2013 Royal Rumble Match – The Golden Boy wins again! – Analysis & Thoughts

Match Analysis

Dolph Ziggler and Chris Jericho start the match off.

Cody Rhodes enters next.

Kofi Kingston enters next.

Santino Marrella enters next.

Rhodes eliminates Marrella.

Drew McIntyre enters next.

Titus O’Neil enters next.

Jericho eliminates McIntyre.

Goldust enters next.

David Otunga enters next.

Heath Slater enters next.

Sheamus enters next.

Sheamus throws Otunga into O’Neil to eliminate O’Neil.

Sheamus eliminates Otunga.

Tensai enters next.

Brodus Clay enters next.

Rhodes eliminates Goldust.

Rey Mysterio enters next.

Darren Young enters next.

Clay eliminated by multiple superstars.

Kingston eliminates Tensai.

Bo Dallas enters next.

Kingston eliminates Young.

Rhodes eliminates Kingston.

The Godfather enters next.

Ziggler eliminates The Godfather.

Wade Barrett enters next.

John Cena enters next.

Cena eliminates Slater.

Cena eliminates Rhodes.

Damien Sandow enters at 20.

Barrett eliminates Mysterio.

Daniel Bryan enters next.

Cesaro enters next.

The Great Khali enters next.

Kane enters next.

Zack Ryder enters next.

Kane eliminates Khali.

Bryan eliminates Kane.

Bryan is eliminated by Cesaro.

Randy Orton enters next.

Orton eliminates Ryder.

Jinder Mahal enters next.

Cena eliminates Cesaro.

The Miz enters next.

Sheamus eliminates Mahal.

Sin Cara enters next.

Dallas eliminates Barrett.

Barrett comes back to eliminate Dallas.

Ryback is the last entrant.

Ryback eliminates Sandow.

Ryback eliminates Sin Cara.

Ryback eliminates Miz.

Ziggler eliminates Jericho.

Ryback eliminates Orton.

Sheamus eliminates Ziggler.

Ryback eliminates Sheamus.

Cena eliminates Ryback to win the 2013 Royal Rumble!

My Thoughts

A good Royal Rumble match.

The pop when the Godfather came out was great as I am pretty sure that nobody suspected it.

From what I remember, Ryback was doing very well at this moment in time, so a win for him, rather than Cena would have probably made more sense.

Jericho and Ziggler lasting so long in the match was good to see as well.


RAW 25 Analysis – 22.01.18 – A New Intercontinental Champion, Three Stone-Cold Stunners & Strowman stands tall again!

First we get to see the Manhattan Centre.

Jerry Lawler and Jim Ross are there.

Stephanie McMahon opens the show.

Shane McMahon is alongside her.

Shane thanks everyone for making the show a success.

Now we are seeing highlights of the best moments.

Stephanie introduces Vince.

Shane and Stephanie have got a plaque to celebrate the occasion for Vince.

Vince is playing classic heel Vince, and it’s awesome!


Stunner on Shane!



Austin walks out with his beer.

Eight woman tag-team match.

The heel team attack the face team before the match has began.

It’s Sasha Banks, Bayley, Asuka and Mickie James v Nia Jax, Sonya Deville, Mandy Rose and Alicia Fox.

Asuka in control of Deville this far.

Asuka now in control of Rose, after the ad-break.

Jax now in control of Banks.

Fox now in control of Banks.

Fox mocking in front of Banks’ team.

The rest of the competitors brawl outside the ring.

Banks locks in the bank-statement on Fox for the win.

Asuka attacks all of her team-mates and throws them over the top rope.

Kurt Angle is now backstage with Coach Jonathan.

Teddy long joins them.

The Boogeyman now joins in!

There were some more guests but I’d be lying if I said I knew who they were.


It appears the other people were brother love and the Brooklyn Brawler.

We are watching a package of the Undertaker’s best moments.

Taker is at the Manhattan Centre.

Howard Finkel introduced him.

Taker doing an old school promo.

No mention of whether he is retiring or a Mania match.

We’re now with the APA.

They are joined by Heath Slater and Rhyno.

The million Dollar man, Ted DiBiase joins them.

John Laurinatis comes out.

As does William Regal.

As does Eric Bischoff.

As does Daniel Bryan!

The Miz interrupts them.

Miz joined by the Miztourage.

Reigns attacks the Miztourage.

Miz takes advantage of the distraction.

Reigns on top by time we are back from ad-break.

Reigns sent shoulder first into the steel ring post.

Miz does the yes kicks.

Reigns catches Miz and powerbombs him, kickout at two.

Miz once again takes advantage of distractions.

Super-man punch, kickout at two.

Miz once against takes advantage of distractions.

