WWE 205 Live Analysis – 06.03.18 – Two Quarter final matchups & Tozawa and Itami team up!

Drew Gulak v Mark Andrews kicked off the show in a back and forth match. Gulak eventually got the win with a submission hold.

Hideo Itami and Akira Tozawa defeated two jobbers in a quick match.

Mustafa Ali beat Buddy Murphy in the main event in the other semi final match, he rolled Murphy up for the quick count.

WWE 205 Live Analysis – 13.02.18 – Buddy Murphy moves to 205 Live, Mandrews v Tozawa & Gulak v Nese

We start with a review of what happened on last week’s show.

And now a preview of whose competing tonight.

Akira Tozawa opens the show.

Mark Andrews says he will be the next Crusierweight Champion in an interview before the match.

Andrews now heads to the ring.

Grapple game early on.

Drew Maverick overlooking backstage.

Tozawa slaps Andrews.

Tozawa kicks Andrews multiple times in the corner.

Senton by Tozawa, Andrews escapes at two.

Tozawa hits Andrews in the corner.

Andrews fighting back in the middle of the ring.

Springboard by Andrews.

Shining wizard by Tozawa.

Tozawa jumps at Andrews through the middle rope.

Suplez by Andrews.

Springboard by Andrews.

Suplex by Tozawa.

Andrews does a smiliar move to Kalisto’s finisher.

Hurricanrana off the top rope by Andrews.

Andrews rolls up Tozawa and gets the win.

Jack Gallagher now doing a backstage promo.

Maverick interrupts him.

Maverick tells Gallagher to sort himself out.

It’s announced Buddy Murphy will fight Ariya Divari next week.

Gulak backstage preparing for his match.

As is Nese.

Gulak heads to the ring.

And now Nese follows.

Gulak wants to show hands.

Nese kicks Gulak’s hand.

Grapple game early on.

Submission attempt by Nese.

Nese hits Gulak with his elbow.

Gulak suplexs Nese to the floor.

Nese gets back in the ring at the count of nine.

Nese runs into Gulak.

Nese runs into Gulak again.

Dropkick by Gulak to Nese.

Suplex by Gulak.

Another suplex by Gulak.

Nese throws himself over the top rope towards Gulak.

Bodyslam by Nese, Gulak escapes at two.

Nese throws Gulak into the top rope.

And now into another corner.

Gulak throws Nese into the table, twice.

And again.

Clothesline by Gulak.

Powerbomb by Gulak.

And another.

Gulak goes for a sleeper hold and gets the win over Nese.


205 Live Analysis – 06.02.18 – Kalisto battles Lince Dorado, Two more matches made for next week & Roderick Strong take on Hideo Itami!

We see highlights of last week when Daniel Bryan introduced Drake Maverick as the new General Manager of 205 Live.

Nigel McGuiness and Vic Joseph open the show.

Kalisto is the first competitor.

This is part of the tournament for the Crusierweight Championship.

Lince Dorado is the second competitor.

Handshake before the match between the two.

Grapple game early on.

Hip toss by both competitors.

Athletic start to the match.

Dropkick by Dorado.

Kalisto jumps out the middle rope towards Dorado.

Cannonball out of the middle rope by Dorado.

Dorado has Kalisto in a grapple hold.

Dorado faceplants Kalisto.

Hurricanrana off the top rope by Kalisto.

Punch for punch in the middle of the ring.

Kick to the head of Dorado on the top rope.

Kalisto flips Dorado off the top rope, kick out at two.

Inverted RKO by Dorado.

Somersault off the top rope by Dorado.

Kalisto hits his finisher, Dorado puts his hand on the ropes despite a three count.

Kalisto hits his finisher again, he gets the three count this time and gets the win.

The two competitors shake hands after the match.

TJ Perkins now delivering a backstage promo.

Mark Andrews to face Akira Tozawa next week in the Crusierweight Title tournament.

Maverick is now backstage with Drew Gulak and Tony Nese saying they are wasting their careers.

Gulak will face Nese next week in the Crusierwight Title tournament.

Hideo Itami comes out first.

Roderick Strong follows Itami to the ring.

Grapple game early on.

