Ilzuca uses the barricade to choke Tenzan out.

Ilzuca bites Liger’s mask.

Ilzuca now bites Liger’s toe.

Splash in the corner by Tenzan on Ilzuca.

Ilzuca now bites Tenzan’s head.

Some form of Samoan drop by Tenzan.

Superkick by Suzuki gun, broke up by the other team.

Armbar by Kushida on Michinoku.

Michinoku taps out.



2014 Royal Rumble Match – A legend returns to win! – Analysis & Thoughts

Match Analysis

CM Punk is the first entrant.

Seth Rollins is the second entrant.

Damien Sandow enters next.

Cody Rhodes enters next.

Punk eliminates Sandow.

Kane enters next.

Punk eliminates Kane.

Rusev enters next.

Jack Swagger enters next.

Kofi Kingston enters next.

Jimmy Uso enters next.

Goldust enters next.

Multiple superstars eliminate Rusev.

Dean Ambrose enters next.

Dolph Ziggler enters next.

R-Truth enters next.

Ambrose eliminates Truth.

Ambrose eliminates Jimmy Uso.

Kevin Nash enters next.

Nash eliminates Swagger.

Roman Reigns enters next.

Reigns eliminates Kingston.

Reigns eliminates Ziggler.

Reigns eliminates Nash.

Great Khali enters next.

The Shield eliminate Khali.

Goldust eliminates Rhodes.

Reigns eliminates Goldust.

Sheamus enters next.

The Miz enters next.

Fandango enters next.

El Torito enters next.

Torito eliminates Fandango.

Reigns eliminates Torito.

Cesaro enters next.

Luke Harper enters next.

Jey Uso enters next.

JBL enters next.

Reigns eliminates JBL.

Erick Rowan enters next.

Harper eliminates Miz.

Harper eliminates Jey Uso.

Ryback enters next.

Alberto Del Rio enters next.

Batista enters next.

Batista eliminates Rowan.

Batista eliminates Ryback.

Batista eliminates Del Rio.

Big E enters next.

Rey Mysterio is the last entrant.

Sheamus eliminates Big E.

Rollins eliminates Mysterio.

Reigns eliminates Harper.

Reigns eliminates Cesaro, Rollins and Ambrose.

Kane comes back and eliminates Punk.

Kane chokeslams Punk through a table.

Reigns eliminates Sheamus.


My Thoughts

Decent Royal Rumble match.

Batista returning was always good given there wasn’t any others.

Few NXT callups who are still on the roster now.

CM Punk’s last WWE Rumble 😦


19.01.18 – Defiant Wrestling – IPW Takeover Defiant Wrestling & Zack Gibson angers Rampage

To start the show we get a re-cap of last week’s show.

IPW Owner Billy Wood proposes a match between Mark Haskins and Martin Kirby.

If Haskins wins, IPW get control of Defiant wrestling, if Kirby does he gets a shot at Austin Aries’ title

Alex Gracie heads to the ring.

He faces Rampage.

Rampage is from where the event is live from tonight, Leeds.

Chants of: “Yorkshire,” from the fans.

Running powerslam by Rampage.

Suplex by Rampage, Gracie kicks out at two.

Drop-kick by Rampage.

Rampage chases Gracie around the ring.

Rampage’s boot hit the steel ring-post, as Gracie avoids it.

Powerslam by Rampage.

Low-blow by Gracie on Rampage.

Rampage kicks out at two as a result.

Piledriver by Rampage, get him the three count, and the win.

Rampage runs out of the ring, as Zack Gibson has attacked one of his friends.

Aussie Open (Mark Davis and Kyle Fletcher) now make their way to the ring.

Primate makes his way to the ring.

Jimmy Havoc comes out afterwards.

A brawl starts before the match begins.

Members of the roster who accompanied the Aussie Open to the ring help the IPW guys.

Davis uses a chair to get the advantage.

Havoc brings out a ladder.