Bo Dallas and Curtis Axel thrown out from ringside.

Skull crushing finale by Miz, Reigns kicks out at two.

Another skull crushing finale and Miz wins!


MVP, Jeff Hardy and The Usos have joined the APA Poker game.

Now Christian is hosting the Peep Show.

Jason Jordan and Seth Rollins are his guests.

Jordan getting A LOT of heat.

Cannot even get his lines out.

The Bar interrupt.

Crowd loves Cesaro when he tells Jordan he sucks.

Rollins accidentally knees Jordan.

The crowd loves it.

Ric Flair says Alexa Bliss needs to be more like Charlotte.

Titus Worldwide and Natalya have joined the APA Poker game.

Bray Wyatt is at the Manhattan Centre.

As is Matt Hardy.

Wyatt throws himself at Hardy.

Hardy repeatedly bouncing Wyatt’s head off the turnbuckle.

Side effect by Hardy, Wyatt kicks out at two.

Sister Abigail by Wyatt wins him the match.

The Bella twins are now out.

Maryse is next.

Kelly Kelly is next.

Lilian Garcia is next.

Jacqueline is next.

Torrie Wilson is next.

Michelle McCool is next.

Terri Runnels is next.

Maria Kanellis is next.

Trish Stratus looks to be the final one.


Jericho calls Elias a stupid idiot.

Elias makes the list!

Elias is now sat in the ring.

Elias points out Jimmy Fallon in the front row.

John Cena interrupts him.

A security guard has taken away a ball the WWE Universe where hitting around the arena.

Five knuckle shuffle by Cena.

Low-blow by Cena as he went for the AA.

Elias hits Cena with a guitar.

Driftor to Cena.

The New Day have now joined the APA Poker Game.


Mark Henry backstage.

Her meets the Godfather.

Titus Worldwide now heading to the ring.

They will face Slater and Rhyno.

O’Neil in control of Slater early on.

Match ended after both teams continue fighting.


The other four men run out the ring.

Slater is thrown in the ring.

Signature Dudley Boyz move!


3D through a table on Slater.

AJ Styles now backstage.

Styles will be interviewed by Gene Okerlund.

DX Reunion up next.

Triple H keeps stopping Michaels from telling some stories he doesn’t want telling.

Michaels promotes the WWE Network.

Triple H is recapping memories of the Mahattan Center.

The New Age Outlaws come out.

X-Pac is next out.

Razor Ramon is next out.

Balor Club walk to the ring!

Everyone in the ring too sweets.

Now the Revival come out.

The Revival attack Gallows and Anderson before the bell has rang.

The club win after they hit their finisher.

Dawson gets beaten up by all members in the ring after he attacked Ramon.

Coupe de grace by Balor on Dawson.

Kurt Angle makes his way to the ring with pretty much the full locker room.

Strowman heads to the ring first.

Kane follows Braun.

Superstars in the ring to split them up.

Paul Heyman introduces Lesnar.

Heyman says Lesnar wants a fight.

Strowman attacks Kane from behind.

Lesnar clotheslines Strowman.

F5 by Lesnar on Kane.

Strowman throws Lesnar out of the ring.

Strowman throws Lesnar into the barricade.

Strowman slams Lesnar through a table.

Who will be at RAW 25 tonight?

Tonight sees WWE celebrate the 25th anniversary of Monday Night RAW!

The event sees legends of the past return, as long as the current superstars, from both RAW and Smackdown Live feature.

We are here to tell you the confirmed list of people at tonight’s show!

Before the event itself kicks off tonight, there will be a pre-show live on the WWE Network an hour beforehand, hosted by Renee Young, David Otunga, Sam Roberts and also Peter Rosenberg.

The following Superstars will appear at the event

Brother Love

Eric Bischoff

Harvey Wippleman

Howard Finkel

Jonathan Coachman


John Laurinaitis

Lilian Garcia

Teddy Long

Terri Runnels

The Bella Twins


The Brooklyn Brawler

Chris Jericho


D Generation X

The Dudley Boyz

The Godfather


Kelly Kelly

Maria Kanellis

Michelle McCool


The New Age Outlaws

Ric Flair

Ron Simmons

Scott Hall

The Million Dollar Man, Ted DiBiase

Torrie Wilson

Trish Stratus


William Regal

Stone Cold Steve Austin will also be at the event!

There will also be a special commentary team of Jim Ross and Jerry ‘The King’ Lawler.

It remains to be seen whether there are any more returnees, whilst the whole of the WWE Universe is hoping for a CM Punk return, no matter how unlikely that may seem.

John Cena is also likely to be there but he isn’t officially not under a WWE contract anymore, hence why he isn’t under the legends.