Strong attempts to get Itami to submit.

Both men attempt submissions, before grappling again.

Itami shoulder blocks Strong to the feel.

Chop to the chest on Itami.

Itami jumps off the top rope onto Strong’s neck.

Kick to the back by Itami.

Itami beatdown to Strong in the corner.

Gutbuster by Strong off the top rope, kickout at two.

Strong attempting a submission on Itami in the middle of the ring.

Backbreaker by Strong.

Itami getting angrier and angrier as Strong punches him.

Dropkick by Strong.

Strong attempting another submission.

DDT by Itami.

High boot to the face in the corner by Itami.

Clothesline off the top rope by Itami, Strong escapes at two.

Angle slam by Strong, Itami escapes at two.

High boot by Itami knocks Strong off the apron.

Back and forth outside the ring now.

Strong throws Itami into the side of the ring.

Falcon arrow by Itami, Strong escapes at two.

Itami locks in an armbar.

Strong reaches the ropes.

Running dropkick by Itami, Strong escapes at two.

Gutbuster by Strong.

Cloud nine by Strong, but Itami escapes at two.

Suplex off the top rope by Itami, Strong escapes once again at two.

Punch for punch in the middle of the ring.

Dropkick in the corner by Itami.

Knee to the head by Strong.

Strong hits his finisher and gets the win over Itami!


RAW Analysis – 05.02.18 – Tag-Team Title Rematch, Asuka remains undefeated & who will enter number six at Elimination Chamber!?!?

Bray Wyatt is backstage doing a promo.

Now Roman Reigns responds.

Reigns says nobody can stop him becoming Universal Champion.

Wyatt v Reigns will kickoff the show.

Wyatt enters first;.

Followed by Reigns.

Grapple game early on.

Reigns goes shoulder first into the steel ring post.

Wyatt has Reigns in a submission hold.

Clothesline by Reigns.

Wyatt throws Reigns into the steel steps.

Wyatt once again attempts to get Reigns to submit.

Matt Hardy is looking on backstage.

Samoan drop by Reigns.

Wyatt runs into Reigns, who kicks out at two.

Powerbomb at Reigns, Wyatt kicks out at two.

Wyatt avoids a superman punch and throws Reigns to the matt.

Follows it p by jumping on Reigns.

Superman punch by Reigns, Wyatt escapes at two.

Sister Abigail by Wyatt, Reigns kicks out at two.

Spear by Reigns and he wins the match.

Hardy is now in the ring, deleting.

Twist of Fate by Hardy to Wyatt.

Jason Jordan and Seth Rollins are now backstage.

Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson are out as we return from an ad break.

Finn Balor now coming out too.

They face the Revival.

Dawson wants to make it a tag-tea match.

Was meant to be Balor v Wilder.

Balor will team with Anderson.

Dawson beats down Anderson in the corner.

Multiple arm drags by Anderson to Dawson and Wilder.

As we get back from ad-break Dawson attempting to submit Balor.

Stomp to the chest of Dawson by Balor.

Neckbreaker off the middle rope by Anderson.

Spinebuster by Anderson on Dawson.

Slingblade by Balor.

Coupe de grace by Balor and his team wins.

Bayley is backstage with Sasha Banks.

The two have a disagreement.

Mustafa Ali, Cedric Alexander, Tony Nese and Drew Gulak now in the ring.

Gulak clotheslines Alexander off the top rope.

Dropkick by Ali on Gulak.

Tornado DDT by Ali.

Alexander jumps over the top rope at Nese.

Clothesline by Gulak on Ali.

Alexander hits his finisher, and gets the win for his team.

Kurt Angle will reveal who Alexa Bliss defends her title against at the Elimination Chamber, next.

Angle now heads to the ring.

Bayley is the first opponent.

Mandy Rose is the next opponent.

Mickie James is the next opponent.

Sonya Deville is the next opponent.

Sasha Banks is the final opponent.

Nia Jax faces Asuka at the PPV.

Bliss interrupts Angle.

Bliss says it’s not fair she defends her title whilst Lesnar doesn’t.

Bliss accuses Angle of being sexist.

Angle asks the WWE Universe.