Havoc pokes both his opponents in the eye.

Havoc brings out a table.

Suplex by Primate on Fletcher.

Double foot stomp through a chair by Havoc on Fletcher.

Davis breaks up the pin at two.

Overhead throw off the top rope by Primate on Fletcher.

Aussie Open win after they deliver the fidget spinner to both Primate and Havoc.

Aussie Open walk off with the tag-team titles even though they haven’t won them.

Zack Gibson is now on the stage.

Gibson has the member of Rampage’s friends that he attacked earlier on.

Gibson says he is a better coach than Rampage.

Rampage comes out and chases after Gibson.

The Prestige now head to the ring.

Joe Coffey is their opponent.

Coffey turns it into a tag-team match.

Travis Banks is his partner.

The Prestige run up to the stage to try and get a jump on their opponents.

Ligero rolls out the ring after Banks’ succession of kicks.

Banks jumps out of the middle rope, towards Ligero and Hendry.

Drop-kick by Coffey on Hendry.

Ligero rakes Coffey’s eyes.

The Prestige beat up Coffey, whilst the referee is distracted.

Hendry tries to get Coffey to submit.

Ligero kicks his own partner in the face, accidently.

Ligero accidentally cannonballs onto Hendry too.

Ligero accidentally hurts Hendry again.

Ligero accidentally DDT’s Hendry.

Double tap from Hendry and Ligero gives Branks and Coffey the win.

Now it is time for the main event.

Haskins heads to the ring first.

Kirby follows him to the ring.

Haskins attacks Kirby before the bell.

Kirby fight back.

Kirby goes flying over the barricade towards Haskins, and both competitors land on steel chairs.

Kick to the head by Haskins, as Kirby is in the middle rope.

Double feet by Haskins to Kirby, whose lay on the apron.

Haskins on top at present.

Back suplex on Kirby, who kicks out at two.

Kirby fights back.

Backbreaker by Kirby.

Spear by Kirby, as Haskins waited in the corner of the ring.

Inverted neck-breaker by Kirby, Haskins kicks out at two.

Armbar by Haskins, Kirby reaches the ropes.

Another submission attempt by Haskins, Kirby reaches the ropes.

Enzurguri by Kirby to Haskins’ head.

Haskins hits one of the commentators with a chair.

Kirby is out, so Haskins wins.

IPW is in charge of Defiant Wrestling for the next three weeks.

The IPW roster comes out to congratulate Haskins.


Defiant Wrestling – 06.01.18 – A new Women’s Number One Contender and a Title Match!

Show start with a re-cap of last week’s show, when the roster of IPW took over the company’s ring.

First out is one half of the Defiant tag-team champions, Jimmy Havoc.

Havoc is joined by some allies.

Havoc wants an explanation from IPW as to why they did what they did.

Mark Haskins leads to IWP group out.

Haskins says: “You must be wondering why we come here and beat the f*** out of every single one of you,” to which he gets the response: “Because youre a wanker!”

Havoc is a former IPW Champion, and he lets Haskins know that.

Haskins says Aries has signed a new contract at IPW.

Haskins says Stu Bennett wants Aries to be exclusive to Defiant.

Haskins: “We are going to burn this place to the ground,” greeted with a few loud boos.

Chris Ridgeway walks to the ring and asks for a title shot from Primate, but gets a headbutt instead.

Liam Slater is the first man to head to the ring as we prepare for the first match of the night.

His opponent it Gabriel Kidd.

Kidd attacks Slater before the bell starts.

Back-drop by Kidd on Slater.

Slater attacks Kidd from behind after a distraction.

Slater in control of the match since the attack from behind.

Kidd throws Slater off the top rope.

Kidd on top since getting Slater off the top rope.

Prince Ameen’s carpet is thrown into the ring, distracting Kidd.

Crucifix on Kid.

Slater wins after connecting with the newly named ‘Holy Headbutt’ from the top rope.

