WWE NXT Analysis – 14.03.18 – Sanity and the Street Profits progress, Women’s Championship Takeover Match made & UK Championship match!

Sanity head to the ring first.

They face Riddick Moss and Tino Sabbatelli.

Sabbatelli and Moss start the better of the teams. Moss accidentally hits Sabbatelli.

Sanity progress in the tournament, after Sabbatelli is left alone in the ring against Young and Wolfe.

Tommaso Ciampa now heads to the ring.

The crowd holds up Johnny Gargano signs, and sing his name.

Ciampa once again picks up a microphone yet doesn’t speak.

Crowd taunts Ciampa as he leaves.

Lacey Evans now heads to the ring.

She faces Dakota Kai.

Evans goes after Kai’s injured arm.

Kai gets the win quickly, after rolling Evans up.

Shayna Baszler now comes out.

Ember Moon comes out to save Kai.

Moon starts to beat up Baszler.

The fight is back and forth, until Kai kciks Baszler’s head and Moon hits her Eclipse off the top rope.

Street Profits v Heavy Machinery up next.

Street Profits head to the ring first. Followed by their opponents.

Ford retreats for a drink, and then lets Dozovic have one too.

Dawkins is held up on the rope, and they throw Ford into him.

Ford hits a frog splash off the top rope to get the win for the Street Profits.

Adam Cole v Pete Dunne up next.

Cole is accompanied by Bobby Fish and Kyle O’Reilly.

Brutal opening to the match.

Dunne is about to win a great match, bu the Undisputed Era attack Dunne before he can further hurt Cole.

Roderick Strong comes out to help Dunne.

Dunne and Strong clear the ring together.

Strong offers Dunne a handshake, but Dunne slaps him on the back instead.

William Regal is now stood in the middle of the ring.

Aleister Black now heads to the ring.

Zelina Vega comes out rather than Andrade Cien Almas.

Vega gets angry because Black will not listen to her.

Black sits down and says: “At least now we are on the same level.”

Vega signs the contract, and then slaps Black.

Black then signs the contract.

Candice LeRae now attacks Vega.

Bulldog out of the corner by LeRae.


WWE NXT Analysis – 28.02.18 – Baszler v Sane, Adam Cole in action & huge match made for next week!

We are seeing highlights of last week’s show.

Velveteen Dream out first.

Tyler Bate is his opponent.

Grapple game early on.

Bate dropkicks Dream.

Bate toying with Dream so far.

Backbreaker by Dream.

Elbow drop by Dream, Bate kicks out at two.

Double axe handle off the top rope by Dream to Bate’s back, kickout at two.

Flying kick by Bate to Dream.

Running uppercut in the corner by Bate.

Suplex by Bate.

Airplane spin by Bate, with Dream on his shoulders.

Clothesline by Bate, after he jumped back off the ropes.

Spinebuster by Dream, Bate kicks out at two.

Succession of European uppercuts by Bate.

Both opponents accidentally headbutt each others.

Bate dropkicks Dream on the top rope.

Dream hits his finisher off the top rope and gets the win.

Adam Cole facing Cezar Bononi next.

Bononi heads to the ring first.

Followed by Cole.

Bobby Fish and Kyle O’Reilly are alongside him.

Crowd chanting for Cole.

Cole gets a microphone.

Cole asks everyone to give NXT breakout star of the year a round of applause.

Cole wants Bononi in the Undisputed Era.

Cole then attacks him.

Boot to the face by Bononi to Cole.

Bononi slams Cole.

Fish and O’Reilly distract Bononi.

Superkick by Cole.

Knee to the back of the head by Cole, which gets him the win.

Kairi Sane heads to the ring.

She faces Shayna Baszler.

Shoulder tackle by Baszler.

Headlock by Baszler.

Kick to the head by Baszler.

Knees to the face by Baszler.

Jumping knee to the head by Baszler.

Jumping knee in the corner by Baszler.

Baszler bending Sane’s arm.

Spear by Sane.

Elbow to Baszler who was sat in the corner.

Sane jumps and lands on Baszler off the top rope.

Baszler locks Sane into a submission and gets the win.

Andrade Cien Almas and Zelina Vega up next.