Looks like Bliss will defend the title inside the Elimination Chamber.

Asuka v Bayley up next.

Asuka is first out.

Followed by Bayley.

Grapple game early on.

Hip toss by Asuka.

Bayley hits Asuka off the top rope onto the floor.

Bayley throws Asuka into the barricade.

Suplex by Bayley, Asuka kicks out at two

Flying knee by Asuka, Bayley escapes at two.

Kicks to the chest by Asuka.

Asuka locks in the armbar and Bayley taps out.

Asuka shakes Bayley’s hand.

Apollo Crews faces The Miz, next.

Miz heads to the ring first.

Miz delivers a promo.

From this point forward I didn’t watch the full matches, as I was unable to stay up for RAW.

Quick succession of pins by both competitors.

Spinning elbow by Crews.

Crews dropkicks Miz off the top rope.

Clothesline in the corner by Miz.

Suplex by Crews.

Standing shining star by Crews, Miz escapes at two.

Miz hangs Crews up on the top rope.

Skull crushing finale gets Miz the win.

Sheamus and Cesaro now defending their titles against Rollins and Reigns.

Samoan drop by Reigns on Cesaro.

Superman punch by Reigns on Sheamus.

Uppercut by Cesari ti Rollins on the top rope.

Falcon arrow by Rollins, Cesaro escapes at two.

Jordan grabs Cesaro’s foot but when Rollins rolls him up he kicks out at two.

Jordan attacks Sheamus and Cesaro and Rollins and Reigns get disqualified.

Crowd are not happy.

Neither are Reigns or Rollins.

Jordan and Rollins have an argument backstage.

Angle tells Jordan to go home until he is medically cleared.

Nia Jax now facing Vanessa Floyd.

Bourne fighting back.

Jax bulldozes through Floyd.

Jax throws Floyd across the ring.

Standing press by Jax, she then drops Floyd on her head.

Leg drop by Jax, and she gets the win.

Jax says she will beat Asuka.

Mickie James now facing Sonya Deville.

Grapple game early on.

James slaps Deville.

James now beating down Deville.

Kick to the head by James.

James targeting Deville’s nose.

Deville now fighting back.

Rose distracts James.

Deville throws James off the top rope.

Punch for punch in the middle of the ring.

James rolls Deville up and gets the win.

Absolution now beating up James.

Bliss now comes out to save James.

James looks confused.

Elias is now sat in the middle of the ring.

He is singing a song for Strowman and Cena.

Elias says Brock should fear Elias.

John Cena interrupts him.

Match has now started.

Cena and Elias trying to work together to eliminate Strowman.

Strowman is thrown out of the ring

Elias and Cena throw Strowman into the steel ring post.

And now into the steel steps.

Cena now hits Strowman with the steps, Strowman still not down.

Elias hits Strowman with a guitar.

Cena AA’s Strowman onto the steps.

Running powerslam by Strowman.

Elias throws Strowman out of the ring, pins Cena and wins.

Strowman attacks Elias after the bell.

Strowman delivers another running powerslam to Cena.

Crowd wants more powerslams.

Strowman delivers another to Elias.



23.01.18 – 205 Live Analysis – Lince Dorado returns, Hideo Itami & Cedric Alexander emerge victorious

Daniel Bryan opens the show.

He announces Enzo Amore is no longer Crusierweight Champion.

Bryan announces a new 205 Live General Manager will be announced next week.

Vic Joseph and Nigel McGuiness welcome us to the show.

Kalisto opens the show.

Gran Metalik is his partner.

Lince Dorado is also on their side.

TJ Perkins is their first opponent.

Ariya Daivari is his first partner.

They are joined by Tony Nese.

Early grapple game by TJP and Dorado.

Standing moonsault by Dorado, TJP kicks out at two.

Arm drag by Metalik on Nese.

Missile dropkick of the top rope by Metalik, Daivari kicks out at two.

Daivari pushes Kalisto over the top rope after a distraction by Nese.

Double suplex by TJP, Kalisto kicks out at two.

Kick to the head by Kalisto.

Hurricanrana by Dorado.

Moonsault by Dorado, but the pin is broken up.

Dorado hits his finisher on TJP to get the win.

