NXT Takeover: Philadelphia – Andrade ‘Cien’ Almas v Johnny Gargano – NXT Championship Match – Analysis

Zelina Vega accompanies Almas to the ring.

Gargano is alone as he comes out.

Grapple game early on.

Candice LeRae sat at ringside.

Still a grapple game.

Head scissors by Gargano.

Followed by a dropkick.

Submission attempt now by Gargano.

Chop by Almas drops Gargano.

Hurricanrana off the top rope by Gargano.

Gargano goes for a senton off the apron, but misses Almas and hits the floor.

Dropkick to the head by Almas.

Submission hold by Almas.

Chinlock by Almas.

Kick to the head by Gargano.

Gargano throws Almas into the turnbuckle.

Punch for punch in the middle of the ring.

Slingshot spear by Gargano, Almas kicks out at two.

Facebuster by Almas, Gargano kicks out at two.

Moonsault by Almas turns into a standing moonsault, Gargano kicks out at two.

Punch for punch again.

Superkick by Gargano, Almas kicks out at two.

Knee to the head by Almas.

Superkick by Gargano to Almas who is hung up on the top rope.

Double kness in the corner by Almas.

Inverted tornado DDT by Almas, Gargano kicks out at two.

DDT on the apron by Gargano.

Gargano finally gets Almas back into the ring, but Almas kicks out at two.

Clothesline by Gargano.

Gargano throws Almas into the turnbuckle.

Almas dropkicks Gargano into the corner.

Superkick by Gargano, Almas kicks out at two.

Double stomp by Almas off the top rope to Gargano.

Almas beating Gargano up outside the ring.

Double knees to the corner by Almas, Gargano kicks out at two.

Crowd chanting: “Fight forever.”

Reverse Hurricanrana by Gargano.

Vega gets caught trying to help Almas out.

Gargano throws Almas over the top rope.

Gargano jumps onto Almas through the middle rope.

Vega hurricanrana’s Gargano into the steel steps.

Gargano kicks out, THIS IS UNREAL.

LeRae attacks Vega.

DDT by Gargano, Almas kicks out at two.

Gargano locks in his submission, but Almas reaches the ropes.

Almas pushes Gargano into the steel ring post.

Double knees on the ring post by Almas on Gargano.

Almas hits his finisher off the top rope and gets the win, amazing match.


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