They now head to the ring.

Vega says she called Almas ‘Mr 4-0’

Almas says everyone in NXT knows he is ‘El idolo’

Almas says he made Gargano ‘Johnny Jobless’

Aleister Black now comes out.

Crowd chanting ‘Aleister’

Killian Dain now comes out.

The two fight.

Dain delivers a cross body to Black.


WWE NXT Analysis – 07.02.18 – Johnny Gargano gets another NXT Championship Match, at a cost, Sanity v The Undisputed Era & Bianca Belair!

The Undisputed Era open the show.

Adam Cole joins them.

Sanity attack the Undisputed Era from behind.

Security break up the brawl.

Crowd chant: “Let them fight!”

Undisputed Era retreat.

William Regal comes out.

He announces tonight it is all of Sanity against all of the Undisputed Era in a tornado tag-team match.

Heavy Machinery out next.

They face Tino Sabbatelli and Riddick Moss.

Moss beatsdown Knight in his corner.

Dropkick by Sabbatelli.

Moss isn’t happy as Sabbatelli slaps him into the match.

Moss returns the favour.

Dozovic beatsdown both Sabbatelli and Moss.

Elbow drop by Dozovic, Moss breaks the pin up at two.

Sabbatelli goes for the pin but the referee sees him leveraging on the ropes.

Heavy Machinery get the win after a double team move.

Moss walks away from Sabbatelli after the match.

Johnny Gargano up next.

Crowd is very much in favour of him.

They chant his name.

Gargano is happy with the reaction from the crowd.

He says he earned their respect.

Andrade Cien Almas interrupts Gargano.

Zelina Vega joins him.

Vega calls Gargano a loser.

Crowd wants Candice LeRae.

LeRae comes out to the ring.

LeRae pushes Vega over.

Gargano pushes Almas over.

Gargano will leave NXT if he cannot beat Almas for the NXT Championship.

Bianca Belair is competing next.

She faces a local competitor.

The two shake hands before the match.

Belair doesn’t let go of her hand.

Belair throws the competitor off her shoulders.

Powerbomb by Belair gets her the win within 30 seconds.

Sanity enters first for the main event.

Followed by the Undisputed Era.

Sanity attack the Undisputed Era again before the bell.

Cole and Young now in the ring as the others brawl outside.

Wolfe drops Fish onto a table.

Sanity bring out the weapons.

Wolfe attacks O’Reilly with a steel chair.

Cole throws Young into the steel steps.

Double knees off the apron by O’Reilly to Wolfe.

Dain and Fish now in the ring whilst the others brawl backstage.

Fish gets a kendo stick.

Dain grabs it out of his hand.

A punch by Dain knocks Fish over.

Dain throws Fish off the top of the stage and into all of the competitors.

Dain now beating Cole down in the ring.

Kick to the head by Cole on Dain.

Wolfe then powerbombs Cole, O’Reilly breaks up the pin.

Fish and O’Reilly now team up on Wolfe.

Dain pins Fish, but Cole superkicks him.

Elbow off the top rope by Young.

Superkick by Young on Cole.

Suplex by Wolfe on O’Reilly.

Samoan drop by Fish on Wolfe.

Clothesline by Dain on Fish.

Dain sentons through the table after Cole moved out of the way.

O’Reilly accidentally kicks Fish.

Double uppercut by Wolfe.

Superkick by Cole.

Double team move by Fish and O’Reilly.

Young breaks it up with a kendo stick.

Superkick by Cole stops Young.

Triple clothesline by Dain.

Dropkick senton combo by Dain.

Dain hits his finisher on Fish and gets the win.


WWE NXT Analysis – 31.01.18 – Nikki Cross wins, TM-61 return & Strong v Bate!

We start the show with a recap of NXT Takeover.

Nikki Cross opens the show.

Lacey Evans is her opponent.

Cross traps Evans in the side of the ring, and begins her beatdown on Evans.

Evans throws Cross off the top rope.

Evans beats down Cross in the middle of the ring.

Evans attacks Cross in the corner.

Evans goes for the moonsault, but Cross rolls out of the way.

Swinging fisherman’s neckbreaker by Cross, and it gets her the win.