Nese pushes TJP over as he is complaining to Nese and Daivari in the ring.

Drew Gulak says he wants to be the new 205 Live General Manager.

Jack Gallagher makes his way to the ring.

Hideo Itami is his opponent.

Early ambush from Itami.

Kick to the chest by itami.

Succession of kicks by Itami to Gallagher, whose hung up in the top rope.

Knee to the back of Gallagher’s head.

Gallagher goes under the ring, and comes out the other side to attack Itami from behind.

Submission holds by Gallagher.

Gallagher is bending Itami’s hands.

Gallagher focusing on Itami’s left shoulder.

Itami kicks out at two after Gallagher slowly bends his arms onto the matt.

Clothesline off the top rope by Itami, Gallagher kicks out at two.

Dropkick to Gallagher in the corner.

Itami hits his finisher to get the win.

Akira Tozawa putting his claim to be the first ever 205 Live General Manager now.

Cedric Alexander out next.

Mustafa Ali is his opponent.

The competitors shake hands before the match.

Very tactical match so far.

Dropkick by Alexander.

Submission attempt by Ali, Alexander escapes.

Alexander pushes Ali down to the floor as he looked to jump over the top rope, Ali hits his face on the matt as he fell too.

Alexander goes face first into the turnbuckle as Ali jumped over him.

Facebuster by Ali, Alexander kicks out at two.

Ali sent face first into the turnbuckle as Alexander trips him into it.

Roundhouse by Ali.

DDT by Ali, Alexander kicks out at two.

Alexander hits his finisher to get the win.

The two competitors shake hands after the match.


2013 Royal Rumble Match – The Golden Boy wins again! – Analysis & Thoughts

Match Analysis

Dolph Ziggler and Chris Jericho start the match off.

Cody Rhodes enters next.

Kofi Kingston enters next.

Santino Marrella enters next.

Rhodes eliminates Marrella.

Drew McIntyre enters next.

Titus O’Neil enters next.

Jericho eliminates McIntyre.

Goldust enters next.

David Otunga enters next.

Heath Slater enters next.

Sheamus enters next.

Sheamus throws Otunga into O’Neil to eliminate O’Neil.

Sheamus eliminates Otunga.

Tensai enters next.

Brodus Clay enters next.

Rhodes eliminates Goldust.

Rey Mysterio enters next.

Darren Young enters next.

Clay eliminated by multiple superstars.

Kingston eliminates Tensai.

Bo Dallas enters next.

Kingston eliminates Young.

Rhodes eliminates Kingston.

The Godfather enters next.

Ziggler eliminates The Godfather.

Wade Barrett enters next.

John Cena enters next.

Cena eliminates Slater.

Cena eliminates Rhodes.

Damien Sandow enters at 20.

Barrett eliminates Mysterio.

Daniel Bryan enters next.

Cesaro enters next.

The Great Khali enters next.

Kane enters next.

Zack Ryder enters next.

Kane eliminates Khali.

Bryan eliminates Kane.

Bryan is eliminated by Cesaro.

Randy Orton enters next.

Orton eliminates Ryder.

Jinder Mahal enters next.

Cena eliminates Cesaro.

The Miz enters next.

Sheamus eliminates Mahal.

Sin Cara enters next.

Dallas eliminates Barrett.

Barrett comes back to eliminate Dallas.

Ryback is the last entrant.

Ryback eliminates Sandow.

Ryback eliminates Sin Cara.

Ryback eliminates Miz.

Ziggler eliminates Jericho.

Ryback eliminates Orton.

Sheamus eliminates Ziggler.

Ryback eliminates Sheamus.

Cena eliminates Ryback to win the 2013 Royal Rumble!

My Thoughts

A good Royal Rumble match.

The pop when the Godfather came out was great as I am pretty sure that nobody suspected it.

From what I remember, Ryback was doing very well at this moment in time, so a win for him, rather than Cena would have probably made more sense.

Jericho and Ziggler lasting so long in the match was good to see as well.


2011 Royal Rumble Match – The biggest Royal Rumble in history – Analysis & Thoughts!

Match Analysis

CM Punk is the first man out for the record 40-man Royal Rumble.