Now time for Women’s action, as Little Miss Roxy makes her way to the ring.

This will be a triple threat match, the commentators confirm.

Xia Brookside is next to head to the ring.

Millie McKenzie is the final competitor.

Match starts with a bit of pushing and shoving.

German suplex’s from McKenzie.

Roundhouse kick from Brookside, but the pinfall is broken up by McKenzie.

Spear by Brookside on McKenzie.

Brookside throws Roxxy off the top rope and wins the match!

David Starr is out for a singles match, next.

Chris Brookes is his opponent.

Starr attacks Brookes before the match begins.

When the bell does ring Starr goes for a cover, Brookes kicks out at two.

El Ligero, whose at ringside aiding Starr, trips Brookes up.

Cross-body to the corner by Starr.

Ligero continues to attack Brookes whilst the referee is distracted.

Brookes slams Starr’s head into the turnbuckle, and then kicks it.

El Ligero holds Brookes’ foot, then Starr tries to spear him and goes through the middle rope, but he hits El Ligero instead.

Starr DDT’s Brookes on the ring-apron.

Starr puts him back into the ring and delivers a clothesline.

Starr tries to roll up Brookes after he’s distracted by El Ligero, but as Brookes kicks out El Ligero collides with Starr and Brookes rolls Starr up for a three count.

Travis Banks comes out to save Brookes as the other two guys attack him.

Joe Hendry comes out and says: “We will do anything to remove you,” as he stands with El Ligero and Starr.

Joe Coffey then comes out and is threatened with a steal chair by the trio.

Coffey announces that next week it is Banks against Austin Aries for the Defiant Championship.

Chris Ridgeway comes out for the main event.

Primate heads to the ring with the Defiant Hardcore Championship.

Starts off with the two competitors trading blows.

Primate is thrown into the barriers.

Primate spears Ridgeway.

Ridgeway locks in a triangle hold, but Primate powers out of it.

Primate goes for a submission hold, and Ridgeway taps, according to the referee.

It appears the IPW guys feel he did not submit, however Primate retains the title.

WrestleKingdom 12 (WK12) – New Japan Rumble –

Bushi and Katsuya Kitamora began the match.

Around twenty competitors the commentators say.

Delirious is the third entrant.

Leo Tonga is the fourth entrant.

Manubu Nakanishi is the fifth entrant.

Chase Owens is the sixth entrant, nobody eliminated yet.

Delirious is the first person eliminated of the match, Owens eliminates him.

Bushi is eliminated by Manubu Nakanishi, as Yuji Ngata enters the match.

Leo Tonga is eliminated.

Taka Michinoku is next into the match.

Nakanishi is eliminated by Ngata.

Ngata is instantly piled on by Owens and Kitamora to be eliminated.

Owens then eliminates Kitamora, all before Michinoku can enter the ring.

Yoshinobu Kanemaru is next in.

El Desperado is up next.

Chase is eliminated as all the other three team up on him.

Jyushin Liger is the next entrant.

Tiger Mask is the next entrant.

Gino Gambino is the next entrant.

Liger is eliminated first, and then Tiger Mask is also eliminated.

Tiger Mask and El Desperado lost their masks in the process.

Gambino eliminates Michinoku.

Toa Henare enters next.

Yoshi-Hashi enters next.

David Finlay enters next.

Gambino is eliminated by Finlay and Henare.

Henare is eliminated by Yoshi-Hashi.

Finlay eliminated Yoshi-Hashi.

Yujiro Takahashi enterns next.

Finlay is eliminated by Takahashi.

Cheeseburger is the next entrant.

Satoshi Kojima is next in.

Hiroyoshi Tenzan is the penultimate man in.

Mashito Kakihara is the final man in.

Takahashi is eliminated by Kojima.

Kojima and Tenzan are eliminated after going over the top rope.

Kakihara pins Cheeseburger and wins the match.