We are getting a re-cap of Shayna Baszler v Ember Moon at Takeover.

Now we are seeing highlights of Aleister Black v Adam Cole.

NXT tag-team title match next week between Sanity and the Undisputed Era.

TM-61 return after the break.

They Ealy Brothers are their opponents.

Moonsault by Thorne.

Thorne moonsaults over the top rope towards both brothers.

Back to back clotheslines in the corner by the Ealy brothers on Miller.

Clotheslines by Miller.

Thorne dropkicks both brothers in the corner.

Moonsault off the top rope by Miller.

Tag-team move by TM-61, and they get the win on their return.

We are now seeing highlights of Gargano v Almas.

We are now seeing how EC3 returned to NXT.

Now Cole entering the rumble, Almas too.

Roderick Strong now makes his way to the ring.

Tyler Bate now heads to the ring.

Grapple game early on.

Dropkick by Bate.

Bate has Strong on his shoulders and spins him around.

Backbreaker by Strong.

Kick to the head by Strong.

Strong throws Bate into the turnbuckle.

Submission hold by Strong on Bate.

Sucker punch by Bate.

Boot to the face by Bate.

Knee to the back of the neck by Bate.

Suplex by Bate, Strong escapes at two.

Standing shooting star press by Bate, Strong escapes at two.

Backbreaker by Strong, Bate escapes at two.

Clothesline by Bate, Strong escapes at two,

Knee to the head by Strong.

Strong hits his finisher, and he will face Pete Dunne for the UK Championship.


NXT Takeover: Philadelphia – Aleister Black v Adam Cole – No Disqualification Match – Analysis

Black enters first.

Followed by Cole.

Cole gets a steel chair.

Black ducks under the chair and kicks Cole, who slides out of the ring.

Black puts the chair down and sits on it in the middle of the ring.

Cole gets a few weapons out from under the ring.

Cole throws Black into the barricade.

Cole gets a kendo stick out.

As does Black.

They meet in the ring with their kendo sticks.

Black throws his away, then tells Cole to bring it on.

Cole hits Black in the chest with the kendo stick as he is doing a moonsault.

Cole tries to choke Black out with the kendo stick.

Backstabber on Black with the kendo stick, he kicks out at two.

Cole gets out the tables after the crowd asks for them.

Black throws Cole off the top rope and onto a garbage can.

Running kneestrike by Black, Cole kicks out at two.

Black now gets a table out.

He puts it alongside Cole’s table at ringside.

Black gets a ladder out.

Cole dropkicks the ladder Black is holding.

Step up enzaguri by Cole.

Cole yells out ‘ADAM COLE BAYBAY’ the crowd join in.

Black throws Cole into the ladder set up into the corner.

Cole attended to by the medical staff.

Cole hits Black with a steel chair.

Double feet to the guy by Black.

Superkick by Cole to Black through a steel chair on the top rope, and Black falls through the two tables at ringside.

Cole pins Black, but he kicks out at two.

Backdrop by Black to Cole on two steel chairs, that looked painful!

Black dropkicks Cole, whilst Cole held a chair.

The Undisputed Era attack Black.




Superkick by Cole.

Black kicks Cole through a steel chair to get the win!

NXT Takeover: Philadelphia – Aleister Black v Adam Cole – Prediction

Who Wins?

Another very tight match, but I’m going for Black.


I think this will be the match of the night.

Black always seems to have special matches at Takeover’s.

They will also want to book Cole somewhat strongly too, so he can be an NXT Champion in the future.

I can see this match lasting the best part of half an hour, given there aren’t a lot of matches on the show for the amount of time there is.

There will most likely be some form of interference, given that Cole is part of a heel faction.

Think Black will eventually hit the Black Mass that will get him the win.

Question – Who do you think will win this match?

Twitter – http://www.twitter.com/rawrestling


2015 Royal Rumble Match – The start of WWE’s new Golden Boy? – Analysis & Thoughts!

Match Analysis

The Miz and R-Truth begin the match.

Bubba Ray Dudley enters next.

D by Truth and Dudley.

Dudley eliminates Truth.

Dudley eliminates Truth.

Luke Harper enters next.

Bray Wyatt enters next.

Wyatt eliminates Dudley.