Punk was still a part of the Nexus at this point.

The core come out to attack Punk.

The Nexus come out to defend Punk.

Punk starts off against Daniel Bryan.

Justin Gabriel comes in third.

Bryan eliminates Gabriel.

Zack Ryder is the next man to enter.

Bryan eliminates Ryder.

William Regal enters next.

Ted DeBiase enters next.

John Morrison enters next.

DeBiase eliminates Regal.

Yoshi Tatsu enters next.

Husky Harris enters next.

Chavo Guerrero enters next.

Mark Henry enters next.

Henry eliminates Guerrero.

Henry eliminates Tatsu.

JTG is next to enter.

Michael McGullicuty enters next.

McGullicuty eliminates JTG.

Harris & McGullicuty eliminate DiBiase.

Chris Masters enters next.

David Otunga enters next.

Punk eliminates Bryan.

Punk eliminates Masters.

All members of the Nexus eliminate Morrison.

All members of the Nexus eliminate Henry.

Tyler Reks enters next.

Punk eliminates Reks.

Vladmir Kozlov enters next.

Punk eliminates Kozlov.

R-Truth enters next.

Punk eliminates Truth.

Great Khali enters next.

Khali eliminates Harris.

Mason Ryan enters next.

Ryan eliminates Khali.

Booker T enters next.

Ryan eliminates Booker.

John Cena enters next.

Cena eliminates Ryan.

Cena eliminates Otunga and McGullicuty.

Hornswoggle enters next.

Cena eliminates Punk.

Tyson Kidd enters next.

Cena eliminates Kidd, after he and Hornswoggle AA him.

Heath Slater enters next.

Cena eliminates Slater.

Kofi Kingston enters next.

Jack Swagger enters next.

Sheamus enters next.

Sheamus eliminates Hornswoggle.

Rey Mysterio enters next.

Mysterio eliminates Swagger.

Wade Barrett enters at 30.

Dolph Ziggler enters next.

Diesel enters next.

Drew McIntyre enters next.

Alex Riley is next to enter.

Diesel eliminated by Barrett.

Big Show enters next.

Alex Riley eliminated by Show.

Show eliminates Ziggler.

Show eliminates McIntyre.

Ezekiel Jackson enters next.

Jackson eliminates Show.

Santino Marella enters next.

Alberto Del Rio enters next.

Randy Orton enters next.

Orton eliminates Kingston.

Orton eliminates Sheamus.

Kane is the last entrant.

Kane eliminates Jackson.

Mysterio eliminates Kane.

Barrett eliminates Mysterio.

Miz eliminates Cena after a distraction by Riley.

Orton eliminates Barrett.

Del Rio eliminates Orton to win the 2011 Royal Rumble!

Marella is still in the match.

Del Rio eliminates Marella, and now he has won!


A pretty good Royal Rumble in all honesty. You can tell the eliminations were pretty quick as they tried to fit in all 40 competitors.

I like the part where Nexus dominated the most, as that showed they were a force to be reckoned with, but when it took one man to eliminate almost all of them it was pretty stupid booking.

Miz eliminating Cena could also set up future storylines.

Marella at the end was pretty funny, the whole crowd wanted him to win, but I liked that added comedy at the end.

Question – What are your thoughts on the 2011 Royal Rumble?


16.01.18 – 205 Live Analysis – Goldust emrges victorious, and TJP loses again

Commentators announce Goldust will interview Cedric Alexander on tonight’s show.

TJ Perkins opens the show.

He faces Gran Metalik in a repeat of last week’s match.

Two shoulder barges by TJP to start the match.

Metalik in  control now, with a succession of moves off the rope.

Moonsault from Metalik to TJP on the outside of the ring.

TJP dropkicks Metalik in the back as he jumps off the top rope.

TJP lands on  Metalik after jumping over the top rope.

TJP drops Metalik onto the top rope after he goes to the top rope.

TJP goes into the steel steps after trying to dropkick Metalik who was hung up on the top rope.

More moves off the top rope by Metalik.

Metalik rolls through a move by TJP, to pin him and get the win.

Jack Gallagher is up next.

TJP starts getting angry backstage and destroying things.