There will also be a few Smackdown Live superstars in attendance, with the likes of AJ Styles, Charlotte Flair, the New Day and more likely to be there.

And of course the whole of the current RAW roster will be on the show!

Roman Reigns will also be facing the Miz for the Intercontinental Title on the show.

Question – Who are you most looking forward to seeing back tonight?

Twitter – http://www.twitter.com/rawrestling

2011 Royal Rumble Match – The biggest Royal Rumble in history – Analysis & Thoughts!

Match Analysis

CM Punk is the first man out for the record 40-man Royal Rumble.

Punk was still a part of the Nexus at this point.

The core come out to attack Punk.

The Nexus come out to defend Punk.

Punk starts off against Daniel Bryan.

Justin Gabriel comes in third.

Bryan eliminates Gabriel.

Zack Ryder is the next man to enter.

Bryan eliminates Ryder.

William Regal enters next.

Ted DeBiase enters next.

John Morrison enters next.

DeBiase eliminates Regal.

Yoshi Tatsu enters next.

Husky Harris enters next.

Chavo Guerrero enters next.

Mark Henry enters next.

Henry eliminates Guerrero.

Henry eliminates Tatsu.

JTG is next to enter.

Michael McGullicuty enters next.

McGullicuty eliminates JTG.

Harris & McGullicuty eliminate DiBiase.

Chris Masters enters next.

David Otunga enters next.

Punk eliminates Bryan.

Punk eliminates Masters.

All members of the Nexus eliminate Morrison.

All members of the Nexus eliminate Henry.

Tyler Reks enters next.

Punk eliminates Reks.

Vladmir Kozlov enters next.

Punk eliminates Kozlov.

R-Truth enters next.

Punk eliminates Truth.

Great Khali enters next.

Khali eliminates Harris.

Mason Ryan enters next.

Ryan eliminates Khali.

Booker T enters next.

Ryan eliminates Booker.

John Cena enters next.

Cena eliminates Ryan.

Cena eliminates Otunga and McGullicuty.

Hornswoggle enters next.

Cena eliminates Punk.

Tyson Kidd enters next.

Cena eliminates Kidd, after he and Hornswoggle AA him.

Heath Slater enters next.

Cena eliminates Slater.

Kofi Kingston enters next.

Jack Swagger enters next.

Sheamus enters next.

Sheamus eliminates Hornswoggle.

Rey Mysterio enters next.

Mysterio eliminates Swagger.

Wade Barrett enters at 30.

Dolph Ziggler enters next.

Diesel enters next.

Drew McIntyre enters next.

Alex Riley is next to enter.

Diesel eliminated by Barrett.

Big Show enters next.

Alex Riley eliminated by Show.

Show eliminates Ziggler.

Show eliminates McIntyre.

Ezekiel Jackson enters next.

Jackson eliminates Show.

Santino Marella enters next.

Alberto Del Rio enters next.

Randy Orton enters next.

Orton eliminates Kingston.

Orton eliminates Sheamus.

Kane is the last entrant.

Kane eliminates Jackson.

Mysterio eliminates Kane.

Barrett eliminates Mysterio.

Miz eliminates Cena after a distraction by Riley.

Orton eliminates Barrett.

Del Rio eliminates Orton to win the 2011 Royal Rumble!

Marella is still in the match.

Del Rio eliminates Marella, and now he has won!


A pretty good Royal Rumble in all honesty. You can tell the eliminations were pretty quick as they tried to fit in all 40 competitors.

I like the part where Nexus dominated the most, as that showed they were a force to be reckoned with, but when it took one man to eliminate almost all of them it was pretty stupid booking.

Miz eliminating Cena could also set up future storylines.

Marella at the end was pretty funny, the whole crowd wanted him to win, but I liked that added comedy at the end.

Question – What are your thoughts on the 2011 Royal Rumble?


Defiant Wrestling – 06.01.18 – A new Women’s Number One Contender and a Title Match!

Show start with a re-cap of last week’s show, when the roster of IPW took over the company’s ring.

First out is one half of the Defiant tag-team champions, Jimmy Havoc.

Havoc is joined by some allies.

Havoc wants an explanation from IPW as to why they did what they did.

Mark Haskins leads to IWP group out.

Haskins says: “You must be wondering why we come here and beat the f*** out of every single one of you,” to which he gets the response: “Because youre a wanker!”

Havoc is a former IPW Champion, and he lets Haskins know that.

Haskins says Aries has signed a new contract at IPW.

Haskins says Stu Bennett wants Aries to be exclusive to Defiant.

Haskins: “We are going to burn this place to the ground,” greeted with a few loud boos.

Chris Ridgeway walks to the ring and asks for a title shot from Primate, but gets a headbutt instead.