Curtis Axel was meant to enter next but Erick Rowan attacks him from behind.

Rowan eliminates Harper.

Wyatt eliminates Rowan.

The Boogeyman enters next.

Wyatt eliminates Boogeyman.

Sin Cara enters next.

Wyatt eliminates Cara.

Zack Ryder enters next.

Wyatt eliminates Ryder.

Daniel Bryan enters next.

Fandango enters next.

Tyson Kidd enters next.

Stardust enters next.

Bryan eliminates Kidd.

DDP enters next.

Rusev enters next.

Rusev eliminates DDP.

Rusev eliminates Fandango.

Wyatt eliminates Bryan.

Goldust enters next.

Kofi Kingston enters next.

Adam Rose enters next.

Rusev eliminates Rose.

Rusev eliminates Kingston.

Roman Reigns is next to enter.

Reigns eliminates Goldust.

Reigns eliminates Stardust.

Big E enters next.

Damien Sandow enters next.

Rusev eliminates Sandow.

Jack Swagger enters next.

Ryback enters next.

Kane enters next.

Dean Ambrose enters next.

Titus O’Neil enters next.

Reigns and Ambrose eliminate O’Neil.

Wade Barrett enters next.

Cesaro enters next.

Rusev eliminates Big E.

Big Show is the penultimate competitor.

Kane and Show eliminate Ryback.

Show eliminates Swagger.

Dolph Ziggler enters last.

Ziggler eliminates Barrett.

Ziggler eliminates Cesaro.

Show and Kane eliminate Ziggler.

Show eliminates Wyatt.

Kane and Show eliminate Ambrose.

Reigns eliminates Kane and show to win!

The Rock turns up to save Reigns after the match.

Rusev comes back in as he wasn’t eliminated.

Reigns eliminates Rusev.

My Thoughts

You can tell that the WWE Universe clearly weren’t happy with the decision to let Reigns win this Rumble.

There was a severe lack of top stars in this match. I don’t remember seeing Cena, Orton, Rollins, Sheamus and a lot more.

I get the feeling this is where Reigns’ push started to happen, and you can tell the WWE Universe felt that too.

24.01.18 – WWE NXT Analysis – AOP crush their opponents, No Way Jose returns & Gargano takes on Velveteen Dream!

The show starts with the Velveteen Dream in a pre-recorded promo.

Dream says Gargano’s dream will be over.

The show is opened by No Way Jose.

His opponent is Cezar Bononi.

Shoulder block by Jose.

Armbar by Jose.

Dropkick by Bononi.

Powerslam by Bononi, Jose kicks out at two.

Clotheslines by Jose.

Powerslam by Jose.

Knockout punch by Jose, that gets him the win.

We now have a pre recorded clip of Aleister Black.

It appears it is to hype up his match with Adam Cole for Saturday night.

Bianca Belair is the next person to head to the ring,

She faces an un-named competitor.

Shoulder tackle by Belair.

Backbreaker by Belair.

Belair throws her opponent faces first into the ground.

Belair hits her opponent with a ponytail as she jumped off the top rope.

Powerbomb gets Belair the win.

Shayna Baszler and Ember Moon have a backstage interview.

Moon says Baszler won’t be champion.

Baszler says she will walk away with that title at Takeover.

Baszler walks out of the interview.

We are now seeing TM-61’s second part of the clip that was started last week on NXT.

We see highlights of Thorne’s injury.

TM-61 return to the ring next week.

AOP now make their way to the ring.

They are led by Paul Ellering.

AOP face in-named opponents.

Double death valley drivers into the corners.

AOP delivering a promo.

Super collider by AOP.

Johnny Gargano v Velveteen Dream up next.

Gargano heads to the ring first.

Followed by Dream.

Dream is wearing a Johnny Wrestling shirt.

Crowd chanting Velveteen’s name.

Now the crowd chanting: “Johnny Wrestling, Velveteen!” Back and forth.

Grapple game early on.

Gargano locks a submission in on Dream, who scurries to the ropes.

Cannonball senton by Gargano to Dream off the apron.

Swinging neckbreaker off the middle rope by Dream.

Dream throws Gargano onto the barricade.