Gallagher is doing a backstage segment.

Gallagher threatens Itami.

Alexander out next, followed out by Goldust.

Goldust calls Alexander a star.

Enzo Amore interrupts.

Drew Gulak, Tony Nese and Ariya Divari accompany him.

Goldust is looking for a fight.

Goldust about to face Gulak, Nese and Divari in a three on one handicap.

Gulak runs into Goldust’s backside.

Divari attacks Goldust after to Zo Train distract him.

Nese bulldozes through Goldust.

Spinebuster to Nese.

Powerslam by Goldust.

Divari breaks the pin up at two.

Nese goes over the top rope but lands on Divari.

Alexander then jumps and lands on Amore.

Final Cut by Goldust for the win.



03.01.18 – The Best of NXT 2017 Analysis – Drew McIntyre and Adam Cole’s unseen before match, plus the full year review

The show will be hosted by Mike Rome and Kayla Braxton.

Shows opens telling us there’s awards and a big announcement out tonight.

Shows a re-cap of Shinsuke Nakamura v Bobby Roode, and their match the night before the Royal Rumble in January.

The majority of the beginning was focused on Nakamura and his feuds whilst in NXT.

Seems that Drew McIntyre arriving it next up.

Next up is the tag-team title match between the Authors of Pain and DIY.

Next up it is highlights o Bobby Roode against Drew McIntyre.

We now get to see Bobby Fish and Kyle O’Reilly distract McIntyre, before Adam Cole attacks him from behind.

We have now moved onto the Aleister Black and Velveteen Dream feud.

Next up is the never before seen match between Mc Intyre and Cole from San Antonio, referees by Shaun Michaels.

Fish and O’Reilly are removed from ringside by Michaels.

Crowd signing: “Hey, hey, hey goodbye,” to the Undisputed Era.

McIntyre goes shoulder first into the ring-post, after Cole dodges him.

Sit up Power-bomb by McIntyre, Cole kicks out at two.

Avalanche Celtic Cross by McIntyre off the top rope, Cole kicks out at two.

Back to back Shining Wizards by Cole, McIntyre kicks out at two.

Cole goes for sweet chin music, McIntyre reverses into the future shock DDT, Cole kicks out at two.

Michaels looks shocked.

Cole super-kicked Michaels, McIntyre hits his Claymore but there’s no referee.

When Michaels does recover, Fish and O’Reilly pull him out of the ring and proceed to beating McIntyre up.

Michaels then sweet chin music’s O’Reilly.

After the chaos ends, McIntyre hits the Claymore to retain the belt.

We then move onto seeing Andrade Cien Almas beating McIntyre for the title.

Now we go into an interview with Almas and Zelina Vega.

Asuka is up next.

From the former Women’s Champion to the Iconic Duo, Peyton Royce and Billie Kay.

Must be for the rest of the women, as Lacey Evans is next.

Kairi Sane and Bianxca Belair are the next two.

Vannessa Bourne and Shayna Basler are the final two.

Its announced Shayna Baszler will make her official debut net week against an in-named opponent.

Next up is the War Games match, arguably match of the year.

Johnny Gargano interview is up next.

First we get to see Ciampa’s heel turn on Gargano.

And now we are looking at the fatal four-way that occurred last week, must be building up to the interview instead.

Aleister Black will fight Adam Cole at NXT Takeover, Philadelphia.

Now time for the interview.

Women’s Champion, Ember Moon is up next.

The categories for the NXT awards as announced.


Ember Moon interview is now underway.

That’s the end of the show!

Question – Who do you think will be the breakout star in NXT in 2018?

Twitter – https://twitter.com/RAWrestling

205 Live Analysis – 02.01.18 – TJ Perkins returns, whilst Itami is beat-down and Goldust impresses again!

Show starts with highlights of last night, when Drew Gulak and Ariya Divari’s promo was interrupted by Cedric Alexander and Goldust.

We were also shown highlights of the match won by Goldust and Alexander.

Nigel McGuiness and Vic Joseph announce that, just as like last night on RAW, Enzo Amore is absent due to the flu.

Akira Tozawa is the first man out tonight, facing an ‘in-named’ opponent.