Liam Slater is the first man to head to the ring as we prepare for the first match of the night.

His opponent it Gabriel Kidd.

Kidd attacks Slater before the bell starts.

Back-drop by Kidd on Slater.

Slater attacks Kidd from behind after a distraction.

Slater in control of the match since the attack from behind.

Kidd throws Slater off the top rope.

Kidd on top since getting Slater off the top rope.

Prince Ameen’s carpet is thrown into the ring, distracting Kidd.

Crucifix on Kid.

Slater wins after connecting with the newly named ‘Holy Headbutt’ from the top rope.

Now time for Women’s action, as Little Miss Roxy makes her way to the ring.

This will be a triple threat match, the commentators confirm.

Xia Brookside is next to head to the ring.

Millie McKenzie is the final competitor.

Match starts with a bit of pushing and shoving.

German suplex’s from McKenzie.

Roundhouse kick from Brookside, but the pinfall is broken up by McKenzie.

Spear by Brookside on McKenzie.

Brookside throws Roxxy off the top rope and wins the match!

David Starr is out for a singles match, next.

Chris Brookes is his opponent.

Starr attacks Brookes before the match begins.

When the bell does ring Starr goes for a cover, Brookes kicks out at two.

El Ligero, whose at ringside aiding Starr, trips Brookes up.

Cross-body to the corner by Starr.

Ligero continues to attack Brookes whilst the referee is distracted.

Brookes slams Starr’s head into the turnbuckle, and then kicks it.

El Ligero holds Brookes’ foot, then Starr tries to spear him and goes through the middle rope, but he hits El Ligero instead.

Starr DDT’s Brookes on the ring-apron.

Starr puts him back into the ring and delivers a clothesline.

Starr tries to roll up Brookes after he’s distracted by El Ligero, but as Brookes kicks out El Ligero collides with Starr and Brookes rolls Starr up for a three count.

Travis Banks comes out to save Brookes as the other two guys attack him.

Joe Hendry comes out and says: “We will do anything to remove you,” as he stands with El Ligero and Starr.

Joe Coffey then comes out and is threatened with a steal chair by the trio.

Coffey announces that next week it is Banks against Austin Aries for the Defiant Championship.

Chris Ridgeway comes out for the main event.

Primate heads to the ring with the Defiant Hardcore Championship.

Starts off with the two competitors trading blows.

Primate is thrown into the barriers.

Primate spears Ridgeway.

Ridgeway locks in a triangle hold, but Primate powers out of it.

Primate goes for a submission hold, and Ridgeway taps, according to the referee.

It appears the IPW guys feel he did not submit, however Primate retains the title.

WrestleKingdom 12 (WK12) – Chris Jericho v Kenny Omega – No Disqualification Match – IWGP United States Heavyweight Championship

The Young Bucks are with Kenny Omega as he heads to the ring.

Jericho isn’t a fan of Omega showing off pre-match.

Jericho attacks Omega from behind as he’s hugging the Young Bucks.

Jericho asking for the bell to be rung.

Omega starts on top.

Jericho uses the referee to gain an advantage.

Jericho improvises and locks Omega into the Walls of Jericho.

Omega kicks Jericho and he goes flying over the barricade and onto the announce table.

Omega tries to put Jericho through a table, but Jericho dodges and Omega goes through it instead.

Jericho attacks the referee, and his son locking the Walls of Jericho in on the latter.

Jericho throws a table over Omega, before sitting down.

Omega goes up a pole before double foot stomping on a table on top of Jericho.

Omega goes to springboard, but Jericho kicks the rope.

Jericho powerbombs Omega on the floor.

Jericho robs a camera and takes pictures of Omega, before taking pictures of him putting his finger up to the crows, before giving it back.

Dropkick by Jericho off the top rope, Omega kicks out at two.

Springboard by Jericho, Omega kicks out at two.

Omega dives over the top rope towards Jericho, and nails it!

Jericho locks the walls of Jericho in again.

Omega sprays something into Jericho’s eyes.

Jericho trips Omega into a chair earlier set up in the corner.

Jericho taunts the crowd.

Omega sent into the chair for about the fourth time.

Jericho continues to taunt the crowd.

Omega’s head is bleeding.

Succession of snapbacks by Omega.

Jericho hits Omega with a chair again.

Jericho has broken the chair.

Omega kicks Jericho off the top rope and through a table.

Jericho kicks out, and Omega and the crowd cannot believe it.

Jericho locks in the walls again. Omega eventually reaches the ropes.

Omega hits his finisher Jericho grabs the rope, everyone’s in disbelief! Including me!

Jericho gets dropped onto steel.

Jericho hits the codebreaker, Omega kicks out at two!

Omega hits his finisher onto a steel chair and wins!