Succession of chops by Gargano.

Step in enzugurhi by Gargano.

Gargano face plants Dream off the top rope, Dream kicks out at two.

Superkick by Dream, followed up by a rebound lariat by Gargano.

Kick to the head by Gargano.

DDT by Dream, Gargano kicks out at two.

Gargano hits Dream off the top rope.

Gargano dives towards Dream outside the ring.

Dream now pushes Gargano off the top rope.

Dream jumps off the top rope with Gargano on his shoulders, Gargano kicks out at two.

Gargano puts his knee into Dream’s elbow as Dream jumped off the top rope.

Superkick by Gargano.

Dream taps out to Gargano’s submission, and he is the number one contender for the NXT Title at Takeover!

Andrade Cien Almas comes out.

Zelina Vega accompanies him.

Almas tries a blind-sight attack on Gargano.

Eventually Almas hits Gargano to the matt.

Almas throws Gargano out of the ring.

Gargano kicks Almas.

DDT off the top rope by Gargano.

Gargano picks up the NXT Title.


18.01.18 – WWE NXT Analysis – Two NXT Title matches made for Takeover & Strong returns to winning ways

Mauro Ranallo, Nigel McGuiness and Percy Watson welcome us into the show.

Heavy Machinery open the show.

They will face Riddick Moss and Tino Sabatelli.

Dozovic outpowers Sabbatelli.

Dozovic squashes Sabbatelli in the corner.

Tucker Knight is throwing Sabbatelli around the ring.

Knight playing the grapple game.

Knight does the same thing to Moss that he did to Sabbatelli.

Elbow drop by Dozovic, Sabbatelli breaks up the pin at two.

Grapple game by Moss.

Moss pins Knight by putting both of his feet on the rope, the referee doesn’t see it and counts three.

Dozovic and Knight aren’t happy.

Pre-recorded segment with the Undisputed Era.

They are discussing their matches at the upcoming NXT Takeover.

Roderick Strong faces Fabian Aichner up next.

Before that we are seeing how Cole’s match with Aleister Black came about.

Strong out first.

Followed by Aichner.

Aichner shoulder barges Strong onto the matt.

Dropkick by Strong.

Power on display by Aichner.

Strong beats Aichner up whilst he is trapped in the corner.

Backbreaker by Aichner.

Aichner goes for a springboard, Strong catches him with a half-Nelson backbreaker.

Aichner taps out after a submission attempt by Strong.

Strong says he wants to face Lars Sullivan.

Mick Miller and Shane Thorne (TM-61) do a pre-recorded promo.

Aliyah is out next.

She faces Lacey Evans.

Lots of pin attempts early on.

Evans trying to bully Aliyah.

Slightshot elbow drop over the top rope by Evans.

Evans jumps off the top rope onto Aliyah who is underneath her.

Clothesline off the top rope by Aliyah.

Evans knocks Aliyah out, and pins her to get the win.

Evans says she wants better competition.

Shayna Baszler interrupts Evans.

Baszler attacks Aliyah instead.

Ember Moon comes out to save Aliyah.

Baszler walks off smiling.

Moon wants to fight Baszler.

It appears that Baszler v Moon for the NXT Women’s Title has just been made for NXT Takeover.

William Regal announces that will be a match for NXT Takeover.

Zelina Vega tries to make Andrade Almas’ match against Johnny Gargano at NXT Takeover a triple threat, that includes the Velveteen Dream.

No Way Jose announces that he will compete next week.

Johnny Gargano is now making his way to the ring.

Gargano says he is done being doubted.

Gargano says this is his time.

Gargano says he will fight Dream next week, putting his NXT Title match on the line.

Gargano says he is the next NXT Champion.

The crowd is fully behind him.

Street Profits now out for their match against the Authors of Pain.

Paul Ellering leads to Street Profits to the ring.

Heated discussion between the two teams before the match begins.

Akam shoulder-barges Ford.

AOP beat Ford up whilst he is hung up on the top rope.

Ford kicks out at two as Akam throws him across the ring.

AOP dominating the match thus far.

Dawkins drop kicks Rezar.

Uppercut by Dawkins on Akam.

Signiture finisher by AOP.