Tozawa will face the returning TJ Perkins.

The commentators say it is the first time in two months that TJP has been on 205 Live.

Tozawa trying to get the crowd behind him with his ‘ah’ chant.

Tozawa goes to jump through the middle rope, but TJP kicks Tozawa as he tries to do so.

TJP has targeted Tozawa’s left shoulder.

TJP trying lots of different submissions on the shoulder.

Tozawa dives through the middle rope, and shoulder tackles TPJ before throwing him back into the ring.

TJP pokes Tozawa’s eye before hitting his head into the steel post, TJP then lands his finisher and wins.

It goes backstage, to Alexander and Goldust.

Alexander says to Goldust: “You know you’re over 205 pounds right?” To which Goldust is shocked.’

Jack Gallagher is next out as he looks to avenge what Hideo Itami did to his friend Brian Kendrick.

Gallagher tries attacking Itami with his umbrella pre-match but Itami was wiser to it.

Gallagher gets a pipe out of the umbrella and starts to beat Itami up, before the referees top him.

Gallagher walks out of the ring too boos.

Gulak and Divari are no doing a backstage segment.

Goldust interferes in the promo and does his usual silly, but funny, antics and Gulak does it back and Goldust says his breath stinks.

There’s now a re-cap that the Miz returns to RAW on Monday night.

Alexander starts the match, but the crowd soon chants: “We want Goldust!”

Goldust keeps avoiding Divari, and then runs out of breath, which the crowd loves as it was pretty funny.

Divari hits the rope as Alexander is mid-air and Alexander’s head hits the top turnbuckle.

Alexander sent shoulder first into the steel steps.

Goldust takes out both Divari and Gulak, and the crowd are behind him.

Goldust pulls the top rope down for Alexander to jump over and land on the other two.

Alexander hits his finisher, and he and Goldust win the match.

 Question – Did you enjoy 205 Live this week?

Twitter – https://twitter.com/RAWrestling

RAW Review – 01.01.18 – Braun Strowman looks inhumane again, whilst Bliss v Asuka disappoints – Robbo’s Thoughts

As the show began, we saw RAW Women’s Champion Alexa Bliss ask Kurt Angle why he is making her face the undefeated Asuka tonight on RAW.

Kurt responded saying he wanted to see: “A Wrestlemania worthy match,” to which Bliss said there would be one if Asuka can win the Royal Rumble match next month.

Angle’s music then played, and he left Bliss to go an make an announcement. The announcement was that the first ever Women’s Royal Rumble match will have the same rules as the mens.

The Bar then interrupted Angle, and demanded their rematch for the RAW tag-team championships, tonight, to which Kurt said: “You’ll get your re-match when I say so.”

Jason Jordan then came out, whilst the crowd were shouting: “Daddy’s boy,” towards him.

Seth Rollins then came out, almost as though he was Jordan’s coach telling him what not to do. A match between Cesaro and Jordan was made, and Rollins said: “As far as I’m concerned, I’m here to watch you lose.”

The resulting match was alright, although it appeared that the crowd seemed bored as the atmosphere was flat.

Jordan won the match after Rollins attacked Sheamus, as he was about to hit Jordan behind the officials back, and Cesaro watched and as he turned around Jordan hit him with the same moves that won he and Rollins the titles last week.

Bray Wyatt then comes out, and according to Michael Cole he is preparing for a match, but we all know Matt Hardy will appear at some point!

Wyatt will face Apollo Crews, accompanied By Titus O’Neil and Dana Brooke.

Crews was made to look a lot stronger than I thought he would be, Wyatt seemed to struggle getting the win, which he did by delivering Sister Abigail in what was a near ten minute match.

Matt Hardy then appeared and made one of his best Woken promos yet, with him splitting into more and more screens, I’d guess these are to signify what his Woken Warriors look like.

Alexa Bliss then stopped Nia Jax from leaving the arena to go and see Enzo Amore, who had legitimately been in Hospital that day and therefore couldn’t compete and defend his Cruiserweight title.

Bliss told Jax to choose her or Enzo, to which Jax chose Amore.

Bliss dodges Asuka’s early attempts to hit her by going under the rope.