AOP work together and pin Ford to become the new number one contenders.


10.01.18 – WWE NXT Analysis – Tag-Team Title Match, Lars is the NXT Strowman and Baszler breaks an arm!

Show opens with the Undisputed Era telling the WWE universe who they are, pre taped promo.

Mauro Ranallo, Percy Watson and Nigel McGuiness tell us what to expect on the show tonight.

Shayna Baszler first to the ring.

We see highlights of Baszler attacking her opponent for tonight whilst at the Performance Centre.

Dakota Kai is her opponent.

Baszler shows off her strength early on.

Baszler tries several submissions, unsuccessfully.

Baszler stands on Kai’s hands.

Match is ended early as Baszler injured Kai’s left arm with a stomp.

Looks a legitimately bad injury too.

Baszler then knocks Kai out after locking her in a submission.

Ember Moon comes out to help Kai.

Baszler gets out of the ring.

Authors of Pain now with a backstage segement.

Kassius Ohno against Raul Mendoza up next.

Baszler gets told by William Regal: “Attacking people from behind won’t get you an NXT Women’s Title Match.”

Ohno now on his way out.

Mendoza now on his way out.

Handshake between the competitors pre-match.

Several pin attempts early on.

Ohno throws Mendoza off the top rope, Mendoza delivers an Oklahoma roll.

Kick to the face by Ohno.

Victory roll by Mendoza, Ohno kicks out at two.

Senton by Ohno, Mendoza kicks out at two.

Arm drag by Mendoza.

Springboard by Mendoza, Ohno kicks out at two.

Elbow to the back of the head by Ohno, and he gets the win.

Backstage interview by Zelina Vega.

Vega says Gargano got lucky.

Gargano now doing a backstage interview.

Gargano is interrupted by Velveteen Dream.

Dream says he deserves to be the number one contender.

Now the Street Profits are dancing backstage.

The meet William Regal.

Next week there will be a number one contenders match for the NXT Tag-Team titles, the street profits v authors of pain.

Lio Rush set to face Lars Sullivan.

Rush out first.

Followed by an angry Sullivan.

Sullivan goes to hit Rush in the corner but misses.

Rush avoiding all Sullivan’s shots early on.

Sullivan catches Rush, chokes him and throws him onto the top rope.

Sullivan goes into the ringpost, after Rush dodges him as Sullivan’s running at him.

It happens again.

Sullivan clotheslines Rush, who goes flying.

Sullivan hits his finisher, and wins.

Sullivan now on the mic.

Sullivan wants a match with Killian Dain.

Sullivan attacks Rush again.

Sullivan slams Rush off the top rope.

We go backstage, where the Undisputed Era are attacking SAnitY.

Undisputed Era now heading to the ring.

Crows responds to: “Adam Cole BayBay,” per usual.

The trio are acting like SAnitY are lost.

Nikki Cross is trying to avenge what happened to the rest of SAnitY.

Crows chanting for Cross.

Regal now comes out.

Roderick Strong now comes out.

Aleister Black comes out too.

Strong and Black are going to team up.

Black and Strong layout all three members of the Era.

Strong and Black to challenge for the NXT Championships.

Match was made after Undisputed Era took SAnitY out.

Strong dropkicks the duo through the ropes.

Black on top of the match so far.

Strong kicks Kyle O’Reilly after Black dodges him.

Bobby Fish kicks Black whilst the referee is distracted, crowd booing.

Fish and O’Reilly trap Black in their corner.

Flash tags by O’Reilly and Fish to one another.

Succession of kicks in the corner to Black by the duo.

Fish trying to submit Black, who fights out.

Black knees Fish in the head.

Strong dropkicks O’Reilly

Step-up knee strike in the corner by Strong.

Knee to the head by Strong on O’Reilly.

Black kicks Fish into the steel steps.

Adam Cole attacked Black from behind.

O’Reilly pins Strong after Cole’s distraction.

Black is shocked.

Black isn’t happy, as he kicks Fish and O’Reilly.

Black goes into the ringpost trying to attack one of the trio.

Now the trio beatdown Black.

Cole throws Black onto a steel chair.

Regal announces announces at NXT Takeover, Cole’s match with Black is now an extreme rules match.



10.01.18 – NXT Tag-Team Titles – Roderick Strong & Aleister Black v The Undisputed Era

Match was made after Undisputed Era took SAnitY out.

Strong dropkicks the duo through the ropes.

Black on top of the match so far.

Strong kicks Kyle O’Reilly after Black dodges him.

Bobby Fish kicks Black whilst the referee is distracted, crowd booing.

Fish and O’Reilly trap Black in their corner.

Flash tags by O’Reilly and Fish to one another.

Succession of kicks in the corner to Black by the duo.

Fish trying to submit Black, who fights out.

Black knees Fish in the head.

Strong dropkicks O’Reilly

Step-up knee strike in the corner by Strong.

Knee to the head by Strong on O’Reilly.

Black kicks Fish into the steel steps.

Adam Cole attacked Black from behind.

O’Reilly pins Strong after Cole’s distraction.

Black is shocked.

Black isn’t happy, as he kicks Fish and O’Reilly.

Black goes into the ringpost trying to attack one of the trio.

Now the trio beatdown Black.

Cole throws Black onto a steel chair.

Regal announces announces at NXT Takeover, Cole’s match with Black is now an extreme rules match.


A good, fast paced match. I would have preferred Black and Strong to win, however it was always going to be a longshot given how strong they want to make the Undisputed Era look.


03.01.18 – The Best of NXT 2017 Analysis – Drew McIntyre and Adam Cole’s unseen before match, plus the full year review

The show will be hosted by Mike Rome and Kayla Braxton.

Shows opens telling us there’s awards and a big announcement out tonight.

Shows a re-cap of Shinsuke Nakamura v Bobby Roode, and their match the night before the Royal Rumble in January.

The majority of the beginning was focused on Nakamura and his feuds whilst in NXT.

Seems that Drew McIntyre arriving it next up.

Next up is the tag-team title match between the Authors of Pain and DIY.

Next up it is highlights o Bobby Roode against Drew McIntyre.

We now get to see Bobby Fish and Kyle O’Reilly distract McIntyre, before Adam Cole attacks him from behind.

We have now moved onto the Aleister Black and Velveteen Dream feud.

Next up is the never before seen match between Mc Intyre and Cole from San Antonio, referees by Shaun Michaels.

Fish and O’Reilly are removed from ringside by Michaels.

Crowd signing: “Hey, hey, hey goodbye,” to the Undisputed Era.

McIntyre goes shoulder first into the ring-post, after Cole dodges him.

Sit up Power-bomb by McIntyre, Cole kicks out at two.

Avalanche Celtic Cross by McIntyre off the top rope, Cole kicks out at two.

Back to back Shining Wizards by Cole, McIntyre kicks out at two.

Cole goes for sweet chin music, McIntyre reverses into the future shock DDT, Cole kicks out at two.

Michaels looks shocked.

Cole super-kicked Michaels, McIntyre hits his Claymore but there’s no referee.

When Michaels does recover, Fish and O’Reilly pull him out of the ring and proceed to beating McIntyre up.

Michaels then sweet chin music’s O’Reilly.

After the chaos ends, McIntyre hits the Claymore to retain the belt.

We then move onto seeing Andrade Cien Almas beating McIntyre for the title.

Now we go into an interview with Almas and Zelina Vega.

Asuka is up next.

From the former Women’s Champion to the Iconic Duo, Peyton Royce and Billie Kay.

Must be for the rest of the women, as Lacey Evans is next.

Kairi Sane and Bianxca Belair are the next two.

Vannessa Bourne and Shayna Basler are the final two.

Its announced Shayna Baszler will make her official debut net week against an in-named opponent.

Next up is the War Games match, arguably match of the year.

Johnny Gargano interview is up next.

First we get to see Ciampa’s heel turn on Gargano.

And now we are looking at the fatal four-way that occurred last week, must be building up to the interview instead.

Aleister Black will fight Adam Cole at NXT Takeover, Philadelphia.

Now time for the interview.

Women’s Champion, Ember Moon is up next.

The categories for the NXT awards as announced.


Ember Moon interview is now underway.

That’s the end of the show!

Question – Who do you think will be the breakout star in NXT in 2018?

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