Really slow and dull beginning, Bliss hasn’t landed anything, Asuka’s landed a few but majority has been Bliss stood outside the ring.

They are making Bliss look strong now, by making her dominate the ground grapple game.

Bliss then taps out to the armbar, a very disappointing match compared to what it could have been. It was also very predictable that Asuka would win as it’s highly unlikely her undefeated streak would end on RAW.

Samoa Joe then cuts a Promo backstage insulting everything to do with Roman Reigns and the Shield, even says Ambrose is a: “Stay at home husband,” to real life wife Renee Young.

Braun then comes up to a huge pop, he faces Rhyno, whose accompanied by Heath Slater.

Strowman grabs the mic, mid-match to tell Slater to get on the floor and shut up, or to get in the ring and fight. Slater chooses the later option and gets squashed.

Strowman then does the running power-slam to Rhyno and gets the pin.

Slater attacks Strowman from behind post-match, gets running power-slammed.

Crowd chanting: “One more time,” Strowman obliges and does it to both superstars one time each again.

Make that two more, each, Strowman is a monster and I love it!

Backstage segment between Rollins and Reigns. Jordan interrupts and says something (I wasn’t focused so didn’t hear exactly what) and then says: “Believe that.”

Backstage segment between Kane and Strowman where Kane wants to work with Strowman to take out Lesnar, but Strowman says he will: “Do it on my own terms.”

Finn Balor announces he is in the Royal Rumble to Angle, then announces his team-mates for the six-man tag team match tonight are the good brother, Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows!

Reigns v Joe is next, Reigns gets a decent pop, whilst crowd chant Joe per usual for his entrance.

Joe comfortably on top for the start of the match, almost like a squash match.

Joe jumps out of the middle rope, and hits Reigns, both men get back into the ring just before the ten count.

Reigns picks up the steel steps, and Joe taunts him saying: “Hit me,” but Reigns superman punches Joe outside and then inside the ring. Joe kicks out at two.

Reigns pushes the referee nearly gets disqualified.

Reigns spears Joe to pick up the win, and retain the Intercontinental title, after a great match!

Drew Gulak and Ariya Divari are in the ring for a promo, Gulak starts by reading Amore’s letter to why he can’t compete tonight.

Alexander interrupts the promo.

Goldust comes out to team with Alexander!

Goldust was very good in the match, crowd even said: “you’ve still got it to him, as he did a moonsault off the top rope!

He and Alexander won.

Elias now sat in the ring, I hope he asks: “Who wants to walk with Elias,” cause I will.

The Miztourage join him, and announce The Miz will return next week!

The Good Brothers interrupt them, closely followed by Finn Balor.

The trio do the ‘too sweet’ in the ring before the match begins!

Magic Killer by the Good Brothers, then a Coupe de Grace by Balor gets them the win!

Paul Heyman accompanies Brock Lesnar to the ring.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, my name is Paul Heyman,” how iconic.

Strowman’s looking on backstage

Kane interrupts the promo

Kane chokeslams Lesnar

Lesnar sits up like Kane normally does

Superstars come out to stop the brawl


Decent episode of RAW but nothing amazing. The Roman Reigns v Samoa Joe match stood out in particular, but not much else. Alexa Bliss v Asuka was very disappointing in my eyes, I had high hopes for that.

Question – What did you think of RAW tonight?

Twitter – https://twitter.com/RAWrestling

Enzo Amore to defend the Cruiserweight Championship against Cedric Alexander on RAW tonight!

Cedric Alexander has the chance to win the cruiserweight championship tonight, as he takes on the current champion Enzo Amore.

Alexander wasn’t meant to be in the match initially, but after Rich Swann was suspended by the company due to an incident which occurred last month, Alexander beat Drew ‘Gabba’ Gulak in a number one contender’s match to become the new number one contender.

With Alexander seemingly being a makeshift replacement, it doesn’t feel like he is meant to win this match, otherwise Gulak would most likely have been made the automatic number one contender, but who knows hopefully there are a few surprises in store for tonight!

Question – Who do you think will be the Cruiserweight Champion by the end of tonight?

Twitter – https://twitter.com/RAWrestling